Korea Arboreta and Gardens Institute
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The change of seedling emergence of Abies koreana and altitudinal species composition in the subalpine area of Mt. Jiri over short-term (2015-2017)
JD Kim, GE Park, J Lim, CW Yun
Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology 32 (3), 313-322, 2018
Phytosociological community type classification and flora of vascular plants for the forest vegetation of Daecheongbong area in Mt. Seorak
JD Kim, GE Park, JH Lim, CW Yun
Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science 106 (2), 130-149, 2017
Vegetation type classification and endemic-rare plants investigation in forest vegetation area distributed by vulnerable species to climate Change, Mt. Jiri
JD Kim, GE Park, JH Lim, CW Yun
Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science 107 (2), 113-125, 2018
Dynamics of Abies nephrolepis Seedlings in Relation to Environmental Factors in Seorak Mountain, South Korea
JD Kim, JH Lim, CW Yun
Forests 10 (8), 702, 2019
The character of community structure and distribution for Thuja koraiensis Nakai, South Korea
JG Byeon, KI Cheon, DH Lee, TI Heo, JW Lee, JD Kim, BJ Park
Korean Journal of Plant Resources 33 (2), 93-105, 2020
Characteristics of environmental factors and vegetation community of Zabelia tyaihyonii (Nakai) Hisauti & H. Hara among the target plant species for conservation in Baekdudaegan
JD Kim, HJ Lee, DH Lee, JG Byeon, BJ Park, TI Heo
Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science 111 (2), 201-223, 2022
The complete chloroplast genome of Polygala tenuifolia, a critically endangered species in Korea
DH Lee, WB Cho, BJ Park, JD Kim, JG Byeon
Mitochondrial DNA Part B 5 (2), 1919-1920, 2020
Species Composition Dynamics and Seedling Density Along Altitudinal Gradients in Coniferous Forests of Seorak Mountain
JD Kim, SY Byeon, JH Song, SB Chae, HJ Kim, JE Lee, IS Yun, CW Yun
Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science 109 (2), 115-123, 2020
Distribution and Stand Dynamics of Subalpine Conifer Species (Abies nephrolepis, A. koreana, and Picea jezoensis) in Baekdudaegan Protected Area
GE Park, ES Kim, SC Jung, C Yun, J Kim, J Kim, J Kim, JH Lim
Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science 111 (1), 61-71, 2022
A study on correlation between species composition and environmental factors in Abies koreana forest
BJ Park, JD Kim, JW Lee, S wan Cho, T Im Heo, DH Lee, JG Byeon
Korean Journal of Plant Resources 34 (2), 144-155, 2021
A Flora of Vascular Plants in Mt. Munsusan, Bonghwa
HJ Lee, JG Byeon, TI Heo, JD Kim, BJ Park, DH Lee, JW Lee
Korean Journal of Plant Resources 34 (6), 633-660, 2021
Forest Stand Structure of Abies nephrolepis Population in Mt. Hwangbyeong
BJ Park, JW Lee, JD Kim, TI Heo, DH Lee, JH Lee, GB Nam, HJ Kim, ...
Journal of Agriculture and Life Science 54 (3), 34-45, 2020
The species range‐size patterns for vascular plants of Seorak Mountain (Korea): Relationship between group of life forms and phytogeography affinity along the elevational gradient
MH Lee, JH Song, SY Byeon, JE Lee, HJ Kim, SB Chae, CW Yun, JD Kim
Ecology and Evolution 11 (18), 12872-12881, 2021
Successional Trends and Vegetation Types in the Baramjae Area of Baekdudaegan
JD Kim, JW Lee, BJ Park, HJ Lee, DH Lee, TI Heo, JG Byeon, JH Ahn
Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science 109 (3), 249-258, 2020
남산, 오대산, 울릉도 지역의 주요 참나무과 산림식생에 대한 군락구조 비교
윤이슬, 송주현, 변성엽, 김호진, 이정은, 김지동, 윤충원
한국산림과학회지 (구 한국임학회지) 111 (4), 511-529, 2022
남한 및 백두산일대 분비나무림의 군집구조
박병주, 이동혁, 허태임, 김지동, 이준우, 이혜정, 변준기
농업생명과학연구 55 (4), 49-59, 2021
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