Lat. scrībere in Germanic M Tarsi NOWELE 72 (1), 42-59, 2019 | 9 | 2019 |
On the origin of the oldest borrowed Christian terminology in Icelandic M Tarsi Orð og tunga, 85-101, 2016 | 7 | 2016 |
Valency patterns and alternations in Gothic C Zanchi, M Tarsi Mouton de Gruyter, 2021 | 6 | 2021 |
Loanwords and Native Words in Old and Middle Icelandic M Tarsi | 5* | 2022 |
On loanwords of Latin origin in contemporary Icelandic M Tarsi Nordicum-Mediterraneum 9 (1), 11, 2014 | 5 | 2014 |
Towards a phonology of Scandinavian Latin runic inscriptions: A corpus-based analysis M Tarsi Acta Antiqua Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 59 (1-4), 85-96, 2020 | 4 | 2020 |
Le parole di origine latina in islandese moderno: un glossario M Tarsi Aracne Editrice, 2014 | 3* | 2014 |
Grammatical core terminology in Icelandic: An onomasiological study M Tarsi NOWELE. North-Western European Language Evolution 75 (2), 123-159, 2022 | 2* | 2022 |
Samspil tökuorða og innlendra orða í Þriðju málfræðiritgerðinni M Tarsi Orð og tunga 22, 69-96, 2020 | 2 | 2020 |
Að halda uppi lögum og reglu - Saga og orðmyndun orðsins lögregla M Tarsi Orð og tunga 20, 105-120, 2018 | 2 | 2018 |
Jón Ólafsson from Grunnavík: cultivation of language in his early writings (1727–1737) M Tarsi Language & History 60 (3), 180-189, 2017 | 2 | 2017 |
The care for the mother tongue in mediaeval Iceland and beyond M Tarsi Þjóðarspegillinn XVII, 2016 | 2 | 2016 |
Naming the elements in the Nordic languages (Swedish, Danish, Icelandic) until 1945 M Tarsi Institutionen för nordiska språk, 2023 | 1 | 2023 |
Loanwords and Native Words in Old and Middle Icelandic: A Study in the History and Dynamics of the Icelandic Medieval Lexicon, from the Twelfth Century to 1550 M Tarsi Brepols Publishers, 2022 | 1 | 2022 |
Instances of loanword/native word textual variation in the manuscript transmission of Egils saga Skallagrímssonar and Gísla saga Súrssonar M Tarsi Scripta Islandica: Isländska Sällskapets Årsbok 70, 87-104, 2019 | 1 | 2019 |
Two short Essays by Árni Magnússon on the Origin of the Icelandic language G Verri, M Tarsi Historiographia Linguistica 45 (1/2), 2018 | 1 | 2018 |
Jón Ólafsson from Grunnavík and the Icelandic language purism in the first half of the 18th century: A wordlist in ms. AM 1013 4to (fol. 37v) M Tarsi Arkiv för Nordisk Filologi 131, 75-104, 2016 | 1 | 2016 |
Linguistic terminology in Swedish and Danish with comparison of Icelandic M Tarsi NOWELE. North-Western European Language Evolution 76 (1), 23-59, 2023 | | 2023 |
Loanwords and native words in the Nordic languages database (c. 1550–c. 1900) M Tarsi | | 2023 |
Gothic (PaVeDa dataset) M Tarsi, C Zanchi | | 2023 |