The scatter in KIC-results K Wallin Engineering Fracture Mechanics 19 (6), 1085-1093, 1984 | 824 | 1984 |
Statistical model for carbide induced brittle fracture in steel K Wallin, T Saario, K Törrönen Metal Science 18 (1), 13-16, 1984 | 439 | 1984 |
The size effect in KIcresults K Wallin Engineering Fracture Mechanics 22 (1), 149-163, 1985 | 388 | 1985 |
Friction and wear of coated surfaces—scales, modelling and simulation of tribomechanisms K Holmberg, H Ronkainen, A Laukkanen, K Wallin Surface and Coatings Technology 202 (4-7), 1034-1049, 2007 | 298 | 2007 |
A model for stresses, crack generation and fracture toughness calculation in scratched TiN-coated steel surfaces K Holmberg, A Laukkanen, H Ronkainen, K Wallin, S Varjus Wear 254 (3-4), 278-291, 2003 | 232 | 2003 |
Master curve analysis of the “Euro” fracture toughness dataset K Wallin Engineering Fracture Mechanics 69 (4), 451-481, 2002 | 215 | 2002 |
Fracture toughness of engineering materials: Estimation and application K Wallin EMAS publishing, 2011 | 214 | 2011 |
Tribological contact analysis of a rigid ball sliding on a hard coated surface: Part I: Modelling stresses and strains K Holmberg, A Laukkanen, H Ronkainen, K Wallin, S Varjus, J Koskinen Surface and Coatings Technology 200 (12-13), 3793-3809, 2006 | 206 | 2006 |
Residual stresses in TiN, DLC and MoS2 coated surfaces with regard to their tribological fracture behaviour K Holmberg, H Ronkainen, A Laukkanen, K Wallin, S Hogmark, ... Wear 267 (12), 2142-2156, 2009 | 181 | 2009 |
Fracture toughness transition curve shape for ferritic structural steels K Wallin Fracture of engineering materials and structures, 83-88, 1991 | 157 | 1991 |
Technical basis for an ASTM standard on determining the reference temperature, T0, for ferritic steels in the transition range J Merkle, K Wallin, D McCabe US Nuclear Regulatory Commission, 1998 | 142 | 1998 |
The master curve method: a new concept for brittle fracture K Wallin International Journal of Materials and Product Technology 14 (2-4), 342-354, 1999 | 133 | 1999 |
Irradiation damage effects on the fracture toughness transition curve shape for reactor pressure vessel steels K Wallin International journal of pressure vessels and piping 55 (1), 61-79, 1993 | 133 | 1993 |
Statistical modelling of fracture in the ductile-to-brittle transition regime K Wallin Defect assessment in components-Fundamentals and applications, 415-445, 1991 | 133 | 1991 |
Master Curve analysis of inhomogeneous ferritic steels K Wallin, P Nevasmaa, A Laukkanen, T Planman Engineering Fracture Mechanics 71 (16-17), 2329-2346, 2004 | 132 | 2004 |
Quantifying Tstress controlled constraint by the master curve transition temperature T0 K Wallin Engineering Fracture Mechanics 68 (3), 303-328, 2001 | 122 | 2001 |
A Simple Theoretical Charpy-V-K_< IC> Correlation for Irradiation Embrittlement K Wallin ASME PVP 170, 93-100, 1989 | 122 | 1989 |
Fracture of brittle particles in a ductile matrix K Wallin, T Saario, K Törrönen International journal of fracture 32, 201-209, 1986 | 120 | 1986 |
Tribological contact analysis of a rigid ball sliding on a hard coated surface: Part II: Material deformations, influence of coating thickness and Young's modulus K Holmberg, A Laukkanen, H Ronkainen, K Wallin, S Varjus, J Koskinen Surface and Coatings Technology 200 (12-13), 3810-3823, 2006 | 118 | 2006 |
Master curve analysis of ductile to brittle transition region fracture toughness round robin data K Wallin The “EURO” fracture toughness curve, VTT manufacturing Technology, 1455-0849, 1998 | 113 | 1998 |