Rodrigo Rivera
Rodrigo Rivera
Laboratoire des science du climat et de l’Environement
在 lsce.ipsl.fr 的电子邮件经过验证
The Potential of Low-Cost Tin-Oxide Sensors Combined with Machine Learning for Estimating Atmospheric CH4 Variations around Background Concentration
R Rivera Martinez, D Santaren, O Laurent, F Cropley, C Mallet, ...
Atmosphere 12 (1), 107, 2021
Characterising Methane Gas and Environmental Response of the Figaro Taguchi Gas Sensor (TGS) 2611-E00
A Shah, O Laurent, L Lienhardt, G Broquet, R Rivera Martinez, E Allegrini, ...
Atmospheric Measurement Techniques Discussions 2022, 1-53, 2022
Reconstruction of high-frequency methane atmospheric concentration peaks from measurements using metal oxide low-cost sensors
RA Rivera Martinez, D Santaren, O Laurent, G Broquet, F Cropley, ...
Atmospheric Measurement Techniques 16 (8), 2209-2235, 2023
Using metal oxide gas sensors to estimate the emission rates and locations of methane leaks in an industrial site: assessment with controlled methane releases
R Rivera-Martinez, P Kumar, O Laurent, G Broquet, C Caldow, F Cropley, ...
Atmospheric Measurement Techniques 17 (14), 4257-4290, 2024
Using metal oxide gas sensors for the estimate of methane controlled releases: reconstruction of the methane mole fraction time-series and quantification of the release rates …
RA Rivera Martinez, P Kumar, O Laurent, G Broquet, C Caldow, F Cropley, ...
Atmospheric Measurement Techniques Discussions 2023, 1-49, 2023
Reconstruction of high frequency methane peaks from measurements of metal oxide low-cost sensors using machine learning
R Rivera Martinez, D Santaren, O Laurent, F Cropley, C Mallet, G Broquet, ...
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, EGU21-16027, 2021
Reconstruction of high frequency methane peaks from measurements of metal oxide low-cost sensors using machine learning
RR Martinez, D Santaren, O Laurent, F Cropley, C Mallet, G Broquet, ...
EGU21, 2021
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