Robert Haase
Robert Haase
Data Science Center ScaDS.AI, Uni Leipzig
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Star-convex polyhedra for 3D object detection and segmentation in microscopy
M Weigert, U Schmidt, R Haase, K Sugawara, G Myers
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF winter conference on applications of computer …, 2020
Exploratory prospective trial of hypoxia-specific PET imaging during radiochemotherapy in patients with locally advanced head-and-neck cancer
D Zips, K Zöphel, N Abolmaali, R Perrin, A Abramyuk, R Haase, S Appold, ...
Radiotherapy and Oncology 105 (1), 21-28, 2012
CLIJ: GPU-accelerated image processing for everyone
R Haase, LA Royer, P Steinbach, D Schmidt, A Dibrov, U Schmidt, ...
Nature methods 17 (1), 5-6, 2020
Common limitations of image processing metrics: A picture story
A Reinke, MD Tizabi, CH Sudre, M Eisenmann, T Rädsch, M Baumgartner, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2104.05642, 2021
LABKIT: labeling and segmentation toolkit for big image data
M Arzt, J Deschamps, C Schmied, T Pietzsch, D Schmidt, P Tomancak, ...
Frontiers in computer science 4, 777728, 2022
Identification of patient benefit from proton therapy for advanced head and neck cancer patients based on individual and subgroup normal tissue complication probability analysis
A Jakobi, A Bandurska-Luque, K Stützer, R Haase, S Löck, LJ Wack, ...
International Journal of Radiation Oncology* Biology* Physics 92 (5), 1165-1174, 2015
Metrics reloaded: recommendations for image analysis validation
L Maier-Hein, A Reinke, P Godau, MD Tizabi, F Buettner, E Christodoulou, ...
Nature methods 21 (2), 195-212, 2024
Regionalized tissue fluidization is required for epithelial gap closure during insect gastrulation
A Jain, V Ulman, A Mukherjee, M Prakash, MB Cuenca, LG Pimpale, ...
Nature communications 11 (1), 5604, 2020
Spatial distribution of FMISO in head and neck squamous cell carcinomas during radio-chemotherapy and its correlation to pattern of failure
S Zschaeck, R Haase, N Abolmaali, R Perrin, K Stützer, S Appold, ...
Acta Oncologica 54 (9), 1355-1363, 2015
NTCP reduction for advanced head and neck cancer patients using proton therapy for complete or sequential boost treatment versus photon therapy
A Jakobi, K Stützer, A Bandurska-Luque, S Löck, R Haase, LJ Wack, ...
Acta Oncologica 54 (9), 1658-1664, 2015
Precise image-guided irradiation of small animals: a flexible non-profit platform
F Tillner, P Thute, S Löck, A Dietrich, A Fursov, R Haase, M Lukas, ...
Physics in Medicine & Biology 61 (8), 3084, 2016
Two or four hour [18F] FMISO-PET in HNSCC
N Abolmaali, R Haase, A Koch, D Zips, J Steinbach, M Baumann, ...
Nuklearmedizin-NuclearMedicine 50 (01), 22-27, 2011
A hitchhiker's guide through the bio‐image analysis software universe
R Haase, E Fazeli, D Legland, M Doube, S Culley, I Belevich, E Jokitalo, ...
Febs Letters 596 (19), 2472-2485, 2022
Open microscopy in the life sciences: quo vadis?
J Hohlbein, B Diederich, B Marsikova, EG Reynaud, S Holden, W Jahr, ...
Nature methods 19 (9), 1020-1025, 2022
Zebrahub–Multimodal zebrafish developmental atlas reveals the State-transition dynamics of late-vertebrate pluripotent axial progenitors
M Lange, A Granados, S VijayKumar, J Bragantini, S Ancheta, ...
BioRxiv, 2023.03. 06.531398, 2023
Developing open-source software for bioimage analysis: opportunities and challenges
F Levet, AE Carpenter, KW Eliceiri, A Kreshuk, P Bankhead, R Haase
F1000Research 10, 2021
High-precision image-guided proton irradiation of mouse brain sub-volumes
T Suckert, J Müller, E Beyreuther, B Azadegan, A Brüggemann, R Bütof, ...
Radiotherapy and Oncology 146, 205-212, 2020
Prognostic value of baseline [18F]-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography parameters MTV, TLG and asphericity in an international multicenter cohort of …
S Zschaeck, Y Li, Q Lin, M Beck, H Amthauer, L Bauersachs, M Hajiyianni, ...
PloS one 15 (7), e0236841, 2020
FMISO-PET-based lymph node hypoxia adds to the prognostic value of tumor only hypoxia in HNSCC patients
A Bandurska-Luque, S Löck, R Haase, C Richter, K Zöphel, N Abolmaali, ...
Radiotherapy and Oncology 130, 97-103, 2019
The RNA binding protein human antigen R is a gatekeeper of liver homeostasis
P Subramanian, S Gargani, A Palladini, M Chatzimike, M Grzybek, ...
Hepatology 75 (4), 881-897, 2022
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