Roberto A. Isoardi
Roberto A. Isoardi
在 fuesmen.edu.ar 的电子邮件经过验证
Basal cerebral glucose distribution in long-term post-traumatic stress disorder
ME Molina, R Isoardi, MN Prado, S Bentolila
The World Journal of Biological Psychiatry 11 (2-2), 493-501, 2010
Severity of negative symptoms in schizophrenia correlated to hyperactivity of the left globus pallidus and the right claustrum. A PET study.
DR Galeno, M Molina, M Guirao, R Isoardi
The World Journal of Biological Psychiatry 5 (1), 20-25, 2004
Volume imaging tomographs
DW Townsend, RA Isoardi, B Bendriem
The theory and practice of 3D PET, 111-132, 1998
Automatic myocardial segmentation by using a deep learning network in cardiac MRI
AH Curiale, FD Colavecchia, P Kaluza, RA Isoardi, G Mato
2017 XLIII Latin American computer conference (CLEI), 1-6, 2017
The theory and practice of 3d pet
DW Townsend, RA Isoardi, B Bendriem
Kluwer Academic Publishers, New York, NY, USA, 1998
Multimodal neurocognitive markers of frontal lobe epilepsy: Insights from ecological text processing
S Moguilner, A Birba, D Fino, R Isoardi, C Huetagoyena, R Otoya, ...
NeuroImage 235, 117998, 2021
Use of a low-cost, PC-based image review workstation at a radiology department
DJ Passadore, RA Isoardi, PP Ariza, C Padin
Journal of digital imaging 14 (Suppl 1), 222-223, 2001
Maximum Evidence Method for classification of brain tissues in MRI
RA Isoardi, DE Oliva, G Mato
Pattern Recognition Letters 32 (1), 12-18, 2011
Structural and functional motor-network disruptions predict selective action-concept deficits: Evidence from frontal lobe epilepsy
S Moguilner, A Birba, D Fino, R Isoardi, C Huetagoyena, R Otoya, ...
Cortex 144, 43-55, 2021
A study of injected dose for brain mapping on the ECAT HR+: activation maps for a parametric verbal working memory task
RA Isoardi, DW Townsend, CS Carter, A Herbster, MA Dachille, ...
Neuroimage 9 (1), 145-153, 1999
Small PACS implementation using publicly available software
DJ Passadore, RA Isoardi, FJG Nicolini, PP Ariza, CV Novas, SA Omati
Medical Imaging 1998: PACS Design and Evaluation: Engineering and Clinical …, 1998
Optimización de análisis y registración de imágenes tomográficas
RA Isoardi
Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, 2010
Using ITK platform for medical image registration
PA Andres, RA Isoardi
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 90 (1), 012056, 2007
Non-rigid registration of tomographic images with Fourier transforms
AR Osorio, RA Isoardi, G Mato
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 90 (1), 012058, 2007
High intensity region segmentation in MR imaging of multiple sclerosis
F Rodrigo, M Filipuzzi, R Isoardi, M Noceti, JP Graffigna
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 477 (1), 012024, 2013
Medical revolution in Argentina
VL Ballarin, RA Isoardi
IEEE pulse 1 (1), 39-44, 2010
Simulating respiratory motion in whole-body PET imaging with the MCAT phantom
RA Isoardi, C Comtat, V Frouin, T Delzescaux, R Trébossen
2002 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record 2, 1113-1115, 2002
Segmentation of hyperintense regions applied to multiple sclerosis lesions
F Rodrigo, JP Graffigna, R Isoardi, M Noceti
VI Latin American Congress on Biomedical Engineering CLAIB 2014, Paraná …, 2015
Diseño e implementación de una Base de Datos de Esclerosis Múltiple e Interfaz Gráfica de Usuario
M Filipuzzi, F Rodrigo, JP Graffigna, R Isoardi, M Noceti
III Congreso Argentino de Informática y Salud (CAIS 2012)((XLI JAIIO, La …, 2012
Medical Image Registration with Fourier basis Functions
RA Isoardi, AR Osorio, G Mato
Fourier Transforms-New Analytical Approaches and FTIR Strategies, 2011
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