Frank Baughman
Frank Baughman
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The impact of transcranial direct current stimulation on inhibitory control in young adults
AM Loftus, O Yalcin, FD Baughman, EJ Vanman, MS Hagger
Brain and behavior 5 (5), e00332, 2015
Active learning in research methods classes is associated with higher knowledge and confidence, though not evaluations or satisfaction
PJ Allen, FD Baughman
Frontiers in psychology 7, 279, 2016
Inhibition and young children’s performance on the Tower of London task
FD Baughman, RP Cooper
Cognitive Systems Research 8 (3), 216-226, 2007
What Accounts for the Factors of Psychopathology? An Investigation of the Neurocognitive Correlates of Internalising, Externalising, and the p-Factor
D Haywood, FD Baughman, BA Mullan, KR Heslop
Brain Sciences 12 (4), 421, 2022
One p-Factor for All? Exploring the Applicability of Structural Models of Psychopathology within Subgroups of a Population
D Haywood, FD Baughman, BA Mullan, KR Heslop
International journal of environmental research and public health 18 (13), 7108, 2021
Psychopathology and Neurocognition in the Era of the p-Factor: The Current Landscape and the Road Forward
D Haywood, FD Baughman, BA Mullan, KR Heslop
Psychiatry International 2 (3), 233-249, 2021
Modelling developmental disorders
MSC Thomas, FD Baughman, T Karaminis, CJM Addyman
Current issues in developmental disorders, 93-124, 2012
Specific impairments in cognitive development: A dynamical systems approach
FD Baughman, MSC Thomas
Computational modeling of variability in the balance scale task
FM Richardson, FD Baughman, NA Forrester, MSC Thomas
Proceedings of the 7th international conference of cognitive modeling, 256-261, 2006
Multidimensionality in executive function profiles in schizophrenia: a computational approach using the wisconsin card sorting task
D Haywood, FD Baughman
Computational Brain & Behavior 4 (4), 381-394, 2021
Dynamical and connectionist approaches to development: Toward a future of mutually beneficial co-evolution
MSC Thomas, JL McClelland, FM Richardson, AC Schapiro, F Baughman
Toward a unified theory of development: Connectionism and dynamical systems …, 2009
Going “up” to move forward: S-1 bifactor models and the study of neurocognitive abilities in psychopathology
D Haywood, FD Baughman, BA Mullan, KR Heslop
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 18 (14), 7413, 2021
An experimental evaluation of StatHand: A free application to guide students’ statistical decision making.
PJ Allen, J Finlay, LD Roberts, FD Baughman
Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in Psychology 5 (1), 23, 2019
A conceptual model of long-term weight loss maintenance: the importance of cognitive, empirical and computational approaches
D Haywood, BJ Lawrence, FD Baughman, BA Mullan
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 18 (2), 635, 2021
Introducing StatHand: A cross-platform mobile application to support students’ statistical decision making
PJ Allen, LD Roberts, FD Baughman, NJ Loxton, D Van Rooy, AJ Rock, ...
Frontiers in psychology 7, 288, 2016
Realising the potential of Q methodology in nursing research
E Lim, D Wynaden, F Baughman, K Heslop
Collegian 28 (2), 236-243, 2021
Neuroconstructivisme: comprendre les trajectoires développementales typiques et atypiques
MSC Thomas, FD Baughman, H Lehalle
Enfance 3 (3), 205-236, 2014
Computational modeling of variability in the conservation task
FM Richardson, NA Forrester, FD Baughman, MSC Thomas
Proceedings of the 28th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society …, 2006
Neurocognitive artificial neural network models are superior to linear models at accounting for dimensional psychopathology
D Haywood, FD Baughman, BA Mullan, KR Heslop
Brain Sciences 12 (8), 1060, 2022
Common mechanisms in intelligence and development: A study of ability profiles in mental age-matched primary school children
FD Baughman, MSC Thomas, M Anderson, C Reid
Intelligence 56, 99-107, 2016
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