Carotenoids, total polyphenols and antioxidant activity of grapes (Vitis vinifera) cultivated in organic and conventional systems CI Bunea, N Pop, AC Babeş, C Matea, FV Dulf, A Bunea Chemistry Central Journal 6, 1-9, 2012 | 170 | 2012 |
Qualitative Assessment of the White Wine Varieties Grown in Dealu Bujorului Vineyard, Romania FD BORA, A DONICI, A OŞLOBANU, A FIȚIU, AC BABEȘ, CI BUNEA Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca 44 (2), 593-602, 2016 | 29 | 2016 |
Research on Trends in Extreme Weather Conditions and their Effects on Grapevine in Romanian Viticulture GM BUCUR, AC BABEŞ Bulletin UASVM Horticulture 73 (2), 126-134, 2016 | 23 | 2016 |
Evaluation of Volatile Compounds during Ageingwith Oak Chips and Oak Barrel of MuscatOttonel Wine E Călugăr, Anamaria, Coldea, Teodora Emilia, Pop, Carmen Rodica, Pop ... Processes 8 (1000), 18, 2020 | 22* | 2020 |
Influence of Ecoclimatic and Ecopedological Conditions on Quality of White Wine Grape Varieties from North-West of Romania. FD BORA, TI Pop, CI BUNEA, DE URCAN, A BABEŞ, N POP, ... Bulletin of the University of Agricultural Sciences & Veterinary Medicine …, 2014 | 22 | 2014 |
Research on the quality of the three white wine varieties in Transylvania, harvest of 2013-14. FD Bora, TI Pop, AC Babeș, D Popescu, M Iliescu, N Pop | 16 | 2015 |
Environmental factors influence on quality of wine grape varieties in four different areas of culture ML LUNG, N POP, F CIOBANU, A BABES, C BUNEA, S LAZAR Bulletin of University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj …, 2012 | 14 | 2012 |
Dynamics of starch reserves in some grapevine varieties (Vitis vinifera L.) during dormancy. A Călugăr, MI Cordea, A Babeş, M Fejer | 13 | 2019 |
Volatile composition of some red wines from Romania assessed by GC-MS M Manolache, T Pop, A Babeş, I Farcaş, M Muncaciu, A Călugăr, E Gal Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Chemia 63 (2), 125-142, 2018 | 10 | 2018 |
Influence of oak chips and oak barrel ageing on volatile profile in Chardonnay wine of Romania DI Stegăruș, A Călugăr, C Tanase, A Muscă, OR Botoran, M Manolache, ... Applied Sciences 11 (8), 3691, 2021 | 9 | 2021 |
Oenological characterization of wines from grape clones created at Research Station for Viticulture and Enology Blaj, Romania A Călugăr, AC Babeş, CI Bunea, TI Pop, L Tomoiagă, M Iliescu Ştiinţa agricolă, 50-56, 2018 | 9 | 2018 |
Comparative polyphenolic content of grape pomace flours from ‘Fetească neagră’and ‘Italian Riesling’Cultivars ML MUNCACIU, FZ MARIN, POP Nastasia, AC BABEȘ Notulae botanicae horti agrobotanici cluj-napoca 45 (2), 532-539, 2017 | 9 | 2017 |
Ampelografie: lucrări practice A Babeş AcademicPres, 2006 | 9 | 2006 |
Assessment of volatile compounds of some red wine samples from republic of Moldova and Romania using GC-MS analysis M Manolache, TI Pop, AC Babeş, IA Farcas, M Godoroja, A Călugăr, E Gal Agricultura 105 (1-2), 40-47, 2018 | 8 | 2018 |
Influence of Variety and Type of Cultivation (Organic and Conventional) on Quality, in Five Wine Grape Varieties, Grown in Cluj County, Romania. CI Bunea, M Ardelean, N Pop, A Bunea, A Babes, A Calugar Bulletin of the University of Agricultural Sciences & Veterinary Medicine …, 2010 | 7 | 2010 |
Economic efficiency of the use of different paraffins to obtain Fetească regală grapevine grafts A Călugăr*, D Corbean, I Pop, Tiberia, I Bunea, C., M Iliescu, ... Proceedings Of The Multidisciplinary Conference On Sustainable Development …, 2019 | 6 | 2019 |
Evaluation of climate changes on the vine agrosystem in Tarnave vineyard M Iliescu, L Tomoiagă, VS Chedea, EA Pop, A Sîrbu, M Popa, A Călugăr, ... Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology 20 (4), 1754-1760, 2019 | 6 | 2019 |
Influence of the bud load level at pruning on fertility elements, in Blaj wine-growing center. A Călugăr, N Pop, M Sarago, A Babeș, C Bunea, D Hodor, F Ciobanu | 6 | 2010 |
Oenological characterization of wines from Grape Clones Created at RSVE Blaj A Calugar, AC Babes, CI Bunea, TI Pop, L Tomoiagă, M Iliescu Alba Country, Romania, Stiintaagricola 2, 50-58, 2018 | 5 | 2018 |
Cercetări privind consumul de apă la viţa de vie în unele zone din Transilvania AC BABEŞ Teză de doctorat, USAMV Cluj-Napoca, 2011 | 5 | 2011 |