Parallel distributed processing: Explorations in the microstructure of cognition DE Rumelhart, JL McClelland, PDPR Group MIT press, 1986 | 34503* | 1986 |
An interactive activation model of context effects in letter perception: I. An account of basic findings. JL McClelland, DE Rumelhart Psychological review 88 (5), 375, 1981 | 7607 | 1981 |
Why there are complementary learning systems in the hippocampus and neocortex: insights from the successes and failures of connectionist models of learning and memory. JL McClelland, BL McNaughton, RC O'Reilly Psychological review 102 (3), 419, 1995 | 6917 | 1995 |
A distributed, developmental model of word recognition and naming. MS Seidenberg, JL McClelland Psychological review 96 (4), 523, 1989 | 5965 | 1989 |
The TRACE model of speech perception JL McClelland, JL Elman Cognitive psychology 18 (1), 1-86, 1986 | 4235 | 1986 |
Understanding normal and impaired word reading: Computational principles in quasi-regular domains DC Plaut, JL McClelland, MS Seidenberg, K Patterson Connectionist psychology: A text with readings, 367-454, 2020 | 3909 | 2020 |
On learning the past tenses of English verbs DE Rumelhart, JL McClelland Parallel Distributed Processing: Explorations in the Microstructure of …, 1986 | 3382 | 1986 |
A general framework for parallel distributed processing DE Rumelhart, GE Hinton, JL McClelland Parallel distributed processing: Explorations in the microstructure of …, 1986 | 3169 | 1986 |
On the control of automatic processes: a parallel distributed processing account of the Stroop effect. JD Cohen, K Dunbar, JL McClelland Psychological review 97 (3), 332, 1990 | 3109 | 1990 |
Information processing in dynamical systems: Foundations of harmony theory P Smolensky Department of Computer Science, University of Colorado, Boulder 27, 194-281, 1986 | 3069 | 1986 |
The time course of perceptual choice: the leaky, competing accumulator model. M Usher, JL McClelland Psychological review 108 (3), 550, 2001 | 2583 | 2001 |
Explorations in parallel distributed processing: A handbook of models, programs, and exercises JL McClelland, DE Rumelhart MIT press, 1989 | 2231 | 1989 |
Exact solutions to the nonlinear dynamics of learning in deep linear neural networks AM Saxe, JL McClelland, S Ganguli arXiv preprint arXiv:1312.6120, 2013 | 2095 | 2013 |
On the time relations of mental processes: an examination of systems of processes in cascade. JL McClelland Psychological review 86 (4), 287, 1979 | 1953 | 1979 |
An interactive activation model of context effects in letter perception: II. The contextual enhancement effect and some tests and extensions of the model. DE Rumelhart, JL McClelland Psychological review 89 (1), 60, 1982 | 1786 | 1982 |
Distributed memory and the representation of general and specific information JL McClelland, DE Rumelhart Connectionist psychology: A text with readings, 75-106, 2020 | 1735 | 2020 |
Schemata and Sequential thought processes in PDP models DE Rumelhart, P Smolensky, JL McClelland, G Hinton Parallel distributed processing: explorations in the microstructures of …, 1986 | 1706 | 1986 |
Semantic cognition: A parallel distributed processing approach TT Rogers, JL McClelland MIT press, 2004 | 1404 | 2004 |
The appeal of parallel distributed processing. JL McClelland, DE Rumelhart, GE Hinton Parallel Distributed Processing: Explorations in the Microstructure of …, 1986 | 1339 | 1986 |
A computational model of semantic memory impairment: Modality specificity and emergent category specificity (Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 120 (4), 339–357) MJ Farah, JL McClelland Exploring Cognition: Damaged Brains and Neural Networks, 79-110, 2013 | 1226 | 2013 |