Juan José Curto
Juan José Curto
Observatori de l'Ebre, CSIC Universitat Ramon Llull
在 obsebre.es 的电子邮件经过验证
Automatic sunspots detection on full-disk solar images using mathematical morphology
JJ Curto, M Blanca, E Martínez
Solar Physics 250, 411-429, 2008
Evolution of the concept of sudden storm commencements and their operative identification
JJ Curto, T Araki, LF Alberca
Earth, Planets and Space 59, i-xii, 2007
Wp index: A new substorm index derived from high‐resolution geomagnetic field data at low latitude
M Nosé, T Iyemori, L Wang, A Hitchman, J Matzka, M Feller, S Egdorf, ...
Space Weather 10 (8), 2012
Behavior of the quiet day ionospheric current system in the European region
JM Torta, JJ Curto, P Bencze
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 102 (A2), 2483-2494, 1997
Geomagnetic solar flare effects: A review
JJ Curto
Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate 10, 27, 2020
Modeling the geomagnetic effects caused by the solar eclipse of 11 August 1999
JJ Curto, B Heilig, M Pinol
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 111 (A7), 2006
Space weather effects on Earth's environment associated to the 24–25 October 2011 geomagnetic storm
E Blanch, S Marsal, A Segarra, JM Torta, D Altadill, JJ Curto
Space Weather 11 (4), 153-168, 2013
New representation of geomagnetic secular variation over restricted regions by means of spherical cap harmonic analysis: application to the case of Spain
JM Torta, A Garcia, JJ Curto, A De Santis
Physics of the earth and planetary interiors 74 (3-4), 209-217, 1992
Analysis of the solar flare effects of 6 September 2017 in the ionosphere and in the Earth's magnetic field using spherical elementary current systems
JJ Curto, S Marsal, E Blanch, D Altadill
Space Weather 16 (11), 1709-1720, 2018
Sfe: waiting for the big one
JJ Curto, J Castell, F Del Moral
Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate 6, A23, 2016
Solar flare effects at Ebre: Regular and reversed solar flare effects, statistical analysis (1953 to 1985), a global case study and a model of elliptical ionospheric currents
JJ Curto, C Amory‐Mazaudier, JM Torta, M Menvielle
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 99 (A3), 3945-3954, 1994
Equatorial electrojet as part of the global circuit: a case-study from the IEEY
AT Kobea, C Amory-Mazaudier, JM Do, H Lühr, E Houngninou, J Vassal, ...
Annales Geophysicae 16 (6), 698-710, 1998
On the connection between solar activity and low-latitude aurorae in the period 1715–1860
M Vázquez, JM Vaquero, JJ Curto
Solar Physics 238, 405-420, 2006
Solar flare effects at Ebre: Unidimensional physical, integrated model
JJ Curto, C Amory‐Mazaudier, JM Torta, M Menvielle
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 99 (A12), 23289-23296, 1994
Behaviour of the quiet-day geomagnetic variation at Livingston Island and variability of the Sq focus position in the South American-Antarctic Peninsula region
JM Torta, S Marsal, JJ Curto, LR Gaya-Piqué
Earth, planets and space 62, 297-307, 2010
Historical heliophysical series of the Ebro observatory
JJ Curto, JG Solé, M Genescà, MJ Blanca, JM Vaquero
Solar Physics 291, 2587-2607, 2016
Equivalent ionospheric currents for the 5 December 2006 solar flare effect determined from spherical cap harmonic analysis
LR Gaya‐Piqué, JJ Curto, JM Torta, A Chulliat
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 113 (A7), 2008
On equatorial geophysics studies: A review on the IGRGEA results during the last decade
C Amory-Mazaudier, A Kobea, P Vila, A Achy-Séka, E Blanc, K Boka, ...
Journal of atmospheric and solar-terrestrial physics 67 (4), 301-313, 2005
On the dust environment of comet C/2012 S1 (ISON) from 12 AU pre-perihelion to the end of its activity around perihelion
F Moreno, F Pozuelos, F Aceituno, V Casanova, R Duffard, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 791 (2), 118, 2014
An inspection of the long-term behaviour of the range of the daily geomagnetic field variation from comprehensive modelling
JM Torta, LR Gaya-Piqué, JJ Curto, D Altadill
Journal of atmospheric and solar-terrestrial physics 71 (13), 1497-1510, 2009
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