Sarah I.F. Daniel
Sarah I.F. Daniel
Department of Psychology, University of Copenhagen
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Adult attachment patterns and individual psychotherapy: A review
SIF Daniel
Clinical psychology review 26 (8), 968-984, 2006
A randomized controlled trial of psychoanalytic psychotherapy or cognitive-behavioral therapy for bulimia nervosa
S Poulsen, S Lunn, SIF Daniel, S Folke, BB Mathiesen, H Katznelson, ...
American Journal of Psychiatry 171 (1), 109-116, 2014
The transmission of trauma in refugee families: Associations between intra-family trauma communication style, children’s attachment security and psychosocial adjustment
NT Dalgaard, BK Todd, SIF Daniel, E Montgomery
Attachment & human development 18 (1), 69-89, 2016
Adult attachment style and anxiety–The mediating role of emotion regulation
SKK Nielsen, N Lønfeldt, KB Wolitzky-Taylor, I Hageman, S Vangkilde, ...
Journal of Affective Disorders 218, 253-259, 2017
Anxiety levels in clinically referred children and their parents: Examining the unique influence of self‐reported attachment styles and interview‐based reflective functioning …
BH Esbjørn, SH Pedersen, SIF Daniel, HH Hald, JM Holm, H Steele
British Journal of Clinical Psychology 52 (4), 394-407, 2013
AAI predicts patients’ in-session interpersonal behavior and discourse: A “move to the level of the relation” for attachment-informed psychotherapy research
A Talia, SIF Daniel, M Miller-Bottome, D Brambilla, D Miccoli, JD Safran, ...
Attachment & human development 16 (2), 192-209, 2014
Assessing attachment in psychotherapy: validation of the patient attachment coding system (PACS)
A Talia, M Miller‐Bottome, SIF Daniel
Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy 24 (1), 149-161, 2017
Adult attachment insecurity and narrative processes in psychotherapy: An exploratory study
SIF Daniel
Clinical psychology & psychotherapy 18 (6), 498-511, 2011
Adult attachment patterns in a treatment context: Relationship and narrative
S Daniel
Routledge, 2014
The developmental roots of narrative expression in therapy: Contributions from attachment theory and research.
SIF Daniel
Psychotherapy: Theory, Research, Practice, Training 46 (3), 301, 2009
Mind the gap: In-session silences are associated with client attachment insecurity, therapeutic alliance, and treatment outcome
SIF Daniel, S Folke, S Lunn, M Gondan, S Poulsen
Psychotherapy Research 28 (2), 203-216, 2018
Reflective functioning, psychotherapeutic alliance, and outcome in two psychotherapies for bulimia nervosa.
H Katznelson, F Falkenström, SIF Daniel, S Lunn, S Folke, SH Pedersen, ...
Psychotherapy 57 (2), 129, 2020
Subtypes in bulimia nervosa: the role of eating disorder symptomatology, negative affect, and interpersonal functioning
S Lunn, S Poulsen, SIF Daniel
Comprehensive Psychiatry 53 (8), 1078-1087, 2012
Do emotion regulation, attentional control, and attachment style predict response to cognitive behavioral therapy for anxiety disorders?–an investigation in clinical settings
SKK Nielsen, I Hageman, A Petersen, SIF Daniel, M Lau, C Winding, ...
Psychotherapy Research 29 (8), 999-1009, 2019
Client attachment security predicts alliance in a randomized controlled trial of two psychotherapies for bulimia nervosa
S Folke, SIF Daniel, S Poulsen, S Lunn
Psychotherapy Research 26 (4), 459-471, 2016
Client attachment in a randomized clinical trial of psychoanalytic and cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy for bulimia nervosa: Outcome moderation and change.
SIF Daniel, S Poulsen, S Lunn
Psychotherapy 53 (2), 174, 2016
Client attachment and therapist feelings in the treatment of bulimia nervosa.
SIF Daniel, S Lunn, S Poulsen
Psychotherapy 52 (2), 247, 2015
Therapist adherence is associated with outcome in cognitive–behavioral therapy for bulimia nervosa.
S Folke, SIF Daniel, M Gondan, S Lunn, L Tækker, S Poulsen
Psychotherapy 54 (2), 195, 2017
A multiple case study of psychoanalytic therapies for clients with bulimia nervosa
S Lunn, S Poulsen, SIF Daniel
Nordic psychology 64 (2), 87-102, 2012
Psychoanalytic psychotherapy with a client with bulimia nervosa.
S Lunn, SIF Daniel, S Poulsen
Psychotherapy 53 (2), 206, 2016
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