Marta Dudek
Marta Dudek
Chair of Building Materials Engineering, Cracow University of Technology
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Addressing the need for standardization of test methods for self-healing concrete: an inter-laboratory study on concrete with macrocapsules
T Van Mullem, G Anglani, M Dudek, H Vanoutrive, G Bumanis, C Litina, ...
Science and Technology of Advanced Materials 21 (1), 661-682, 2020
Computation of High-Performance Concrete Compressive Strength Using Standalone and Ensembled Machine Learning Techniques
Y Xu, W Ahmad, A Ahmad, KA Ostrowski, M Dudek, F Aslam, P Joyklad
Materials 14 (22), 7034, 2021
Analyzing the compressive strength of ceramic waste-based concrete using experiment and artificial neural network (ANN) approach
H Song, A Ahmad, KA Ostrowski, M Dudek
Materials 14 (16), 4518, 2021
Evaluation of methodologies for assessing self-healing performance of concrete with mineral expansive agents: An interlaboratory study
C Litina, G Bumanis, G Anglani, M Dudek, R Maddalena, M Amenta, ...
Materials 14 (8), 2024, 2021
Analysis of Changes in the Microstructure of Geopolymer Mortar after Exposure to High Temperatures
M Dudek, M Sitarz
Materials 13 (19), 4263, 2020
Durability of PS-Polyurethane dedicated for composite strengthening applications in masonry and concrete structures
K Kwiecień, A Kwiecień, T Stryszewska, M Szumera, M Dudek
Polymers 12 (12), 2830, 2020
Selection of Method of Chemical Analysis in Measuring the Salinity of Mineral Materials
T Stryszewska, M Dudek
Materials 13 (3), 559, 2020
Biodeterioration potential of algae on building materials-Model study
M Komar, P Nowicka-Krawczyk, T Ruman, J Nizioł, M Dudek, ...
International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation 180, 105593, 2023
Assessing effects of chloride-induced corrosion of galvanized reinforcing steel in cement mortar, using impedance spectroscopy and scanning microscopy
M Jasniok, J Kolodziej, M Dudek
OCHRONA PRZED KOROZJA 61 (7), 176-181, 2018
Microstructure of autonomous self-healing concrete
T Stryszewska, M Dudek
MATEC Web of Conferences 322, 01022, 2020
Self-healing cement materials–microscopic techniques
M Dudek
Budownictwo i Architektura 19 (2), 33-40, 2020
Self-Healing of Cracks in Cementitious Materials as a Method of Improving the Durability of Pre-Stressed Concrete Railway Sleepers
M Dudek, T Stryszewska
Materials 17 (3), 760, 2024
Dobór nośnika i środka leczniczego do autonomicznego zaleczania rys w tworzywach cementowych
M Dudek, T Stryszewska, S Kańka
Inżynieria i Budownictwo 78, 2022
Samozaleczanie rys w tworzywach cementowych za pomocą makrorurek z wypełnieniem żywicznym
M Dudek
Sposoby samozaleczania rys w tworzywach cementowych
M Dudek, T Stryszewska, S Kańka
Inżynieria i Budownictwo 77 (7), 2021
Evaluation of test methods for self-healing concrete with macrocapsules by inter-laboratory testing
T Van Mullem, G Anglani, H Vanoutrive, G Bumanis, C Litina, M Dudek, ...
Proceedings Resilient Materials 4 Life 2020 (RM4L2020), 180-185, 2021
Computation of High-Performance Concrete Compressive Strength Using Standalone and Ensembled Machine Learning Techniques. Materials 2021, 14, 7034
Y Xu, W Ahmad, A Ahmad, KA Ostrowski, M Dudek, F Aslam, P Joyklad
s Note: MDPI stays neu-tral with regard to jurisdictional claims in …, 2021
Application of scanning electron microscope equipped with tensile stage for testing the micro-mechanical properties of materials
M Dudek, T Stryszewska
Zastosowanie technik mikroskopowych w ocenie samoleczenia tworzyw cementowych
T Stryszewska, M Dudek
Mikrostruktura popiołów pochodzących ze spalania odpadów komunalnych
M Dudek
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