Sébastien HENRY
Integration between MES and product lifecycle management
AB Khedher, S Henry, A Bouras
ETFA2011, 1-8, 2011
An analysis of the interaction among design, industrialization and production
AB Khedher, S Henry, A Bouras
International Conference on Product Lifecycle Management (PLM10), 0, 2010
On the use of sysml for manufacturing execution system design
L Pietrac, A Lelevé, S Henry
ETFA2011, 1-8, 2011
Industrialization and manufacturing steps within the Global Product Lifecycle context
A Ben Khedher, S Henry, A Bouras
Advances in Production Management Systems. New Challenges, New Approaches …, 2010
Control law synthesis algorithm for discrete-event systems
S Henry, E Deschamps, E Zamaï, M Jacomino
IFAC Conference on Management and Control of Production and Logistics (MCPL'04), 2004
Data-based fault diagnosis model using a Bayesian causal analysis framework
TML Diallo, S Henry, Y Ouzrout, A Bouras
International Journal of Information Technology & Decision Making 17 (02 …, 2018
Traceability in product supply chain: a global model
DK Mishra, A Sekhari, S Henry, Y Ouzrout
Product Lifecycle Management for Digital Transformation of Industries: 13th …, 2016
Traceability as an integral part of supply chain logistics management: an analytical review
DK Mishra, S Henry, A Sekhari, Y Ouzrout
arXiv preprint arXiv:1811.06358, 2018
Effective use of food traceability in product recall
TML Diallo, S Henry, Y Ouzrout
Advances in Food Traceability Techniques and Technologies, 263-273, 2016
Logic control law design for automated manufacturing systems
S Henry, É Zamaï, M Jacomino
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 25 (4), 824-836, 2012
Improvement of the containerized logistics performance using the unitary traceability of smart logistics units
S Wattanakul, S Henry, L Bentaha, N Reeveerakul, Y Ouzrout
Product Lifecycle Management to Support Industry 4.0: 15th IFIP WG 5.1 …, 2018
Using unitary traceability for an optimal product recall
TML Diallo, S Henry, Y Ouzrout
Advances in Production Management Systems. Innovative and Knowledge-Based …, 2014
Real time reconfiguration of manufacturing systems
S Henry, E Zamaï, M Jacomino
2004 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics (IEEE Cat …, 2004
Bayesian network building for diagnosis in industrial domain based on expert knowledge and unitary traceability data
TML Diallo, S Henry, Y Ouzrout
IFAC-PapersOnLine 48 (3), 2411-2416, 2015
Quality improvement of product data exchanged between engineering and production through the integration of dedicated information systems
AB Khedher, S Henry, A Bouras
11th Biennial Conference On Engineering Systems Design And Analysis ESDA 2012, 7, 2012
Controlled-system model adapted to the control law synthesis
S Henry, E Zamai, M Jacomino
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 38 (1), 283-288, 2005
Elaboration of invariant safety properties from fault-tree analysis
S Henry, JM Faure
IMACS-IEEE" CESA'03":" Computational Engineering in Systems Applications …, 2003
Improving risk management by using smart containers for real-time traceability
S Wattanakul, S Henry, ML Bentaha, N Reeveerakul, Y Ouzrout
arXiv preprint arXiv:1810.13332, 2018
A port digital twin model for operational uncertainty management
S Wattanakul, S Henry, N Reeveerakul, Y Ouzrout
The Journal of Modern Project Management 9 (3), 2022
Synthèse de lois de commande pour la configuration et la reconfiguration des systèmes industriels complexes
S Henry
Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble-INPG, 2005
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