Jean-Philippe Ayotte-Beaudet
Teaching and learning science outdoors in schools’ immediate surroundings at K-12 levels: A meta-synthesis
JP Ayotte-Beaudet, P Potvin, HG Lapierre, M Glackin
Eurasia journal of mathematics, science and technology education 13 (8 …, 2017
Factors related to middle-school students’ situational interest in science in outdoor lessons in their schools’ immediate surroundings
JP Ayotte-Beaudet, P Potvin, M Riopel
International Journal of Environmental and Science Education 14 (1), 13-32, 2019
Vers une re-problématisation de la notion de compétence
P Jonnaert, D Furtuna, JP Ayotte-Beaudet, J Sambote
Cell 514, 451-0013, 2015
Exploring the impacts of contextualised outdoor science education on learning: the case of primary school students learning about ecosystem relationships
JP Ayotte-Beaudet, P Chastenay, MC Beaudry, K L’Heureux, ...
Journal of Biological Education 57 (2), 277-294, 2023
The concept of competence in the French-language education literature
JP Ayotte-Beaudet
Prospects 43 (4), 419-427, 2013
Factors related to students’ perception of learning during outdoor science lessons in schools’ immediate surroundings
JP Ayotte-Beaudet, P Potvin
Interdisciplinary journal of environmental and science education 16 (2), e2212, 2020
Pratiques enseignantes en plein air en contexte scolaire au Québec: au-delà de la pandémie de COVID-19
JP Ayotte-Beaudet, V Vinuesa, S Turcotte, F Berrigan
Quebec, Université de Sherbrooke [Google Scholar], 2022
School-based outdoor education and teacher subjective well-being: An exploratory study
A Deschamps, R Scrutton, JP Ayotte-Beaudet
Frontiers in Education 7, 961054, 2022
Recension des textes francophones traitant de la notion de compétence
JP Ayotte-Beaudet, P Jonnaert
Les cahiers de la CUDC 3, 1010, 2010
Does individual interest still predict achievement in science and technology when controlling for self-concept? A longitudinal study conducted in Canadian schools
P Potvin, A Hasni, JP Ayotte-Beaudet, O Sy
EURASIA Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education 16 (12), em1904, 2020
Classes extérieures dans l’enseignement supérieur en contexte de COVID-19 au Canada: Guide pour appuyer les directions lors des premières étapes d’implantation
JP Ayotte-Beaudet, MC Beaudry, V Bisaillon, P Cordeau
Université de Sherbrooke, 2020
K-11 teachers’ school-based outdoor education practices in the province of Québec, Canada: from local initiatives to a grassroots movement
JP Ayotte-Beaudet, F Berrigan, A Deschamps, K L’Heureux, MC Beaudry, ...
Journal of Adventure Education and Outdoor Learning 24 (2), 334-347, 2024
Examining high school students’ personality traits of extraversion and emotional stability in relation to their academic expectation and value appraisals
J Smith, FA Guimond, P Aucoin, M Gagnon, D Moreau, J St-Amand, ...
Interdisciplinary education and psychology 2 (3), 6, 2021
Ph.; Sambote, J. Vers une re-problématisation de la notion de competence. În: CUDC/UQAM
P Jonnaert, D Furtuna, J Ayotte-Beaudet
Cahier 34, 2015
Résultats d’une recherche exploratoire sur la notion de compétence
P Jonnaert, D Furtuna, JP Ayotte-Beaudet, J Sambote
Assempe, La revue universitaire des sciences de l’Éducation, 2015
Development and validation of a questionnaire to assess situational interest in a science period: a study in three cultural/linguistic contexts
P Potvin, JP Ayotte-Beaudet, A Hasni, J Smith, M Giamellaro, TJ Lin, ...
Research in Science Education 53 (1), 99-120, 2023
Outdoor Classes in Higher Education during the context of Covid-19 in Canada: Guide to support management during the first phases of implementation
JP Ayotte-Beaudet, MC Beaudry, V Bisaillon, P Cordeau
Université de Sherbrooke, 2020
L'intérêt des élèves du premier cycle du secondaire lors des périodes d'enseignement des sciences à l'extérieur et à proximité de l'école
JP Ayotte-Beaudet
Université du Québec à Montréal, 2018
Learning to Teach Science From a Contextualized Stance
M Giamellaro, K L’Heureux, C Buxton, MC Beaudry, JP Ayotte-Beaudet, ...
Handbook of Research on Science Teacher Education, 439-451, 2022
Un cadre théorique occidental peut-il convenir aux recherches en éducation relative à l’environnement en Afrique de l’Ouest francophone?
JP Ayotte-Beaudet, M Riopel
Éducation relative à l'environnement. Regards-Recherches-Réflexions, 2015
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