Prof. Abbas Al Mutair
Prof. Abbas Al Mutair
Wollongong University, Almoosa Health Group,
在 almoosahospital.com.sa 的电子邮件经过验证
Family needs and involvement in the intensive care unit: a literature review
AS Al‐Mutair, V Plummer, A O'Brien, R Clerehan
Journal of clinical nursing 22 (13-14), 1805-1817, 2013
Role of inflammatory cytokines in COVID-19 patients: A review on molecular mechanisms, immune functions, immunopathology and immunomodulatory drugs to counter cytokine storm
AA Rabaan, SH Al-Ahmed, J Muhammad, A Khan, AA Sule, R Tirupathi, ...
Vaccines 9 (5), 436, 2021
Viral dynamics and real-time RT-PCR Ct values correlation with disease severity in COVID-19
AA Rabaan, R Tirupathi, AA Sule, J Aldali, AA Mutair, S Alhumaid, ...
Diagnostics 11 (6), 1091, 2021
Knowledge of infection prevention and control among healthcare workers and factors influencing compliance: a systematic review
S Alhumaid, A Al Mutair, Z Al Alawi, M Alsuliman, GY Ahmed, AA Rabaan, ...
Antimicrobial Resistance & Infection Control 10 (1), 86, 2021
COVID-19 and mucormycosis superinfection: the perfect storm
JA Al-Tawfiq, S Alhumaid, AN Alshukairi, MH Temsah, M Barry, ...
Infection 49, 833-853, 2021
Global emerging Omicron variant of SARS-CoV-2: Impacts, challenges and strategies
K Dhama, F Nainu, A Frediansyah, MI Yatoo, RK Mohapatra, ...
Journal of infection and public health 16 (1), 4-14, 2023
Needs and experiences of intensive care patients' families: a Saudi qualitative study
AS Al‐Mutair, V Plummer, R Clerehan, A O'Brien
Nursing in critical care 19 (3), 135-144, 2014
Airborne transmission of SARS-CoV-2 is the dominant route of transmission: droplets and aerosols
AA Rabaan, SH Al-Ahmed, M Al-Malkey, R Alsubki, S Ezzikouri, ...
Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, 2022
Global prevalence and potential influencing factors of COVID-19 vaccination hesitancy: a meta-analysis
JK Fajar, M Sallam, G Soegiarto, YJ Sugiri, M Anshory, L Wulandari, ...
Vaccines 10 (8), 1356, 2022
Family presence during resuscitation: a descriptive study of nurses' attitudes from two Saudi hospitals
AS Al‐Mutair, V Plummer, B Copnell
Nursing in critical care 17 (2), 90-98, 2012
The impact of antimicrobial stewardship program implementation at four tertiary private hospitals: results of a five-years pre-post analysis
A Al-Omari, A Al Mutair, S Alhumaid, S Salih, A Alanazi, H Albarsan, ...
Antimicrobial Resistance & Infection Control 9 (1), 95, 2020
Clinical characteristics of non-intensive care unit COVID-19 patients in Saudi Arabia: a descriptive cross-sectional study
A Al-Omari, WN Alhuqbani, ARZ Zaidi, MF Al-Subaie, AM AlHindi, ...
Journal of infection and public health 13 (11), 1639-1644, 2020
Clinical, epidemiological, and laboratory characteristics of mild-to-moderate COVID-19 patients in Saudi Arabia: an observational cohort study
A Al Mutair, S Alhumaid, WN Alhuqbani, ARZ Zaidi, S Alkoraisi, ...
European Journal of Medical Research 25, 1-8, 2020
Antibiotics in the pipeline: a literature review (2017–2020)
JA Al-Tawfiq, H Momattin, AY Al-Ali, K Eljaaly, R Tirupathi, MB Haradwala, ...
Infection, 1-12, 2022
Regulatory T cells (Tregs) and their therapeutic potential against autoimmune disorders–Advances and challenges
TK Goswami, M Singh, M Dhawan, S Mitra, TB Emran, AA Rabaan, ...
Human vaccines & immunotherapeutics 18 (1), 2035117, 2022
Attitudes of healthcare providers towards family involvement and presence in adult critical care units in S audi A rabia: a quantitative study
A Al Mutair, V Plummer, A Paul O'Brien, R Clerehan
Journal of Clinical Nursing 23 (5-6), 744-755, 2014
Diverse immunological factors influencing pathogenesis in patients with COVID-19: a review on viral dissemination, immunotherapeutic options to counter cytokine storm and …
AA Rabaan, SH Al-Ahmed, MA Garout, AM Al-Qaaneh, AA Sule, ...
Pathogens 10 (5), 565, 2021
Providing culturally congruent care for Saudi patients and their families
A Saleh Al Mutair, V Plummer, A Paul O’Brien, R Clerehan
Contemporary nurse 46 (2), 254-258, 2014
Ensuring cultural sensitivity for Muslim patients in the Australian ICU: Considerations for care
MJ Bloomer, A Al-Mutair
Australian Critical Care 26 (4), 193-196, 2013
COVID-19 intranasal vaccines: current progress, advantages, prospects, and challenges
K Dhama, M Dhawan, R Tiwari, TB Emran, S Mitra, AA Rabaan, ...
Human vaccines & immunotherapeutics 18 (5), 2045853, 2022
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