Healthy Hidayanty
Healthy Hidayanty
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Pengaruh edukasi gizi menggunakan leaflet Kemenkes terhadap perilaku konsumsi sayur dan buah pada remaja di SMA Negeri 10 Makassar
H Herman, C Citrakesumasari, H Hidayanti, N Jafar
Jurnal Gizi Masyarakat Indonesia (The Journal of Indonesian Community …, 2020
The effects of anemia education using web-based she smart to improve knowledge, attitudes, and practice in adolescent girls
E Ernawati, YS Baso, H Hidayanty, S Syarif, A Aminuddin, B Bahar
International Journal of Health and Medical Sciences 5 (1), 44-49, 2022
Effect of Web-based She Smart Education Models on Adolescent Girl's Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practice About Obesity
A Herliah, YS Baso, H Hidayanty, S Syarif, A Aminuddin, B Bahar
International Journal of Health and Medical Sciences 5 (1), 50-55, 2022
Providing education chronic energy deficiency (CED) uses web-based she smart to improve knowledge, attitudes, and practice in adolescent girls
A Ananda, YS Baso, H Hidayanty, S Syarif, A Aminuddin, B Bahar
International Journal Of Health And Medical Sciences 5 (1), 56-62, 2022
Cultural communication strategies of behavioral changes in accelerating of stunting prevention: a systematic review
M Marni, AZ Abdullah, RM Thaha, H Hidayanty, S Sirajuddin, A Razak, ...
Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences 9 (F), 447-452, 2021
Nutrition education with android-based application media to increase knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors of pregnant women about chronic energy deficiency (KEK)
WOSW Lestari, S Syarif, H Hidayanty, A Aminuddin, S Ramadany
International Journal of Health and Medical Sciences 4 (1), 15-22, 2021
Moringa oleifera leaf flour biscuits increase the index of erythrocytes in pregnant women with anemia
M Loa, H Hidayanty, S Arifuddin, M Ahmad, V Hadju
Gaceta Sanitaria 35, S206-S210, 2021
Biscuits containing Moringa oleifera leaves flour improve conditions of anemia in pregnant women
MS Manggul, H Hidayanty, S Arifuddin, M Ahmad, V Hadju, AN Usman
Gaceta Sanitaria 35, S191-S195, 2021
Hubungan asupan energi dan zat gizi makro dengan status gizi remaja putri Pesantren Darul Aman Gombara
DFR Parewasi, R Indriasari, H Hidayanty, V Hadju, S Manti Battung
JGMI: The Journal of Indonesian Community Nutrition 10 (1), 2021, 2021
The effect of moringa oleifera to hemoglobin levels of preconception women in the health center tibawa district tibawa, gorontalo
Y Mustapa, V Hadju, R Indriasari, H Hidayanti, S Sirajuddin, SS Russeng
Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences 8 (T2), 104-108, 2020
A social cognitive theory-based programme for eating patterns and sedentary activity among overweight adolescents in Makassar, South Sulawesi: a cluster randomised controlled trial
H Hidayanty, S Bardosono, H Khusun, R Damayanti, R Kolopaking
Asia Pacific journal of clinical nutrition, 2016
Hubungan Kepatuhan Minum Obat Dengan Gula Darah Pasien Dm Tipe Ii Di Puskesmas Tamalanrea Makassar
A Husna, N Jafar, H Hidayanti, DM Dachlan, A Salam
JGMI: The Journal of Indonesian Community Nutrition 11 (1), 20-26, 2022
Hubungan pola konsumsi pangan sumber serat dengan kejadian overweight pada remaja di SMP Negeri 3 Makassar
AD Hardi, R Indriasari, H Hidayanti
Jurnal Gizi Masyarakat Indonesia (The Journal of Indonesian Community …, 2019
The Effect of HIV/AIDS Education Prevention Using Web-Based She Smart on Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practice in Adolescent Girls
KD Muslimin, YS Baso, H Hidayanty, S Syarif, A Aminuddin, B Bahar
International Journal of Health and Medical Sciences 5 (1), 31-36, 2022
The effect of personal coaching on increasing knowledge, attitudes, and actions about lactation nutrition, uterial involution, and lochea in public mothers
N Eviasty, NA Daud, H Hidayanty, V Hadju, M Maddeppungeng, B Bahar
International Journal of Health and Medical Sciences 4 (1), 155-163, 2021
pengaruh pendidikan gizi anemia terhadap peningkatan pengetahuan pada anak remaja sma negeri 21 makassar
D Waluyo, H Hidayanty, A Seweng
Jurnal kesehatan masyarakat maritim 1 (3), 2018
The effect of extract of canarian nuts on reduction of total cholesterol levels of hyperglicemic rat
R Pebriani, N Jafar, H Hidayanti, U Salamah
Journal of Scientific Research in Medical and Biological Sciences 2 (1), 19-29, 2021
Studi Fakor Resiko Kejadian Stunting Pada Balita Di Wilayah Dataran Tinggi Dan Dataran Rendah
H Harlina, H Hidayanty, MI Nur
Jurnal Ilmiah Kesehatan Sandi Husada 10 (2), 501-510, 2021
Clean Water Supply as an Indicator for Healthy Island in Makassar City
N Syahriani, S Palutturi, AB Birawida, H Hidayanty
Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences 10 (E), 320-325, 2022
Risk factor and interventions of behavioral changing strategy in acceleration of stunting prevention: A systematic review
AAZ Marni, RM Thaha, H Hidayanty, S Sirajuddin, M Syafar
Enfermería Clínica 31 (5), S636-S639, 2021
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