Mario Wenzel
Mario Wenzel
Research Fellow, Health Psychology, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz
在 uni-mainz.de 的电子邮件经过验证
Population-based validation of a German version of the Brief Resilience Scale
A Chmitorz, M Wenzel, RD Stieglitz, A Kunzler, C Bagusat, I Helmreich, ...
PloS one 13 (2), e0192761, 2018
Heart rate variability and self-control—A meta-analysis
D Zahn, J Adams, J Krohn, M Wenzel, CG Mann, LK Gomille, ...
Biological psychology 115, 9-26, 2016
A multilab replication of the ego depletion effect
J Dang, P Barker, A Baumert, M Bentvelzen, E Berkman, N Buchholz, ...
Social Psychological and Personality Science 12 (1), 14-24, 2021
Curb your neuroticism–Mindfulness mediates the link between neuroticism and subjective well-being
M Wenzel, C Von Versen, S Hirschmüller, T Kubiak
Personality and Individual Differences 80, 68-75, 2015
Music listening and stress in daily life—a matter of timing
A Linnemann, M Wenzel, J Grammes, T Kubiak, UM Nater
International journal of behavioral medicine 25, 223-230, 2018
Assessment of microstressors in adults: questionnaire development and ecological validation of the mainz inventory of microstressors
A Chmitorz, K Kurth, LK Mey, M Wenzel, K Lieb, O Tüscher, T Kubiak, ...
JMIR Mental Health 7 (2), e14566, 2020
A mind full of happiness: How mindfulness shapes affect dynamics in daily life.
Z Rowland, M Wenzel, T Kubiak
Emotion 20 (3), 436, 2020
Examining five pathways on how self‐control is associated with emotion regulation and affective well‐being in daily life
M Wenzel, Z Rowland, T Kubiak
Journal of personality 89 (3), 451-467, 2021
Understanding the limits of self‐control: Positive affect moderates the impact of task switching on consecutive self‐control performance
M Wenzel, TS Conner, T Kubiak
European Journal of Social Psychology 43 (3), 175-184, 2013
Emotion regulation dynamics in daily life: Adaptive strategy use may be variable without being unstable and predictable without being autoregressive.
M Wenzel, ES Blanke, Z Rowland, T Kubiak
Emotion 22 (7), 1487, 2022
Self-control dynamics in daily life: The importance of variability between self-regulatory strategies and strategy differentiation
M Wenzel, S Bürgler, Z Rowland, M Hennecke
European Journal of Personality 37 (1), 33-56, 2023
How mindfulness shapes the situational use of emotion regulation strategies in daily life
M Wenzel, Z Rowland, T Kubiak
Cognition and Emotion 34 (7), 1408-1422, 2020
Positive affect and self-control: Attention to self-control demands mediates the influence of positive affect on consecutive self-control
M Wenzel, T Kubiak, TS Conner
Cognition & emotion 28 (4), 747-755, 2014
A round peg in a square hole: Strategy-situation fit of intra-and interpersonal emotion regulation strategies and controllability
M Wenzel, Z Rowland, H Weber, T Kubiak
Cognition and Emotion 34 (5), 1003-1009, 2020
Self-control in daily life: How affect may boost or sabotage efforts at self-control
M Wenzel, T Kubiak, TS Conner
Social Psychological and Personality Science 7 (3), 195-203, 2016
Effects of an ultra-brief computer-based mindfulness training on mindfulness and self-control: A randomised controlled trial using a 40-day ecological momentary assessment
Z Rowland, M Wenzel, T Kubiak
Mindfulness 10, 2312-2326, 2019
The effects of computer-based mindfulness training on Self-control and Mindfulness within Ambulatorily assessed network Systems across Health-related domains in a healthy …
Z Rowland, M Wenzel, T Kubiak
Trials 17, 1-10, 2016
The limits of ego depletion
M Wenzel, M Lind, Z Rowland, D Zahn, T Kubiak
Social Psychology, 2019
Adaptive modes of rumination: the role of subjective anger
TM Pfeiler, M Wenzel, H Weber, T Kubiak
Cognition and Emotion 31 (3), 580-589, 2017
Ambulatory assessment as a means of longitudinal phenotypes characterization in psychiatric disorders
M Wenzel, T Kubiak, UW Ebner-Priemer
Neuroscience Research 102, 13-21, 2016
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