Dwuana Bradley
Navigating vertical transfer online: Access to and usefulness of transfer information on community college websites
L Schudde, D Bradley, C Absher
Community College Review 48 (1), 3-30, 2020
Repressive legalism: How postsecondary administrators’ responses to on-campus hate speech undermine a focus on inclusion
LM Garces, BD Johnson, E Ambriz, D Bradley
American Educational Research Journal 58 (5), 1032-1069, 2021
Studying on empty: A qualitative study of low food security among college students
C Fernandez, J Webster, A Cornett
Available at SSRN 3467730, 2019
The politics of school reopening during COVID-19: A multiple case study of five urban districts in the 2020–21 school year
J Singer, JA Marsh, D Menefee-Libey, J Alonso, D Bradley, H Tracy
Educational Administration Quarterly 59 (3), 542-593, 2023
Ease of access and usefulness of transfer information on community college websites in Texas
L Schudde, D Bradley, C Absher
Schools and School Choice during a Year of Disruption: Views of Parents in Five States. Policy Brief.
S Haderlein, J Marsh, T Tong, K Bulkley, H Jabbar, E Germain, D Quinn, ...
National center for research on education access and choice, 2021
Student Financial Wellness Survey Report. Spring Report.
K Klepfer, B Ashton, D Bradley, C Fernandez, M Wartel, J Webster
Trellis Company, 2018
Hate speech on campus: How student leaders of color respond
LM Garces, E Ambriz, BD Johnson, D Bradley
The Review of Higher Education 45 (3), 275-306, 2022
Affirmative action
D Bradley
Encyclopedia of Critical Whiteness Studies in Education, 4-14, 2021
Texas House Bill 51—An incognito performance-based funding policy: Implications for access and equity in Texas
D Bradley, EE Doran
Texas Education Review, 2018
A Year That Forced Change: Examining How Schools and School Systems Adapted to the Challenges of the COVID-19 Pandemic and Calls for Racial Justice in 2020. Policy Brief.
H Jabbar, T Enoch-Stevens, S Winchell Lenhoff, J Marsh, EJ Daramola, ...
National center for research on education access and choice, 2023
Navigating Vertical Transfer Online: Access to and Navigability of Information on Community College Websites
L Schudde, D Bradley, C Absher
Texas House Bill 51: A coercive isomorphic force on Texas’s regional comprehensive universities, a matter of access & equity
D Bradley
Texas Education Review, 2018
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