Filling and cannibalization of a foredeep: the Bradanic Trough, Southern Italy M Tropeano, L Sabato, P Pieri Geological Society, London, Special Publications 191 (1), 55-79, 2002 | 150 | 2002 |
Types of mixing and heterogeneities in siliciclastic-carbonate sediments D Chiarella, SG Longhitano, M Tropeano Marine and Petroleum Geology 88, 617-627, 2017 | 147 | 2017 |
The Calcarenite di Gravina Formation in Matera (southern Italy): new insights for coarse-grained, large-scale, cross-bedded bodies encased in offshore deposits L Pomar, M Tropeano AAPG bulletin 85 (4), 661-689, 2001 | 139 | 2001 |
Middle-Late Pleistocene uplift of Puglia: An" anomaly" in the Apenninic foreland C Doglioni, M Tropeano, F Mongelli, P Pieri MEMORIE DELLA SOCIETA'GEOLOGICA ITALIANA 51, 101-117, 1996 | 137 | 1996 |
Quaternary tectonic activity of the Murge area (Apulian foreland-Southern Italy) P Pieri, V Festa, M Moretti, M Tropeano | 132 | 1997 |
Significato geodinamico dei caratteri deposizionali e strutturali della Fossa Bradanica nel Pleistocene P Pieri, L Sabato, M Tropeano Memorie della Società Geologica Italiana 51, 501-515, 1996 | 120 | 1996 |
Tidal signatures in Neogene to Quaternary mixed deposits of southern Italy straits and bays SG Longhitano, D Chiarella, A Di Stefano, C Messina, L Sabato, ... Sedimentary Geology 279, 74-96, 2012 | 94 | 2012 |
Seismically-induced slumps in Lower-Maastrichtian peritidal carbonates of the Apulian Platform (southern Italy) L Spalluto, M Moretti, V Festa, M Tropeano Sedimentary Geology 196 (1-4), 81-98, 2007 | 94 | 2007 |
Response of Plio-Pleistocene mixed bioclastic-lithoclastic temperate-water carbonate systems to forced regressions: the Calcarenite di Gravina Formation, Puglia, SE Italy M Tropeano, L Sabato Geological Society, London, Special Publications 172 (1), 217-243, 2000 | 92 | 2000 |
Fiumara: a kind of high hazard river L Sabato, M Tropeano Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts A/b/c 29 (10), 707-715, 2004 | 74 | 2004 |
Late Pleistocene soft-sediment deformation structures interpreted as seismites in paralic deposits in the city of Bari (Apulian Foreland, southrn Italy) M Moretti, P Pieri, M Tropeano SPECIAL PAPER-GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA 359, 75-85, 2002 | 73 | 2002 |
Tettonica quaternaria nell'area bradanico-ionica M Tropeano, G Vitale, P Beneduce, C Doglioni, S Gallicchio, SI Giano, ... Il Quaternario 10 (2), 535-542, 1997 | 73 | 1997 |
Surface and subsurface of the Metaponto Coastal Plain (Gulf of Taranto—southern Italy): Present-day-vs LGM-landscape M Tropeano, A Cilumbriello, L Sabato, S Gallicchio, A Grippa, ... Geomorphology 203, 115-131, 2013 | 63 | 2013 |
Conflicting drainage patterns in the Matera Horst Area, southern Italy P Beneduce, V Festa, R Francioso, M Schiattarella, M Tropeano Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts A/B/C 29 (10), 717-724, 2004 | 59 | 2004 |
Horizontal to vertical spectral ratio (HVSR) measurements in the area damaged by the 2002 Molise, Italy, earthquake MR Gallipoli, M Mucciarelli, S Gallicchio, M Tropeano, C Lizza Earthquake Spectra 20 (1_suppl), 81-93, 2004 | 53 | 2004 |
Development of rudist lithosomes in the Coniacian–Lower Campanian carbonate shelves of central-southern Italy: high-energy vs low-energy settings L Simone, G Carannante, D Ruberti, M Sirna, G Sirna, A Laviano, ... Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 200 (1-4), 5-29, 2003 | 50 | 2003 |
Soft-sediment deformation induced by sinkhole activity in shallow marine environments: a fossil example in the Apulian Foreland (Southern Italy) M Moretti, G Owen, M Tropeano Sedimentary Geology 235 (3-4), 331-342, 2011 | 49 | 2011 |
Architectural complexity of a carbonate transgressive systems tract induced by basement physiography G MATEU‐VICENS, L Pomar, M Tropeano Sedimentology 55 (6), 1815-1848, 2008 | 46 | 2008 |
Did Adria rotate relative to Africa? DJJ Van Hinsbergen, M Mensink, CG Langereis, M Maffione, L Spalluto, ... Solid Earth 5 (2), 611-629, 2014 | 43 | 2014 |
Tyrrhenian seismites in Bari area (Murge-Apulian foreland) M Moretti, M Tropeano, M Tropeano, N Walsh ATTI DELLA ACCADEMIA NAZIONALE DEI LINCEI. CLASSE DI SCIENZE FISICHE …, 1995 | 41 | 1995 |