Kolja Meyer
Kolja Meyer
Research Group Leader
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Correlation between process load and deep rolling induced residual stress profiles
B Denkena, T Grove, B Breidenstein, A Abrão, K Meyer
Procedia CIRP 78, 161-165, 2018
Analytic roughness prediction by deep rolling
B Denkena, A Abrão, A Krödel, K Meyer
Production Engineering 14, 345-354, 2020
Influence of residual stress depth distribution on lifecycle behaviour of AISI4140
K Meyer, B Denkena, B Breidenstein, AM Abrao
Procedia CIRP 87, 450-455, 2020
Prediction of surface residual stress and hardness induced by ball burnishing through neural networks
FC Magalhães, CEH Ventura, AM Abrão, B Denkena, B Breidenstein, ...
International Journal of Manufacturing Research 14 (3), 295-310, 2019
Increasing resilience of material supply by decentral urban factories and secondary raw materials
K Meyer, S Görgens, M Juraschek, C Herrmann
Frontiers in Manufacturing Technology 3, 1106965, 2023
Assessment of the temperature distribution in deep rolling of hardened AISI 4140 steel
AM Martins, CAA Leal, AFV Campidelli, AM Abrao, PCM Rodrigues, ...
Journal of Manufacturing Processes 73, 686-694, 2022
Surface topography after deep rolling with milling kinematics
B Denkena, A Krödel, S Heikebrügge, K Meyer, P Pillkahn
Production Engineering 15, 587-593, 2021
Influence of subsurface properties on the application behavior of hybrid components
B Breidenstein, B Denkena, K Meyer, V Prasanthan
Procedia CIRP 87, 302-308, 2020
Increase the Ressource Efficiency by Evaluation of the Effects of Deep Rolling within the Design and Manufacturing Phase
O Maiß, K Röttger, K Meyer
Future Automotive Production Conference 2022, 86-96, 2023
Influence of the Carbon Content on the Surface Integrity of Deep Rolled Steels
F Figueiredo dos Santos, S da Costa Silva, AM Abrão, B Denkena, ...
Journal of Tribology 143 (8), 081702, 2021
Formation of white etching layers by deep rolling of AISI 4140 steel
PS Souza, VM Cangussu, MA Câmara, AM Abrão, B Denkena, ...
Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance 29, 4351-4359, 2020
Energy Efficient Process Chains for the Production of Powertrains
B Denkena, MA Dittrich, M Bergmeier, M Handrup, K Meyer, L Onken, ...
Procedia Manufacturing 43, 48-55, 2020
Dezentrale Fabriken als Chance für die Produktion in der Stadt? Anforderungen, Fertigungsverfahren und Produktpalette
K Meyer, F Aschersleben, AK Reichler, M Mennenga, K Dröder, ...
Die Produktive Stadt: (Re-) Integration der Urbanen Produktion, 99-115, 2023
Antriebsstrang 2025:„Energieeffiziente Prozessketten zur Herstellung eines reibungs-, gewichts-und lebensdaueroptimierten Antriebsstrangs “
B Denkena, G Poll, F Dinkelacker, M Handrup, D Katzsch, K Meyer, ...
Hannover: Institutionelles Repositorium der Leibniz Universität Hannover, 2023
Estudo sobre a integridade superficial do aço ABNT 4140 após a operação de torneamento
AM Martins, PS Souza, AJ Santos, AM Abrão, B Denkena, K Meyer
Matéria (Rio de Janeiro) 25, e-12627, 2020
Influence of deep rolling on the surface integrity of AISI 1020 steel
FF Santos, SC Silva, AM Abrão, B Denkena, B Breidenstein, K Meyer
Matéria (Rio de Janeiro) 25, e-12651, 2020
Influência da operação de roleteamento sobre a integridade superficial do aço ABNT 1020
FF Santos, SC Silva, AM Abrão, B Denkena, B Breidenstein, K Meyer
Matéria (Rio de Janeiro) 25, e-12651, 2020
Modelagem e análise numéricas da operação de roleteamento do aço ABNT 4140
VM Cangussu, AM Abrão, FC Magalhães, B Denkena, B Breidenstein, ...
Matéria (Rio de Janeiro) 25, e-12665, 2020
Framework for Mapping and Developing Closed Loops in Urban Areas
H Lickert, SJ Görgens, K Meyer, F Dietrich
Procedia CIRP 122, 360-365, 2024
Polygon Interface Analysis: A Concept For Analyzing Production Site Interactions In Urban Areas
SJ Görgens, KH Meyer, A Wetzel, M Mennenga
ESSN: 2701-6277, 405-416, 2023
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