Gong Cheng(程塨)
Gong Cheng(程塨)
在 nwpu.edu.cn 的电子邮件经过验证 - 首页
Remote Sensing Image Scene Classification: Benchmark and State of the Art
G Cheng, J Han, X Lu
Proceedings of the IEEE 105 (10), 1865-1883, 2017
Learning rotation-invariant convolutional neural networks for object detection in VHR optical remote sensing images
G Cheng, P Zhou, J Han
IEEE transactions on geoscience and remote sensing 54 (12), 7405-7415, 2016
A survey on object detection in optical remote sensing images
G Cheng, J Han
ISPRS journal of photogrammetry and remote sensing 117, 11-28, 2016
Object detection in optical remote sensing images: a survey and a new benchmark
K Li, G Wan, G Cheng, L Meng, J Han
ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 159, 296-307, 2020
When deep learning meets metric learning: remote sensing image scene classification via learning discriminative CNNs
G Cheng, C Yang, X Yao, L Guo, J Han
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 56 (5), 2811-2821, 2018
Object detection in optical remote sensing images based on weakly supervised learning and high-level feature learning
J Han, D Zhang, G Cheng, L Guo, J Ren
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 53 (6), 3325-3337, 2015
Multi-class geospatial object detection and geographic image classification based on collection of part detectors
G Cheng, J Han, P Zhou, L Guo
ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 98, 119-132, 2014
Remote sensing image scene classification meets deep learning: challenges, methods, benchmarks, and opportunities
G Cheng, X Xie, J Han, L Guo, GS Xia
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote …, 2020
Advanced deep-learning techniques for salient and category-specific object detection: a survey
J Han, D Zhang, G Cheng, N Liu, D Xu
IEEE Signal Processing Magazine 35 (1), 84-100, 2018
Oriented R-CNN for Object Detection
X Xie, G Cheng, J Wang, X Yao, J Han
IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), 3520-3529, 2021
Learning rotation-invariant and Fisher discriminative convolutional neural networks for object detection
G Cheng, J Han, P Zhou, D Xu
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 28 (1), 265-278, 2019
Rotation-insensitive and context-augmented object detection in remote sensing images
K Li, G Cheng, S Bu, X You
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 56 (4), 2337-2348, 2018
Semantic annotation of high-resolution satellite images via weakly supervised learning
X Yao, J Han, G Cheng, X Qian, L Guo
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 54 (6), 3660-3671, 2016
Remote sensing image scene classification using bag of convolutional features
G Cheng, Z Li, X Yao, L Guo, Z Wei
IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters 14 (10), 1735-1739, 2017
Effective and efficient midlevel visual elements-oriented land-use classification using VHR remote sensing images
G Cheng, J Han, L Guo, Z Liu, S Bu, J Ren
IEEE transactions on geoscience and remote sensing 53 (8), 4238-4249, 2015
Dual-aligned oriented detector
G Cheng, Y Yao, S Li, K Li, X Xie, J Wang, X Yao, J Han
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 60, 5618111, 2022
Exploring hierarchical convolutional features for hyperspectral image classification
G Cheng, Z Li, J Han, X Yao, L Guo
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 56 (11), 6712-6722, 2018
Weakly supervised object localization and detection: a survey
D Zhang, J Han, G Cheng, MH Yang
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 44 (9), 5866-5885, 2022
Automatic landslide detection from remote-sensing imagery using a scene classification method based on BoVW and pLSA
G Cheng, L Guo, T Zhao, J Han, H Li, J Fang
International Journal of Remote Sensing 34 (1), 45-59, 2013
Learning compact and discriminative stacked autoencoder for hyperspectral image classification
P Zhou, J Han, G Cheng, B Zhang
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 57 (7), 4823-4833, 2019
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