Abhishek B Parmar
Abhishek B Parmar
R&D lifesciences, NAU, AAU, KU, GBRC.
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A solid state fermentation, its role in animal nutrition: A review
RSDPDR Parmar AB, Patel VR, Usadadia SV
International Journal of Chemical Studies 7 (03), 4626-4633, 2019
Influence of dietary inclusion of oil and Quercetin supplementation on carcass characters and meat quality attributes of broiler chickens
AB Parmar, VR Patel, SV Usadadia, LM Chaudhary, DR Prajapati, ...
International Journal of Livestock Research 9 (9), 93-103, 2019
Quercetin, a health promising phytoadditive for poultry production: Trends & advances
DPAR Abhishek Parmar, Vipul Patel, Jignesh Patel, Sajani Usadadia, Sawan Rathwa
The Pharma Innovation Journal 2019; 8(9): 68-74 8 (09), 68-74, 2019
Efficacy of dietary quercetin supplementation with high-energy diet model in broilers: implications on zootechnical parameters, serum biochemistry, antioxidant status, patho …
AB Parmar, VR Patel, JM Patel, UV Ramani, DN Desai
Animal Production Science 62 (6), 554-571, 2022
Evaluation of tropical top feed species for their nutritional properties, in vitro rumen digestibility, gas production potential and polyphenolic profile
AB Parmar, VR Patel, M Choubey, DN Desai, NM Patel, A Baishya
Range Management and Agroforestry 43 (1), 146-153, 2022
Essential Oils: Alternative to Improve Production, Health and Immunity in Poultry
DR Prajapati, VR Patel, AP Raval, AB Parmar, A Londhe, SS Patel
Journal of Tropical Animal Research (renamed as Indian Journal of AgriVet …, 2021
Efficiency of dietary supplementation of flavonoid (quercetin), vegetable oil and its combination on growth traits and feed conversion in broilers
AB Parmar, VR Patel, NS Dangar
Journal of Animal Research 10 (4), 557-562, 2020
The formaldehyde treated guar meal and prill fat, agro industrial by-products as dietary rumen protected protein and energy source: improves growth performance, feed conversion …
AB Parmar, DC Patel, NP Sarvaiya, AP Parmar, AJ Dhami, PJ Ahir
Tropical Animal Health and Production 55 (1), 17, 2023
Effect of feeding bypass fat on reproductive performance in Surti Buffaloes
PD Patel, DC Patel, AP Parmar, AB Parmar, NP Sarvaiya, PM Joshi
Indian Journal of Veterinary Sciences and Biotechnology 16 (2, 3, 4), 101-103, 2020
Optimization of age at maturity in Surti buffalo heifers with dietary supplementation of bypass protein and bypass fat.
NP Sarvaiya, AB Parmar, AP Parmar, DC Patel
Effect of dietary supplementation of vegetable oil and quercetin on haematological indices and gut attributes in broiler chickens
AB Parmar, VR Patel, YD Padheriya, AP Raval, SD Rathwa, SS Patel
Indian Journal of Animal Health 61 (1), 139-146, 2022
Reproductive and Productive Performance of Surti Buffaloes as Influenced by Different Protein Levels in the Ration around Parturition.
NP Sarvaiya, AB Parmar, AP Parmar, DC Patel
The Indian Journal of Veterinary Sciences and Biotechnology 19 (6), 110, 2023
Influence of Rumen Protected Fat Supplementation on Nutrient Intake and Feed Conversion Efficiency in Buffaloes
DC Prajapati, DC Patel, AB Parmar, SN Patel
Indian Journal of Veterinary Sciences and Biotechnology 18 (5), 40-45, 2022
Influence of Feeding Formaldehyde Treated Guar (Cyamopsis tetragonoloba) Meal and Prill Fat Supplementation on Water Intake and Water Requirement of Growing Surti Buffalo Calves
AB Parmar
International Journal of Agriculture Sciences, ISSN, 0975-3710, 2022
Effect of tris egg yolk citrate (TEYC) supplemented with tomato juice on spermatozoa extracted from epididymis and preserved at refrigerated temperature of non-descriptive …
LM Chaudhary, CT Khasatiya, CM Amarjeet, NF Chaudhari, AB Parmar
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