Gabriela Alessandra da Cruz Galhardo Camargo
Gabriela Alessandra da Cruz Galhardo Camargo
在 id.uff.br 的电子邮件经过验证
Clinical and laboratory evaluations of non‐surgical periodontal treatment in subjects with diabetes mellitus
GA Cruz, S De Toledo, EA Sallum, AW Sallum, GMB Ambrosano, ...
Journal of Periodontology 79 (7), 1150-1157, 2008
Comparison of the effectiveness of 0.5% tea, 2% neem and 0.2% chlorhexidine mouthwashes on oral health: A randomized control trial
AY Balappanavar, V Sardana, M Singh
Indian Journal of Dental Research 24 (1), 26-34, 2013
Periodontal conditions and prevalence of putative periodontopathogens and Candida spp. in insulin-dependent type 2 diabetic and non-diabetic patients with chronic periodontitis …
JCO Sardi, C Duque, GACG Camargo, JF Hofling, RB Gonçalves
Archives of oral biology 56 (10), 1098-1105, 2011
Microbiological, lipid and immunological profiles in children with gingivitis and type 1 diabetes mellitus
C Duque, MFD João, GACG Camargo, GS Teixeira, TS Machado, ...
Journal of Applied Oral Science 25 (2), 217-226, 2017
Investigations of the prevalence and virulence of Candida albicans in periodontal and endodontic lesions in diabetic and normoglycemic patients
CC Gomes, LS Guimaraes, LCC Pinto, GACG Camargo, MIB Valente, ...
Journal of Applied Oral Science 25 (3), 274-281, 2017
Morphological and chemical analysis of bone substitutes by scanning electron microscopy and microanalysis by spectroscopy of dispersion energy
GA Cruz, S Toledo, EA Sallum, AFM Lima
Brazilian dental journal 18, 129-133, 2007
Prevalence of periodontopathogens and Candida spp. in smokers after nonsurgical periodontal therapy – a pilot study
GACG Camargo, MGL Abreu, RS Cordeiro, LF Wenderoscky, C Duque
Brazilian oral research 30 (01), e92, 2016
Effect of periodontal therapy on metabolic control and levels of IL-6 in the gingival crevicular fluid in type 2 diabetes mellitus
GACG Camargo, M de Andrade Lima, TV Fortes, CS de Souza, ...
Indian Journal of Dental Research 24 (1), 110-116, 2013
Aspectos clínicos, microbiológicos e tratamento periodontal em pacientes fumantes portadores de doença periodontal crônica: revisão da literatura
GACG Camargo, MGL Abreu, R dos Santos, MA Crespo, ...
Revista Brasileira de Odontologia 73 (4), 325, 2016
Utilização do plasma rico em plaquetas na odontologia
GACG Camargo, RLB Oliveira, TMV Fortes, TS Santos
Odontologia Clínico-Científica (Online) 11 (3), 187-190, 2012
Determination of the influence of chronic periodontitis on pulp sensibility by means of electric and thermal cold testing
VCQ Neves, BEC Toledo, GACG Camargo, AA Souza, EP Zuza
Journal of endodontics 43 (11), 1802-1805, 2017
Radioproteção em gestante
GA Cruz, ECC Beda, JCM Castilho, LC Moraes
Rev. ABRO, 59-61, 2002
Frequency of Porphyromonas gingivalis fimA in smokers and nonsmokers after periodontal therapy
MGL Abreu, D Kawamoto, MPA Mayer, VD Pascoal, KS Caiaffa, EP Zuza, ...
Journal of Applied Oral Science 27, e20180205, 2019
Levels of prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) in gingival crevicular fluid from smokers and non smokers with gingivites and chronic periodontal disease.
TJLM Camargo, GACG, dos Santos MP, Silva NLC, de Miranda ALP
Journal of dentistry and Oral Hygiene 7 (5), 54-9., 2015
Endo-perio lesions prevalence in non-molar and molar teeth: a pilot study
FCC Cucolo, MC Bonvalente, EM Barroso, BEC Toledo, GACG Camargo, ...
Revista de Odontologia da UNESP 50, e20210037, 2021
Surgeons’ performance determining the amount of graft material for sinus floor augmentation using tomography
AD Cruz, GA Peixoto, MF Aguiar, GACG Camargo, N Homs
Brazilian Dental Journal 28 (3), 385-390, 2017
Utilização de radiografia digital em Odontologia
GA Cruz, LC Moraes, E Médici Filho, JCM Castilho
Rev. ABO nac, 283-286, 2004
Estudo clínico e radiográfico do nível da crista óssea alveolar em pacientes fumantes
GA Cruz
Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), 2003
Periodontal health status and prevalence of root caries in Brazilian adults of Aracaju city
GA Camargo, CE Silveira, AC Silva, CO Silva
J Dent Oral Hyg 2, 23-6, 2010
Estudo da morfologia de diferentes substitutos ósseos por meio de microscopia eletrônica de varredura
GA Cruz, EA Sallum, S Toledo
Periodontia, 39-46, 2007
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