A shortest path dependency kernel for relation extraction R Bunescu, R Mooney Proceedings of human language technology conference and conference on …, 2005 | 1266 | 2005 |
Using encyclopedic knowledge for named entity disambiguation R Bunescu, M Pasca 11th conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational …, 2006 | 1234 | 2006 |
Sentiment analyzer: Extracting sentiments about a given topic using natural language processing techniques J Yi, T Nasukawa, R Bunescu, W Niblack Third IEEE international conference on data mining, 427-434, 2003 | 1058 | 2003 |
Subsequence kernels for relation extraction R Bunescu, R Mooney Advances in neural information processing systems 18, 2005 | 690* | 2005 |
Mining knowledge from text using information extraction RJ Mooney, R Bunescu ACM SIGKDD explorations newsletter 7 (1), 3-10, 2005 | 577 | 2005 |
Comparative experiments on learning information extractors for proteins and their interactions R Bunescu, R Ge, RJ Kate, EM Marcotte, RJ Mooney, AK Ramani, ... Artificial intelligence in medicine 33 (2), 139-155, 2005 | 527 | 2005 |
FALCON: Boosting Knowledge for Answer Engines. SM Harabagiu, DI Moldovan, M Pasca, R Mihalcea, M Surdeanu, ... TREC 9, 479-488, 2000 | 463 | 2000 |
Learning to rank relevant files for bug reports using domain knowledge X Ye, R Bunescu, C Liu Proceedings of the 22nd ACM SIGSOFT international symposium on foundations …, 2014 | 376 | 2014 |
From word embeddings to document similarities for improved information retrieval in software engineering X Ye, H Shen, X Ma, R Bunescu, C Liu Proceedings of the 38th international conference on software engineering …, 2016 | 372 | 2016 |
Learning to extract relations from the web using minimal supervision R Bunescu, R Mooney Proceedings of the 45th annual meeting of the association of computational …, 2007 | 368 | 2007 |
Learning to grade short answer questions using semantic similarity measures and dependency graph alignments M Mohler, R Bunescu, R Mihalcea Proceedings of the 49th annual meeting of the association for computational …, 2011 | 366 | 2011 |
Consolidating the set of known human protein-protein interactions in preparation for large-scale mapping of the human interactome AK Ramani, RC Bunescu, RJ Mooney, EM Marcotte Genome biology 6, 1-12, 2005 | 314 | 2005 |
The OhioT1DM dataset for blood glucose level prediction: Update 2020 C Marling, R Bunescu KHD@ IJCAI, 2020 | 270 | 2020 |
Multiple instance learning for sparse positive bags RC Bunescu, RJ Mooney Proceedings of the 24th international conference on Machine learning, 105-112, 2007 | 260 | 2007 |
Inferring causal molecular networks: empirical assessment through a community-based effort SM Hill, LM Heiser, T Cokelaer, M Unger, NK Nesser, DE Carlin, Y Zhang, ... Nature methods 13 (4), 310-318, 2016 | 244 | 2016 |
A machine learning approach to predicting blood glucose levels for diabetes management K Plis, R Bunescu, C Marling, J Shubrook, F Schwartz Workshops at the Twenty-Eighth AAAI conference on artificial intelligence, 2014 | 194 | 2014 |
Collective information extraction with relational Markov networks R Bunescu, R Mooney Proceedings of the 42nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational …, 2004 | 170 | 2004 |
Introduction to statistical relational learning D Koller, N Friedman, S Džeroski, C Sutton, A McCallum, A Pfeffer, ... MIT press, 2007 | 168 | 2007 |
Method and system for extracting opinions from text documents J Yi, T Nasukawa, RC Bunescu US Patent 8,200,477, 2012 | 141 | 2012 |
Text and knowledge mining for coreference resolution S Harabagiu, R Bunescu, SJ Maiorano Second meeting of the North American chapter of the association for …, 2001 | 141 | 2001 |