Pawel Rycerski
Pawel Rycerski
在 umons.ac.be 的电子邮件经过验证
Peak shaving and valley filling of power consumption profile in non-residential buildings using an electric vehicle parking lot
CS Ioakimidis, D Thomas, P Rycerski, KN Genikomsakis
Energy 148, 148-158, 2018
Solar production forecasting based on irradiance forecasting using artificial neural networks
CS Ioakimidis, S Lopez, KN Genikomsakis, P Rycerski, D Simic
IECON 2013-39th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society …, 2013
Solar power forecasting of a residential location as part of a smart grid structure
CS Ioakimidis, H Eliasstam, P Rycerski
2012 IEEE Energytech, 1-6, 2012
A university e-bike sharing system used as a real-time monitoring emissions tool under a smart city concept
CS Ioakimidis, P Rycerski, S Koutra, KN Genikomsakis
World Electric Vehicle Journal 8 (4), 963-973, 2016
User characteristics of an electric bike sharing system at UMONS as part of a smart district concept
CS Ioakimidis, S Koutra, P Rycerski, KN Genikomsakis
2016 IEEE International Energy Conference (ENERGYCON), 1-6, 2016
A university survey with a comparative study of an E-bikes sharing system
P Rycerski, S Koutra, KN Genikomsakis, CS Ioakimidis
EVS 2016-29th Int. Electr. Veh. Symp, 1-11, 2016
Field performance analysis of IEEE 802.15. 4 XBee for open field and urban environment applications in Smart Districts
P Rycerski, LMC Ibarra, F Galatoulas, KN Genikomsakis, A Bagheri, ...
Energy Procedia 122, 673-678, 2017
User characteristics of an e-carpooling system at UMONS as part of a smart district concept
CS Ioakimidis, KN Genikomsakis, P Rycerski, S Koutra
2016 IEEE 19th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation …, 2016
A Comparative Study on User Characteristics of an E-car Pooling Service in Universities in Europe.
F Galatoulas, S Koutra, P Rycerski, LMI Candanedo, CS Ioakeimidis
SMARTGREENS, 200-207, 2017
A Virtual Power Plant with the use of the Energy Box in a Smart Grid concept
CS Ioakimidis, L Oliveira, KN Genikomsakis, P Rycerski
submitted to International Conference on Renewable Energies and Power …, 2013
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