Masahiro Shinya
Masahiro Shinya
在 hiroshima-u.ac.jp 的电子邮件经过验证 - 首页
Distinct sets of locomotor modules control the speed and modes of human locomotion
H Yokoyama, T Ogawa, N Kawashima, M Shinya, K Nakazawa
Scientific reports 6 (1), 36275, 2016
A split-step shortens the time to perform a choice reaction step-and-reach movement in a simulated tennis task
R Uzu, M Shinya, S Oda
Journal of Sports Sciences 27 (12), 1233-1240, 2009
Wrist muscle activity during rapid unimanual tapping with a drumstick in drummers and nondrummers
S Fujii, K Kudo, M Shinya, T Ohtsuki, S Oda
Motor Control 13 (3), 237-250, 2009
The effect of choice reaction task on impact of single-leg landing
M Shinya, O Wada, M Yamada, N Ichihashi, S Oda
Gait & posture 34 (1), 55-59, 2011
Paired synchronous rhythmic finger tapping without an external timing cue shows greater speed increases relative to those for solo tapping
M Okano, M Shinya, K Kudo
Scientific Reports 7 (1), 43987, 2017
Interjoint dynamic interaction during constrained human quiet standing examined by induced acceleration analysis
S Sasagawa, M Shinya, K Nakazawa
Journal of neurophysiology 111 (2), 313-322, 2014
Anticipatory postural adjustments during lateral step motion in patients with hip osteoarthritis
H Tateuchi, N Ichihashi, M Shinya, S Oda
Journal of applied biomechanics 27 (1), 32-39, 2011
Corrective postural responses evoked by completely unexpected loss of ground support during human walking
M Shinya, S Fujii, S Oda
Gait & posture 29 (3), 483-487, 2009
Motor planning under temporal uncertainty is suboptimal when the gain function is asymmetric
K Ota, M Shinya, K Kudo
Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience 9, 88, 2015
Pitching form determines probabilistic structure of errors in pitch location
M Shinya, S Tsuchiya, Y Yamada, K Nakazawa, K Kudo, S Oda
Journal of sports sciences 35 (21), 2142-2147, 2017
Sub-optimality in motor planning is retained throughout 9 days practice of 2250 trials
K Ota, M Shinya, K Kudo
Scientific reports 6 (1), 37181, 2016
Effect of dual-tasking on the center of pressure trajectory at gait initiation in elderly fallers and non-fallers
K Uemura, M Yamada, K Nagai, M Shinya, N Ichihashi
Aging clinical and experimental research 24, 152-156, 2012
Anticipation by basketball defenders: An explanation based on the three-dimensional inverted pendulum model
K Fujii, M Shinya, D Yamashita, M Kouzaki, S Oda
European Journal of Sport Science 14 (6), 538-546, 2014
Baseball pitching accuracy: an examination of various parameters when evaluating pitch locations
K Kawamura, M Shinya, H Kobayashi, H Obata, M Kuwata, K Nakazawa
Sports biomechanics 16 (3), 399-410, 2017
Speed dependency in α-motoneuron activity and locomotor modules in human locomotion: indirect evidence for phylogenetically conserved spinal circuits
H Yokoyama, T Ogawa, M Shinya, N Kawashima, K Nakazawa
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 284 (1851), 20170290, 2017
Transcranial direct current stimulation over dorsolateral prefrontal cortex modulates risk-attitude in motor decision-making
K Ota, M Shinya, K Kudo
Frontiers in human neuroscience 13, 297, 2019
Anticipation of direction and time of perturbation modulates the onset latency of trunk muscle responses during sitting perturbations
M Milosevic, M Shinya, K Masani, K Patel, KMV McConville, K Nakazawa, ...
Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology 26, 94-101, 2016
Risk aversion in the adjustment of speed-accuracy tradeoff depending on time constraints
R Onagawa, M Shinya, K Ota, K Kudo
Scientific reports 9 (1), 11732, 2019
Cognitive bias for the distribution of ball landing positions in amateur tennis players (cognitive bias for the motor variance in tennis)
H Yamamoto, M Shinya, K Kudo
Journal of motor behavior 51 (2), 141-150, 2019
Enhancing memory of stair height by the motor experience of stepping
M Shinya, A Popescu, C Marchak, B Maraj, K Pearson
Experimental brain research 223, 405-414, 2012
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