Christoph Spijker
Christoph Spijker
在 unileoben.ac.at 的电子邮件经过验证
CFD modeling of particle dispersion behavior in the MIKE 3 apparatus
Y Pan, C Spijker, H Raupenstrauch
Alexandria engineering journal 61 (12), 9305-9313, 2022
Modeling of a walking beam furnace using CFD–methods
W Pollhammer, C Spijker, J Six, D Zoglauer, H Raupenstrauch
Energy Procedia 120, 477-483, 2017
Numerical investigation on inner particle effects in Lycopodium/Air dust deflagrations
C Spijker, H Raupenstrauch
Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries 49, 870-879, 2017
Modeling dust explosions
C Spijker, H Raupenstrauch, H Kern, K Held
AIChE annual meeting 2013, 2013
Development of an atmosphere particle kinetic model for particle reactions in a combustion Flash-Reactor using CFD-methods
F Edler, B Geier, W Reiter, J Rieger, C Spijker, H Raupenstrauch
Energy Procedia 120, 540-547, 2017
Numerische Untersuchung der Wechselwirkung zwischen explosionsfähigen Lykopodium/Luft-Gemischen und inerten partikulären Additiven mittels Euler-Lagrange Ansatz in OpenFOAM
S Tomasch, W Pollhammer, C Spijker, H Kern, H Raupenstrauch
5. Magdeburger Brand-und Explosionsschutztage, 2017
Optimization of turbulence and radiation models for an improved prediction of non-premixed turbulent flames
C Pfeiler, CJ Spijker, H Raupenstrauch
International review of mechanical engineering 5 (2), 218-225, 2011
CFD als Werkzeug in der Industrieofentechnik
C Pfeiler, CJ Spijker, H Raupenstrauch
BHM Berg-und Hüttenmännische Monatshefte 9 (156), 347-352, 2011
Vergleich des EDC und SLF Verbrennungsmodells anhand der Sandia Flamme D und deren Anwendbarkeit für Industrieofensimulationen
C Pfeiler, CJ Spijker, H Raupenstrauch
BHM Berg-und Hüttenmännische Monatshefte 11 (156), 457-462, 2011
Unsteady Laminar Flamelet Modellierung zur Beschreibung von Mündungsmischbrennern
C Spijker
Numerical study of an industrial burner to optimise NOx emissions and to evaluate the feasibility of hydrogen-enriched fuel
S Swaminathan, C Spijker, Z Raonic, M Koller, I Kofler, H Raupenstrauch
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 49, 1210-1220, 2024
Investigations on the effect of particle size on dust dispersion in MIKE 3 apparatus
Y Pan, C Spijker, H Raupenstrauch
13th International Symposium on Hazards, Prevention, and Mitigation of …, 2020
Modeling of a direct fired reduction reactor with a flamelet equilibrium hybrid model including transient reactive particles for design studies
F Edler, C Spijker, W Pollhammer, Z Raonic, H Raupenstrauch
17th International Conference on Numerical Combustion, Book of Abstracts, 2019
Development of a twostep simulation concept for fast and accurate prediction of NOX using flamelet model and detailed chemistry in OpenFOAM
WR Pollhammer, C Spijker, H Raupenstrauch, M Koller
Minisymposium Proceedings 2018, 2018
Development of a dust dispersion system for investigations on reduced pressure conditions in the 20 liter SIWEK apparatus using OpenFOAM
W Pollhammer, C Spijker, H Kern, H Raupenstrauch
Graz, March 30th and 31st, 2016, 167, 2015
CFD-Simulation eines direkt befeuerten Ofens zur Vorbehandlung feuerverzinkter Stahlbänder
C Triebl, C Spijker, H Raupenstrauch, A Jarosik, G Angeli
BHM Berg-und Hüttenmännische Monatshefte 7 (159), 310-311, 2014
TGA-FTIR for kinetic and evolved gas analysis of the coal particles in dust deflagration
Y Pan, C Spijker, H Raupenstrauch
Applied Thermal Engineering 231, 120881, 2023
CFD‐DEM Modeling of Shaft Furnaces Using the Volume Fraction Smoother Approach
C Spijker, W Pollhammer, H Raupenstrauch
Chemical Engineering & Technology 46 (7), 1333-1339, 2023
A numerically efficient method for the prediction of nitrogen oxide emissions in industrial furnaces
C Spijker, S Swaminathan, H Raupenstrauch
steel research international 91 (12), 2000239, 2020
New developments to the post-processor in determining nitrogen oxide emissions with an computationally efficient approach
S Swaminathan, C Spijker, H Raupenstrauch, I Kofler, M Koller
Carbon Resources Conversion 3, 198-202, 2020
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