Jeong-han Kang
Jeong-han Kang
Dep. of Sociology, Yonsei University
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A cross-national study of subjective sexual well-being among older women and men: Findings from the Global Study of Sexual Attitudes and Behaviors
EO Laumann, A Paik, DB Glasser, JH Kang, T Wang, B Levinson, ...
Archives of sexual behavior 35, 143-159, 2006
Prevalence and correlates of erectile dysfunction by race and ethnicity among men aged 40 or older in the United States: From the male attitudes regarding sexual health survey
EO Laumann, S West, D Glasser, C Carson, R Rosen, J Kang
The Journal of Sexual Medicine 4 (1), 57-65, 2007
Competitive crowding and risk taking in a tournament: Evidence from NASCAR racing
MS Bothner, J Kang, TE Stuart
Administrative Science Quarterly 52 (2), 208-247, 2007
Women's sexual function and dysfunction: study, diagnosis and treatment
I Goldstein, CM Meston, S Davis, A Traish
CRC Press, 2005
Volunteering among older people in Korea
J Kim, J Kang, MA Lee, Y Lee
The Journals of Gerontology Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social …, 2007
Prevalence of storage and voiding symptoms among men aged 40 years and older in a US population‐based study: results from the Male Attitudes Regarding Sexual Health study
DB Glasser, C Carson III, JH Kang, EO Laumann
International journal of clinical practice 61 (8), 1294-1300, 2007
Lower urinary tract symptoms are associated with depressive symptoms in white, black and Hispanic men in the United States
EO Laumann, J Kang, DB Glasser, RC Rosen, CC Carson
The Journal of urology 180 (1), 233-240, 2008
Religious affiliation, religious service attendance, and mortality
J Kim, TW Smith, J Kang
Journal of religion and health 54 (6), 2052-2072, 2015
동거형태와 한국노인의 삶의 질 만족도: 자녀와의 관계 만족도가 갖는 매개효과
이민아, 김지범, 강정한
보건과 사회과학 29, 41-67, 2011
Group cues and public opposition to immigration: evidence from a survey experiment in South Korea
SE Ha, SJ Cho, JH Kang
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 42 (1), 136-149, 2016
Emergence of multi-cluster configurations from attractive and repulsive interactions
SY Ha, E Jeong, JH Kang, K Kang
Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences 22 (08), 1250013, 2012
A Theory of Innovation: Market Transition, Property Rights, and Innovative Activity
V Nee, J Kang, S Opper
Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics JITE 166 (3), 397-425, 2010
The presence of unexpected biases in online fact-checking
S Park, JY Park, J Kang, M Cha
Harvard Kennedy School Misinformation Review, 2021
The usefulness and uselessness of the decomposition of Tobit coefficients
J Kang
Sociological methods & research 35 (4), 572-582, 2007
How do cultural classes emerge from assimilation and distinction? An extension of the Cucker-Smale flocking model
JH Kang, SY Ha, K Kang, E Jeong
The Journal of Mathematical Sociology 38 (1), 47-71, 2014
한국종합사회조사 2003-2021
김지범, 강정한, 김석호, 김창환, 박원호, 이윤석, 최슬기, 김솔이
(No Title), 2022
Homophily in an Anonymous Online Community: Sociodemographic Versus Personality Traits
J Kang, DY Chung
Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking 20 (6), 376-381, 2017
가족구조와 친구연결망이 청소년의 삶의 만족도에 미치는 효과
조진만, 강정한, 이병규
사회과학논집 43 (1), 47-71, 2012
사이버 커뮤니티에서 유형별 사회자본이 정치적 의견표명과 호응에 미치는 효과: 광우병 촛불집회 사례를 중심으로
전영아, 강정한
사이버커뮤니케이션학보 27 (3), 177-226, 2010
Comparison between self-administered questionnaire and computer-assisted self-interview for supplemental survey nonresponse
J Kim, J Kang, S Kim, TW Smith, J Son, J Berktold
Field Methods 22 (1), 57-69, 2010
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