Miguel Pais-Vieira
Miguel Pais-Vieira
在 ua.pt 的电子邮件经过验证
Cognitive impairment in pain through amygdala-driven prefrontal cortical deactivation
G Ji, H Sun, Y Fu, Z Li, M Pais-Vieira, V Galhardo, V Neugebauer
Journal of Neuroscience 30 (15), 5451-5464, 2010
A brain-to-brain interface for real-time sharing of sensorimotor information
M Pais-Vieira, M Lebedev, C Kunicki, J Wang, MAL Nicolelis
Scientific reports 3 (1), 1319, 2013
Cognitive impairment of prefrontal-dependent decision-making in rats after the onset of chronic pain
M Pais-Vieira, MM Mendes-Pinto, D Lima, V Galhardo
Neuroscience 161 (3), 671-679, 2009
Building an organic computing device with multiple interconnected brains.
M Pais-Vieira, G Chiuffa, M Lebedev, A Yadav, M Nicolelis
Scientific Reports 5, 2015
Orbitofrontal cortex lesions disrupt risk assessment in a novel serial decision-making task for rats
M Pais-Vieira, D Lima, V Galhardo
Neuroscience 145 (1), 225-231, 2007
Computing Arm Movements with a Monkey Brainet.
A Ramakrishnan, P Ifft, M Pais-Vieira, Y Woo Byun, K Zhuang, M Lebedev, ...
Scientific Reports 5, 2015
Sustained attention deficits in rats with chronic inflammatory pain
M Pais-Vieira, D Lima, V Galhardo
Neuroscience letters 463 (1), 98-102, 2009
Simultaneous top-down modulation of the primary somatosensory cortex and thalamic nuclei during active tactile discrimination
M Pais-Vieira, MA Lebedev, MC Wiest, MAL Nicolelis
Journal of Neuroscience 33 (9), 4076-4093, 2013
A closed loop brain-machine interface for epilepsy control using dorsal column electrical stimulation
M Pais-Vieira, AP Yadav, D Moreira, D Guggenmos, A Santos, M Lebedev, ...
Scientific Reports 6 (1), 32814, 2016
Neurophysiological, behavioral and morphological abnormalities in the Fabry knockout mice
LG Rodrigues, MJ Ferraz, D Rodrigues, M Pais-Vieira, D Lima, RO Brady, ...
Neurobiology of Disease 33 (1), 48-56, 2009
Inflammatory pain disrupts the orbitofrontal neuronal activity and risk-assessment performance in a rodent decision-making task
M Pais-Vieira, P Aguiar, D Lima, V Galhardo
Pain® 153 (8), 1625-1635, 2012
Symptom management and hospital readmission in heart failure patients: a qualitative study from Portugal
JP Sousa, M Santos
Critical care nursing quarterly 42 (1), 81-88, 2019
Method for positioning and rehabilitation training with the ExoAtlet® powered exoskeleton.
M Pais-Vieira, C., Khazraei, M., Neves-Amado, J., Perrotta, A., Morya, E ...
MethodsX, p.100849, 2020
Cortical and Thalamic contributions to response dynamics across layers of the primary somatosensory cortex during tactile discrimination
M Pais-Vieira, C Kunicki, PH Tseng, J Martin, M Lebedev, MAL Nicolelis
Journal of Neurophysiology 114 (3), 1652-76, 2015
Quality of life and therapeutic regimen management in onychomycosis patients and in vitro study of antiseptic solutions
V Silva-Neves, V Hugo, P Alves, JC Amado, C Pais-Vieira, F Sousa, ...
Scientific Reports 11 (1), 12789, 2021
Does symptom recognition improve self-care in patients with heart failure? A pilot study randomised controlled trial
J Pereira Sousa, H Neves, M Pais-Vieira
Nursing Reports 11 (2), 418-429, 2021
Consumo de medicamentos potencialmente inapropriados e reconciliação de medicamentos em pessoas idosas
AMG de Almeida, SMS Santos, M Santos
Servir 59 (5-6), 93-102, 2017
Symptom perception management education improves self-care in patients with heart failure
JP Sousa, C Oliveira, M Pais-Vieira
Work 69 (2), 465-473, 2021
Frequency-specific coupling in fronto-parieto-occipital cortical circuits underlie active tactile discrimination
C Kunicki, R C. Moioli, M Pais-Vieira, A Salles Cunha Peres, E Morya, ...
Scientific Reports 9 (1), 5105, 2019
Interfaces Cérebro-Máquina e os Limites da Responsabilidade
M Pais-Vieira, C Pais-Vieira
Curado, M., A. D. Pereira, and A. E. Ferreira. "Vanguardas da …, 2019
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