Harald Bauer
Harald Bauer
Head of Visual Computing
在 profactor.at 的电子邮件经过验证
The impact of 3-dimensional reconstructions on operation planning in liver surgery
W Lamadé, G Glombitza, L Fischer, P Chiu, CE Cárdenas Sr, M Thorn, ...
Archives of surgery 135 (11), 1256-1261, 2000
LOCOBOT-low cost toolkit for building robot co-workers in assembly lines
C Wögerer, H Bauer, M Rooker, G Ebenhofer, A Rovetta, N Robertson, ...
Intelligent Robotics and Applications: 5th International Conference, ICIRA …, 2012
A system integration approach for service-oriented robotics
G Ebenhofer, H Bauer, M Plasch, S Zambal, SC Akkaladevi, A Pichler
2013 IEEE 18th Conference on Emerging Technologies & Factory Automation …, 2013
A value sensitive design approach for designing AI-based worker assistance systems in manufacturing
S Vernim, H Bauer, E Rauch, MT Ziegler, S Umbrello
Procedia Computer Science 200, 505-516, 2022
ReconstructMe SDK: a C API for Real-time 3D Scanning
C Heindl, H Bauer, M Ankerl, A Pichler
6th International Conference and Exhibition on 3D Body Scanning Technologies …, 2015
A plug & produce approach to design robot assistants in a sustainable manufacturing environment
M Plasch, A Pichler, H Bauer, M Rooker, G Ebenhofer
22nd International Conference on Flexible Automation and Intelligent …, 2012
Lessons learned from industrial augmented reality applications
G Stübl, G Ebenhofer, H Bauer, A Pichler
Procedia Computer Science 200, 1218-1226, 2022
A portable, low-cost 3D body scanning system
C Kopf, C Heindl, M Rooker, H Bauer, A Pichler
3D Body Scanning Technologies, 417-25, 2013
Towards more agility in robot painting through 3d object recognition
A Pichler, H Bauer, C Eberst, C Heindl, J Minichberger
Intelligent production machines and systems, 608-613, 2006
Capturing photorealistic and printable 3d models using low-cost hardware
C Heindl, SC Akkaladevi, H Bauer
Advances in Visual Computing: 12th International Symposium, ISVC 2016, Las …, 2016
Tailor made robot co workers based on a Plug&Produce framework
A Pichler, P Barattini, C Morand, I Almajai, N Robertson, J Hopgood, ...
Robotics in Smart Manufacturing: International Workshop, WRSM 2013, Co …, 2013
Lessons Learned from Human Pose Interaction in an Industrial Spatial Augmented Reality Application
G Stübl, C Heindl, G Ebenhofer, H Bauer, A Pichler
Procedia Computer Science 217, 912-917, 2023
Towards tailor made robot co workers based on a plug&produce framework
P Barattini, C Morand, I Almajai, N Robertson, J Hopgood, P Ferrara, ...
2013 IEEE International Symposium on Assembly and Manufacturing (ISAM), 91-96, 2013
Photorealistic texturing of human busts reconstruction
C Heindl, SC Akkaladevi, H Bauer
Seventh International Conference on 3D Body Scanning Technologies, 225-230, 2016
Deep learning based aesthetic evaluation of state-of-the-art 3D reconstruction techniques
G Stuebl, C Heindl, H Bauer, A Pichler
Proceedings of the 3DBODY. TECH 2017-8th International Conference and …, 2017
ReconstructMe-Towards a Full Autonomous Bust Generator
C Kopf, C Heindl, M Ankerl, H Bauer, A Pichler
Proc. of 5th Int. Conf. on 3D Body Scanning Technologies, 184-190, 2014
Automatic intrinsics and extrinsics projector calibration with embedded light sensors
T Poenitz, C Heindl, H Bauer, M Kampel
Proceedings of the OAGM ARW Joint Workshop, 2019
„On Quality Assurance of 3D Bust Reconstructions.”
G Stübl, C Heindl, H Bauer, A Pichler
Proceedings of the 2nd OAGM-ARW Joint Workshop Vision, Automation and Robotics, 2017
Novel human machine interaction with sticky notes for industrial production
G Stuebl, T Poenitz, H Bauer, A Pichler
Proceedings of the OAGM ARW Joint Workshop doi 10, 978-3, 2017
Recognition and 6DOF localisation of parts for Lotsize1 automation
A Pichler, H Bauer, C Heindl, J Minichberger, C Eberst
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 40 (3), 265-270, 2007
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