Vasantrao Naik Marathwada Krishi Vidyapeeth Parbhani
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Effect of plant density on vegetative growth and yield performance of different varieties of french bean under irrigated condition
SU Pawar, ML Kharwade, HW Awari
Karnataka Journal of Agricultural Sciences 20 (3), 2010
Effect of fertilizer levels and plant densities on yield, gross and net monetary returns of Bt cotton hybrids.
SU Pawar, AN Gitte, GP Bhosle, SB Suryawanshi
Effect of spacings and fertilizer levels on seed cotton yield and economics of Bt cotton.
BV Asewar, SU Pawar, GP Bhosle, DN Gokhale
Yield and economics of soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merill) as influenced by different levels of sulphur and plant growth regulator
AS Dhakne, IAB Mirza, SV Pawar, VB Awasarmal
International Journal of Tropical Agriculture 33, 2645-2648, 2015
Effect of pinching on growth and flowering in chrysanthemum (Dendranthema indicum) cv. PKV Shubhra
SP Pawar
M. Sc. Thesis, 2001
Effect of integrated nutrient management on growth and yield of soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merril.].
VB Awasarmal, SU Pawar, RA Kolgane, GD Gadade
Effect of varieties and plant geometry on yield attributes and yield of summer green gram (Vigna radiata L).
AB Bhise, SV Pawar, SS Solunke, UN Alse, GT Kadam
Effect of water soluble phosphatic fertilizers on chemical properties of soil and yield of soybean.
JR Kadam, SU Pawar, SR Patil
Efficacy of post emergence herbicides in soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merrill)
SP Kadam, DN Gokhale, SU Pawar, RM Chavan
Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry 7 (6), 456-458, 2018
Comparative study of crop residue, green manuring and gypsum on chemical properties and yield of cotton in salt affected soils of purna valley
SK Pawar, GA Kumbhar, PK Dighe
Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry 9 (2), 442-445, 2020
Yield and economics of pigeon pea based intercropping systems as influenced by different land configurations
HS Garud, BV Asewar, SU Pawar, IAB Mirza
Agricultural Science Digest-A Research Journal 38 (4), 275-279, 2018
Performance of green gram as influenced by sowing time and levels of fertilizer.
VB Awasarmal, SP Vyavahare, SU Pawar
Production potential of pigeon pea [Cajanus cajan (L.) millsp.] as influenced by crop geometry and plant growth regulators
SU Pawar, WN Narkhede, DN Gokhale, IAB Mirza
Legume Research-An International Journal 45 (6), 727-734, 2022
Effect of phosphorus and biofertilizers on growth and yield of soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merill) under rainfed condition
SD Pawar, PN Karanjikar, VG Takankhar
Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry 7 (5), 396-398, 2018
Time of sowing and influence of weed control methods on yield of direct seeded rice.
AS Jadhav, SU Pawar
Yield, economics and quality of soybean as influenced by foliar and soil application of phosphatic fertilizer.
HS Garud, VB Awasarmal, SU Pawar, PV Bhusawar
Weed management in soybean (Glycine max L. merrill) under varied weather conditions
MR Koturwar
Vasantrao Naik Marathwada Krishi Vidyapeeth, Parbhani, 2022
Morphophenological Characters and Productivity of Pigeon Pea [Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp.] as Influenced by Crop Geometry and Plant Growth Regulators
SU Pawar, WN Narkhede, HS Garud, BV Asewar
Legume Research-An International Journal 45 (7), 883-887, 2022
Effects of different sources and level of sulphur on growth, yield attributes and yield of kharif sesamum (Sesamum indicum L.)
SV Warkad, VB Awasarmal, SC Sallawar, SU Pawar
Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry 10 (1), 1397-1399, 2021
Effect of different sources and level of sulphur on quality studies and economics of kharif sesamum (Sesamum indicum L.)
SV Warkad, VB Awasarmal, SU Pawar, SC Sallawar
Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry 10 (1), 1976-1978, 2021
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