Mott exciton in a quasi-two-dimensional semiconductor in a strong magnetic field IV Lerner, YUE Lozovik Sov. Phys. JETP, 51 (3), 588-592, 1980 | 332* | 1980 |
Two-dimensional electron-hole system in a strong magnetic field as an almost ideal exciton gas IV Lerner, YE Lozovik Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz 80, 1488-1503, 1981 | 212 | 1981 |
Statistics of mesoscopic fluctuations and instability of one-parameter scaling BL Altshuler, VE Kravtsov, IV Lerner Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz 91, 2276, 1986 | 193 | 1986 |
Universal spectral correlations at the mobility edge VE Kravtsov, IV Lerner, BL Altshuler, AG Aronov Physical review letters 72 (6), 888, 1994 | 192 | 1994 |
Lozovik, Two-dimensional electron-hole system in a strong magnetic field as an almost ideal exciton gas IV Lerner, E Yu JETP 53, 763, 1981 | 148 | 1981 |
Spectral rigidity and eigenfunction correlations at the Anderson transition JT Chalker, VE Kravtsov, IV Lerner Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics Letters 64, 386-392, 1996 | 142 | 1996 |
Statistical properties of mesoscopic fluctuations and similarity theory BL Al'Tshuler, VE Kravtsov, IV Lerner ZhETF Pisma Redaktsiiu 43, 342, 1986 | 116 | 1986 |
Strongly Correlated Fermions and Bosons in Low-Dimensional Disordered Systems I.V. Lerner, B.L. Al'tshuler, T. Giamarchi, V.I Springer, 2002 | 105* | 2002 |
Jumps in current-voltage characteristics in disordered films BL Altshuler, VE Kravtsov, IV Lerner, IL Aleiner Physical review letters 102 (17), 176803, 2009 | 99 | 2009 |
Spectral correlations in disordered electronic systems: crossover from metal to insulator regime AG Aronov, VE Kravtsov, IV Lerner Physical review letters 74 (7), 1174, 1995 | 97 | 1995 |
Random Walks through the Ensemble: Linking Spectral Statistics with Wavefunction Correlations in Disordered Metals JT Chalker, IV Lerner, RA Smith Phys. Rev. Lett. 77 (3), 554, 1996 | 92 | 1996 |
Current relaxation and mesoscopic fluctuations in disordered conductors BL Altshuler, VE Kravtsov, IV Lerner Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz 95, 348, 1988 | 91* | 1988 |
Random walks in media with constrained disorder VE Kravtsov, IV Lerner, VI Yudson Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 18 (12), L703, 1985 | 88 | 1985 |
Distribution functions of current density and local density of states in disordered quantum conductors IV Lerner Physics Letters A 133 (4-5), 253-259, 1988 | 84 | 1988 |
Applicability of scaling description to the distribution of mesoscopic fluctuations BL Altshuler, VE Kravtsov, IV Lerner Physics Letters A 134 (8-9), 488-492, 1989 | 81 | 1989 |
Quantum coherence in mesoscopic systems B Kramer NATO ASI Series, 1991 | 78 | 1991 |
Mesoscopic conductance fluctuations in graphene DW Horsell, AK Savchenko, FV Tikhonenko, K Kechedzhi, IV Lerner, ... Solid State Communications 149 (27-28), 1041-1045, 2009 | 69 | 2009 |
Functional integral bosonization for an impurity in a Luttinger liquid A Grishin, IV Yurkevich, IV Lerner Physical Review B 69 (16), 165108, 2004 | 62 | 2004 |
Low-temperature decoherence of qubit coupled to background charges A Grishin, IV Yurkevich, IV Lerner Physical Review B 72 (6), 060509, 2005 | 60 | 2005 |
Level correlations driven by weak localization in 2d systems VE Kravtsov, IV Lerner Physical review letters 74 (13), 2563, 1995 | 55 | 1995 |