Robert B. Mitchell
Robert B. Mitchell
在 usda.gov 的电子邮件经过验证
Net energy of cellulosic ethanol from switchgrass
MR Schmer, KP Vogel, RB Mitchell, RK Perrin
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 105 (2), 464-469, 2008
US billion-ton update: biomass supply for a bioenergy and bioproducts industry
R Perlack, D Karlen, L Eaton, A Turhollow, M Langholtz, C Brandt, ...
Chemical composition and response to dilute-acid pretreatment and enzymatic saccharification of alfalfa, reed canarygrass, and switchgrass
BS Dien, HJG Jung, KP Vogel, MD Casler, JAFS Lamb, L Iten, RB Mitchell, ...
Biomass and bioenergy 30 (10), 880-891, 2006
Soil carbon storage by switchgrass grown for bioenergy
MA Liebig, MR Schmer, KP Vogel, RB Mitchell
Bioenergy Research 1, 215-222, 2008
Comparison of corn and switchgrass on marginal soils for bioenergy
GE Varvel, KP Vogel, RB Mitchell, RF Follett, JM Kimble
Biomass and bioenergy 32 (1), 18-21, 2008
Latitudinal and longitudinal adaptation of switchgrass populations
MD Casler, KP Vogel, CM Taliaferro, NJ Ehlke, JD Berdahl, EC Brummer, ...
Crop Science 47 (6), 2249-2260, 2007
Opportunities and roadblocks in utilizing forages and small grains for liquid fuels
G Sarath, RB Mitchell, SE Sattler, D Funnell, JF Pedersen, RA Graybosch, ...
Journal of Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology 35 (5), 343-354, 2008
Reactive oxygen species, ABA and nitric oxide interactions on the germination of warm-season C4-grasses
G Sarath, G Hou, LM Baird, RB Mitchell
Planta 226, 697-708, 2007
Soil carbon sequestration by switchgrass and no-till maize grown for bioenergy
RF Follett, KP Vogel, GE Varvel, RB Mitchell, J Kimble
Bioenergy research 5, 866-875, 2012
Quantifying actual and theoretical ethanol yields for switchgrass strains using NIRS analyses
KP Vogel, BS Dien, HG Jung, MD Casler, SD Masterson, RB Mitchell
BioEnergy Research 4, 96-110, 2011
Nitric oxide accelerates seed germination in warm-season grasses
G Sarath, PC Bethke, R Jones, LM Baird, G Hou, RB Mitchell
Planta 223, 1154-1164, 2006
Genomic mechanisms of climate adaptation in polyploid bioenergy switchgrass
JT Lovell, AH MacQueen, S Mamidi, J Bonnette, J Jenkins, JD Napier, ...
Nature 590 (7846), 438-444, 2021
Establishment stand thresholds for switchgrass grown as a bioenergy crop
MR Schmer, KP Vogel, RB Mitchell, LE Moser, KM Eskridge, RK Perrin
Crop science 46 (1), 157-161, 2006
Patch burning effects on grazing distribution
LT Vermeire, RB Mitchell, SD Fuhlendorf, RL Gillen
Journal of Range management 57 (3), 248-252, 2004
Isolation and analysis of microbial communities in soil, rhizosphere, and roots in perennial grass experiments
MR McPherson, P Wang, EL Marsh, RB Mitchell, DP Schachtman
JoVE (Journal of Visualized Experiments), e57932, 2018
Fire and grazing effects on wind erosion, soil water content, and soil temperature
LT Vermeire, DB Wester, RB Mitchell, SD Fuhlendorf
Journal of environmental quality 34 (5), 1559-1565, 2005
Plant adaptation regions: ecological and climatic classification of plant materials
KP Vogel, MR Schmer, RB Mitchell
Rangeland ecology & management 58 (3), 315-319, 2005
Dedicated energy crops and crop residues for bioenergy feedstocks in the central and eastern USA
RB Mitchell, MR Schmer, WF Anderson, V Jin, KS Balkcom, J Kiniry, ...
Bioenergy research 9 (2), 384-398, 2016
Field‐scale soil property changes under switchgrass managed for bioenergy
MR Schmer, MA Liebig, KP Vogel, RB Mitchell
Gcb Bioenergy 3 (6), 439-448, 2011
Tiller demographics and leaf area index of four perennial pasture grasses
RB Mitchell, LE Moser, KJ Moore, DD Redfearn
Agronomy Journal 90 (1), 47-53, 1998
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