S.R.J.M. Deckers
S.R.J.M. Deckers
在 ru.nl 的电子邮件经过验证
Diagnosis and management in Pitt‐Hopkins syndrome: First international consensus statement
M Zollino, C Zweier, ID Van Balkom, DA Sweetser, J Alaimo, EK Bijlsma, ...
Clinical genetics 95 (4), 462-478, 2019
Core vocabulary of young children with Down syndrome
SRJM Deckers, Y Van Zaalen, H Van Balkom, L Verhoeven
Augmentative and Alternative Communication 33 (2), 77-86, 2017
Vocabulary selection in AAC: Application of core vocabulary in atypical populations
A van Tilborg, SRJM Deckers
Perspectives of the ASHA Special Interest Groups 1 (12), 125-138, 2016
Communication performance of children with Down Syndrome: An ICF-CY based multiple case study
SRJM Deckers, Y Van Zaalen, J Stoep, H Van Balkom, L Verhoeven
Child Language Teaching and Therapy 32 (3), 293-311, 2016
Predictors of receptive and expressive vocabulary development in children with Down syndrome
SRJM Deckers, Y Van Zaalen, H Van Balkom, L Verhoeven
International journal of speech-language pathology 21 (1), 10-22, 2019
The concurrent and predictive validity of the Dutch version of the Communicative Development Inventory in children with Down Syndrome for the assessment of expressive …
S Deckers, Y Van Zaalen, EJM Mens, H Van Balkom, L Verhoeven
Research in Developmental Disabilities 56, 99-107, 2016
Food preferences in young Dutch children and recommendations for feeding intervention in developmental disabilities
SRJM Deckers, JMH De Moor, JJW Van der Burg
Research in developmental disabilities 32 (2), 630-635, 2011
Handboek interprofessioneel samenwerken in zorg en welzijn
Y Zaalen, S Deckers, J Schuman
Bussum: Coutinho, 2018
Assessment of communicative competence in children with severe developmental disorders
H Van Balkom, S Deckers, J Stoep
Developmental Perspectives in Written Language and Literacy; John Benjamins …, 2017
Emotion dysregulation as cross-disorder trait in child psychiatry predicting quality of life and required treatment duration
M Bierens, CA Hartman, H Klip, S Deckers, J Buitelaar, N Rommelse
Frontiers in Psychiatry 14, 1101226, 2023
Lexical development in children with Down syndrome: A communicative perspective
SRJM Deckers
[Sl]:[Sn], 2017
How was your day? My Film, My Story! teaching method
M Legel, N Grove, G Soto, A Waller, B Steenbergen, H Van Balkom, ...
18th Biennial Conference of the International Society of Augmentative and …, 2018
A Narrative Review of the Sociotechnical Landscape and Potential of Computer-Assisted Dynamic Assessment for Children with Communication Support Needs
CS Norrie, SRJM Deckers, M Radstaake, H van Balkom
Multimodal Technologies and Interaction 8 (5), 38, 2024
Vocabulary development and neurosociocognitive developmental domains in down syndrome
SRJM Deckers, Y van Zaalen
Neuropraxis 22, 52-59, 2018
Developing a screening instrument for underlying core domains of communicative competence in children with communication support needs
SRJM Deckers, M van Onna, E Gros, H van Balkom
Augmentative and Alternative Communication, 1-14, 2024
Insights into Shared Decision-Making in Interprofessional Teams for a Boy with Down Syndrome with Communication and Language Issues: Simulation-Based Training for Medical and …
SRJM Deckers, Y van Zaalen
Healthcare 12 (6), 681, 2024
Constructvaliditeit van het Communicatieve Intentie Onderzoek bij kinderen met communicatief meervoudige beperkingen
M Wessels, S Deckers, H van Balkom, A van der Putten
NTZ: Nederlands Tijdschrift voor de Zorg aan mensen met een verstandelijke …, 2023
Film als Ondersteunde Communicatie (FaOC): Mogelijkheden van zelfgemaakte films voor onderwijs aan leerlingen met lichamelijke of meervoudige beperkingen
M Legel, S Deckers
Communicatie en gedrag in de klas
J Stoep, S Deckers
Ondersteunde communicatie
S Deckers
文章 1–20