Dmytro Peleshko
Dmytro Peleshko
Dr.Sc, Prof., GeoGuard / д.т.н., професор, GeoGuard
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Image superresolution via divergence matrix and automatic detection of crossover
D Peleshko, T Rak, I Izonin
International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications (IJISA) 8 (12 …, 2016
Single-frame image super-resolution based on singular square matrix operator
Y Rashkevych, D Peleshko, O Vynokurova, I Izonin, N Lotoshynska
2017 IEEE First Ukraine Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering …, 2017
Real-time fire detection method combining AdaBoost, LBP and convolutional neural network in video sequence
O Maksymiv, T Rak, D Peleshko
2017 14th international conference the experience of designing and …, 2017
The intellectual system development of distant competencies analyzing for IT recruitment
A Rzheuskyi, O Kutyuk, O Voloshyn, A Kowalska-Styczen, V Voloshyn, ...
Conference on Computer Science and Information Technologies, 696-720, 2019
Research of usage of Haar-like features and AdaBoost algorithm in Viola-Jones method of object detection
D Peleshko, K Soroka
2013 12th International Conference on the Experience of Designing and …, 2013
Video-based flame detection using LBP-based descriptor: influences of classifiers variety on detection efficiency
OP Maksymiv, TJ Rak, DD Peleshko
International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications, 2016
Design and implementation of visitors queue density analysis and registration method for retail videosurveillance purposes
D Peleshko, Y Ivanov, B Sharov, I Izonin, Y Borzov
2016 IEEE First International Conference on Data Stream Mining & Processing …, 2016
Learning-based image super-resolution using weight coefficients of synaptic connections
I Izonin, R Tkachenko, D Peleshko, T Rak, D Batyuk
2015 Xth International Scientific and Technical Conference" Computer …, 2015
A novel ensemble neuro-fuzzy model for financial time series forecasting
A Vlasenko, N Vlasenko, O Vynokurova, Y Bodyanskiy, D Peleshko
Data 4 (3), 126, 2019
Adaptive moving object segmentation algorithms in cluttered environments
Y Ivanov, D Peleshko, O Makoveychuk, I Izonin, I Malets, N Lotoshunska, ...
The experience of designing and application of CAD systems in …, 2015
Hybrid fuzzy-clustering algorithm of unevenly and asynchronously spaced time series in computer engineering
Y Bodyanskiy, I Kobylin, Y Rashkevych, O Vynokurova, D Peleshko
2018 14th International Conference on Advanced Trends in Radioelecrtronics …, 2018
Hybrid machine learning system for solving fraud detection tasks
O Vynokurova, D Peleshko, O Bondarenko, V Ilyasov, V Serzhantov, ...
2020 IEEE Third International Conference on Data Stream Mining & Processing …, 2020
Two-frames image superresolution based on the aggregate divergence matrix
D Peleshko, T Rak, M Peleshko, I Izonin, D Batyuk
2016 IEEE First International Conference on Data Stream Mining & Processing …, 2016
Aviation aircraft planning system project development
V Lytvyn, A Kowalska-Styczen, D Peleshko, T Rak, V Voloshyn, ...
Conference on Computer Science and Information Technologies, 315-348, 2019
Analysis of invariant moments in tasks image processing
D Peleshko, M Peleshko, N Kustra, I Izonin
2011 11th international conference the experience of designing and …, 2011
Adaptive multivariate hybrid neuro-fuzzy system and its on-board fast learning
Y Bodyanskiy, O Vynokurova, G Setlak, D Peleshko, P Mulesa
Neurocomputing 230, 409-416, 2017
Drone Monitoring System DROMOS of Urban Environmental Dynamics.
D Peleshko, T Rak, JR Noennig, V Lytvyn, V Vysotska
ITPM, 178-193, 2020
Optimization search process in database of learning system
Y Rashkevych, D Peleshko, M Pasyeka
Proceedings of the 2nd IEEE International Workshop on Intelligent Data …, 2003
Hybrid generalized additive neuro-fuzzy system and its adaptive learning algorithms
Y Bodyanskiy, G Setlak, D Peleshko, O Vynokurova
2015 IEEE 8th International Conference on Intelligent Data Acquisition and …, 2015
Hybrid generalized additive wavelet-neuro-fuzzy-system and its adaptive learning
Y Bodyanskiy, O Vynokurova, I Pliss, D Peleshko, Y Rashkevych
Dependability Engineering and Complex Systems: Proceedings of the Eleventh …, 2016
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