Les équations de von Kármán PG Ciarlet, P Rabier Springer, 1980 | 335* | 1980 |
Theoretical and numerical analysis of differential-algebraic equations PJ Rabier, WC Rheinboldt Elsevier 8, 183-540, 2002 | 266 | 2002 |
A geometric treatment of implicit differential-algebraic equations PJ Rabier, WC Rheinboldt Journal of Differential Equations 109 (1), 110-146, 1994 | 195 | 1994 |
Nonholonomic motion of rigid mechanical systems from a DAE viewpoint PJ Rabier, WC Rheinboldt Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 2000 | 193 | 2000 |
Ehresmann fibrations and Palais-Smale conditions for morphisms of Finsler manifolds PJ Rabier Annals of Mathematics, 647-691, 1997 | 174 | 1997 |
A general existence and uniqueness theory for implicit differential-algebraic equations PJ Rabier, WC Rheinboldt PITTSBURGH UNIV PA INST FOR COMPUTATIONAL MATHEMATICS AND APPLICATIONS, 1990 | 133 | 1990 |
Degree theory forC 1 Fredholm mappings of index 0 J Pejsachowicz, PJ Rabier Journal d’Analyse Mathematique 76, 289-319, 1998 | 132 | 1998 |
On impasse points of quasilinear differential-algebraic equations PJ Rabier, WC Rheinboldt Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 181 (2), 429-454, 1994 | 121 | 1994 |
The degree of proper C2 Fredholm mappings. I PM Fitzpatrick, J Pejsachowicz, PJ Rabier J. reine angew. Math 427, 1-33, 1992 | 97 | 1992 |
Implicit differential equations near a singular point PJ Rabier Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 144 (2), 425-449, 1989 | 90 | 1989 |
Existence and local uniqueness of solutions to contact problems in elasticity with nonlinear friction laws P Rabier, JAC Martins, JT Oden, L Campos International Journal of Engineering Science 24 (11), 1755-1768, 1986 | 81 | 1986 |
Classical and generalized solutions of time-dependent linear differential-algebraic equations PJ Rabier, WC Rheinboldt Linear Algebra and its Applications 245, 259-293, 1996 | 80 | 1996 |
On the computation of impasse points of quasilinear differential-algebraic equations PJ Rabier, WC Rheinboldt Mathematics of computation 62 (205), 133-154, 1994 | 77 | 1994 |
On the smoothness of convex envelopes A Griewank, PJ Rabier Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 322 (2), 691-709, 1990 | 77 | 1990 |
Orientability of Fredholm families and topological degree for orientable nonlinear Fredholm mappings PM Fitzpatrick, J Pejsachowicz, PJ Rabier Journal of Functional Analysis 124 (1), 1-39, 1994 | 68 | 1994 |
Fredholm and Propernes Properties of Quasilinear Elliptic Operators on RN PJ Rabier, CA Stuart Mathematische Nachrichten 231 (1), 129-168, 2001 | 65 | 2001 |
Some remarks on damage theory PJ Rabier International journal of engineering science 27 (1), 29-54, 1989 | 60 | 1989 |
Characterization and computation of singular points with maximum rank deficiency PJ Rabier, GW Reddien SIAM journal on numerical analysis 23 (5), 1040-1051, 1986 | 56 | 1986 |
Generalized Jordan chains and two bifurcation theorems of Krasnoselskii PJ Rabier Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & Applications 13 (8), 903-934, 1989 | 52 | 1989 |
Exponential decay of the solutions of quasilinear second-order equations and Pohozaev identities PJ Rabier, CA Stuart Journal of Differential Equations 165 (1), 199-234, 2000 | 51 | 2000 |