edy fachrial
edy fachrial
Universitas Prima Indonesia
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Antimicrobial activity of lemon (Citrus limon) peel extract against Escherichia coli
AH Henderson, E Fachrial, INE Lister
Am Sci Res J Eng Technol Sci 39 (1), 268-73, 2018
Isolation, antimicrobial activity and protein bacteriocin characterization of lactic acid bacteria isolated from dadih in Solok, West Sumatera, Indonesia.
S Syukur, E Fachrial, J Jamsari
Phytochemical screening and antioxidant activities of 31 fruit peel extract from Sumatera, Indonesia.
JR Sihombing, A Dharma, Z Chaidir, A Almahdy, E Fachrial, E Munaf
Isolasi dan Aktivitas Anti Mikroba Bakteri Asam Laktat dari Fermentasi Nira Kelapa Sawit
E Fachrial, H Harmileni
BIOLINK (Jurnal Biologi Lingkungan Industri Kesehatan) 5 (1), 51-58, 2018
Hepatoprotective effect of citrus sinensis peel extract against isoniazid and rifampicin-induced liver injury in wistar rats
E Kosasih, L Chiuman, INE Lister, E Fachrial
Majalah Obat Tradisional 24 (3), 197-203, 2019
Antioxidant and anti-hyaluronidase activities of dragon fruit peel extract and kaempferol-3-o-rutinoside
L Liana, R Rizal, W Widowati, F Fioni, K Akbar, E Fachrial, INE Lister
Jurnal Kedokteran Brawijaya 30 (4), 247-252, 2019
Manajemen Lulusan Berbasis Pembelajaran Online (Daring)
E Fachrial
Pena Persada, 2020
Antioxidant and anti-tyrosinase activities of Aloe vera rind and gel extracts
SB Mahadi, RAS Handayani, W Widowati, W Wilsen, Y Dewani, ...
Global Medical & Health Communication (GMHC) 7 (3), 170-176, 2019
Effectiveness test of Centella asiatica extract on improvement of collagen and hydration in female white rat (Rattus Norwegicus Wistar)
NF Venesia, E Fachrial, INE Lister
American Scientific Research Journal for Engineering, Technology, and …, 2020
Probiotics and strong antimicrobial of buffalo milk fermentation (Dadih) from different places in West Sumatera Indonesia
S Syukur, A Hermansyah, E Fachrial
Research Journal Of Pharmaceutical Biological and Chemical Sciences 7 (6 …, 2016
Antioxidant and antityrosinase activities of ethanolic pachyrhizuserosus peel and tuber extract
ID Siregar, HSW Kusuma, W Widowati, HH Marpaung, S Ferdinand, ...
Majalah Kedokteran Bandung 51 (2), 75-81, 2019
Comparison of antioxidant and anti-tyrosinase activities of pineapple (Ananas comosus) core extract and luteolin compound
D Vrianty, RL Qodariah, W Widowati, APF Sinaga, D Fibrina, E Fachrial, ...
Jurnal Kedokteran Brawijaya 30 (4), 240-246, 2019
Molecular identification of cellulase and protease producing Bacillus tequilensis UTMSA14 isolated from the geothermal hot spring in Lau Sidebuk Debuk, North Sumatra, Indonesia
EDY Fachrial, RRJS Putri, INE Lister, S Anggraini, H HARMILENI, ...
Biodiversitas Journal of Biological Diversity 21 (10), 2020
Potency of black soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr) extract and daidzein as antioxidant and antihyaluronidase
T Asan, INE Lister, E Fachrial, A Amalia, W Widowati, B Samin, L Liena
Majalah Obat Tradisional 24 (1), 52-58, 2019
Isolation, antimicrobial activity and bioremediation of heavy metal cadmium (Cd) by using lactic acid bacteria from Dadih Origin Lareh Sago Halaban, Payakumbuh, West Sumatera …
S Syukur, S Yolanda, J Jamsari, E Fachrial
Saryono. 2019. Isolation and molecular identification of carbohydrase and protease producing Bacillus subtilis JCM 1465 isolated from Penen Hot Springs in North Sumatra, Indonesia
E Fachrial, S Anggraini, NTT Harmileni
Biodiversitas 20 (12), 3493-3498, 0
Respon Pertumbuhan Bibit Kelapa Sawit di Tahap Pre-Nursery dengan Aplikasi Pupuk Organik Cair Kulit Pisang Kepok.
TMS Anhar, RR Sitinjak, E Fachrial, B Pratomo
AGRIUM: Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian 24 (1), 34-39, 2021
Potency of Sunkist Orange (Citrus sinensisL. Osbeck) against Kidney Histology of White Wistar Rats Induced by Gentamicin
M Nasution, CN Ginting, E Fachrial, INE Lister
Majalah Obat Tradisional 25 (1), 42-48, 2020
Effectiveness test of Robusta coffee (Coffea cenephora) extract from North Sumatra in collagen and hydration skin level of female Wistar Rattus norvegicus
LC Girsang, E Fachrial, INE Lister
American Scientific Research Journal for Engineering, Technology and …, 2020
A comparative study of peel and seed extract of passion fruit (Passiflora edulis) as anti collagenase
S Hartanto, INE Lister, E Fachrial
Am. Sci. Res. J. Eng. Technol. Sci 54, 42-48, 2019
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