Rikke Bramming Jørgensen
Chamber testing of adsorption of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) on material surfaces
RB Jørgensen, O Bjørseth, B Malvik
Indoor Air 9 (1), 2-9, 1999
Exposure to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), mutagenic aldehydes and particulate matter during pan frying of beefsteak
AK Sjaastad, RB Jørgensen, K Svendsen
Occupational and environmental medicine 67 (4), 228-232, 2010
Sorption behaviour of volatile organic compounds on material surfaces—The influence of combinations of compounds and materials compared to sorption of single compounds on …
RB Jørgensen, O Bjørseth
Environment international 25 (1), 17-27, 1999
Characterisation of Exposure to Ultrafine Particles from Surgical Smoke by Use of a Fast Mobility Particle Sizer
SF Ragde, RB Jørgensen, S Føreland
Annals of Occupational Hygiene, 2016
Simulated restaurant cook exposure to emissions of PAHs, mutagenic aldehydes, and particles from frying bacon
RB Jørgensen, B Strandberg, AK Sjaastad, A Johansen, K Svendsen
Journal of occupational and environmental hygiene 10 (3), 122-131, 2013
Introduction of a Sink‐Diffusion Model to Describe the Interaction between Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) and Material Surfaces
RB Jørgensen, TH Dokka, O Bjørseth
Indoor Air 10 (1), 27-38, 2000
Integrating human health impact from indoor emissions into an LCA: a case study evaluating the significance of the use stage
C Skaar, RB Jørgensen
The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 18, 636-646, 2013
The influence on indoor air quality of adsorption and desorption of organic compounds on materials
RB Jørgensen, HN Knudsen, PO Fanger
Proceedings of indoor air 93, 383-388, 1993
Sorption of VOCs on material surfaces as the deciding factor when choosing a ventilation strategy
RB Jørgensen
Building and environment 42 (5), 1913-1920, 2007
A methodology for the selection of pollutants for ensuring good indoor air quality using the de-trended cross-correlation function
MJ Alonso, S Wolf, RB Jørgensen, H Madsen, HM Mathisen
Building and Environment 209, 108668, 2022
Comparison of three real time measurement methods for airborne ultrafine particles in the silicon alloy industry
IT Kero, RB Jørgensen
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 13, 871-885, 2016
Sub-micrometer particles: their level and how they spread after pan frying of beefsteak
AK Sjaastad, K Svendsen, RB Jørgensen
Indoor and Built Environment 17 (3), 230-236, 2008
Personal exposure to ultrafine particles from PVC welding and concrete work during tunnel rehabilitation
RB Jørgensen, M Buhagen, S Føreland
Occupational and environmental medicine 73 (7), 467-473, 2016
Eco labelling from the consumer perspective: A case study of indoor paint products
RB Jørgensen, Ø Moen
Journal of research for consumers, 1-25, 2015
Assessing the indoor air quality and their predictor variable in 21 home offices during the Covid-19 pandemic in Norway
MJ Alonso, TN Moazami, P Liu, RB Jørgensen, HM Mathisen
Building and Environment 225, 109580, 2022
Comparison of four nanoparticle monitoring instruments relevant for occupational hygiene applications
RB Jørgensen
Journal of Occupational Medicine and Toxicology 14, 1-14, 2019
Evaluation of low-cost formaldehyde sensors calibration
MJ Alonso, H Madsen, P Liu, RB Jørgensen, TB Jørgensen, ...
Building and Environment 222, 109380, 2022
Holistic methodology to reduce energy use and improve indoor air quality for demand-controlled ventilation
MJ Alonso, P Liu, SF Marman, RB Jørgensen, HM Mathisen
Energy and Buildings 279, 112692, 2023
Real-time measurements and characterization of airborne particulate matter from a primary silicon carbide production plant
RB Jørgensen, IT Kero
International journal of environmental research and public health 14 (12), 1611, 2017
Can CO2 sensors in the ventilation system of a pool facility help reduce the variability in the trihalomethane concentration observed in indoor air?
TB Nitter, MS Grande, KVH Svendsen, RB Jørgensen, S Carlucci, G Cao
Environment international 138, 105665, 2020
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