Suction caissons for wind turbines GT Houlsby, LB Ibsen, BW Byrne Frontiers in Offshore Geotechnics: ISFOG, Perth, WA, Australia, 75-93, 2005 | 295 | 2005 |
Cross-wind modal properties of offshore wind turbines identified by full scale testing M Damgaard, LB Ibsen, LV Andersen, JKF Andersen Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics 116, 94-108, 2013 | 184 | 2013 |
Effects of soil–structure interaction on real time dynamic response of offshore wind turbines on monopiles M Damgaard, V Zania, LV Andersen, LB Ibsen Engineering Structures 75, 388-401, 2014 | 114 | 2014 |
Assessment of the dynamic behaviour of saturated soil subjected to cyclic loading from offshore monopile wind turbine foundations M Damgaard, M Bayat, LV Andersen, LB Ibsen Computers and Geotechnics 61, 116-126, 2014 | 113 | 2014 |
Assessment of foundation design for offshore monopiles unprotected against scour SPH Sørensen, LB Ibsen Ocean Engineering 63, 17-25, 2013 | 112 | 2013 |
Undrained response of bucket foundations to moment loading A Barari, LB Ibsen Applied ocean research 36, 12-21, 2012 | 104 | 2012 |
Calibration of failure criteria for bucket foundations on drained sand under general loading LB Ibsen, KA Larsen, A Barari Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering 140 (7), 04014033, 2014 | 87 | 2014 |
A study of the phase transformation and the characteristic lines of sand behaviour PV Lade, LB Ibsen Proc. Int. Symp. on Deformation and Progressive Failure in Geomechanics …, 1997 | 83 | 1997 |
Effects of diameter on initial stiffness of py curves for large-diameter piles in sand SPH Sørensen, LB Ibsen, AH Augustesen Numerical Methods in Geotechnical Engineering, 907-912, 2010 | 77 | 2010 |
Numerical modelling of large-diameter steel piles at Horns Rev AH Augustesen, KT Brødbæk, M Møller, SPH Sørensen, LB Ibsen, ... Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference on Civil, Structural and …, 2009 | 72 | 2009 |
Modelling the drained response of bucket foundations for offshore wind turbines under general monotonic and cyclic loading A Foglia, G Gottardi, L Govoni, LB Ibsen Applied Ocean Research 52, 80-91, 2015 | 62 | 2015 |
Dynamic response sensitivity of an offshore wind turbine for varying subsoil conditions M Damgaard, LV Andersen, LB Ibsen Ocean engineering 101, 227-234, 2015 | 61 | 2015 |
Spatial correlation length of normalized cone data in sand: case study in the north of Denmark S Firouzianbandpey, DV Griffiths, LB Ibsen, LV Andersen Canadian Geotechnical Journal 51 (8), 844-857, 2014 | 61 | 2014 |
Implementation of a new foundations concept for offshore wind farms LB Ibsen Proceedings Nordisk Geoteknikermøte nr. 15: NGM 2008, Nordisk …, 2008 | 61 | 2008 |
Adaptive plasticity model for bucket foundations LB Ibsen, A Barari, KA Larsen Journal of Engineering Mechanics 140 (2), 361-373, 2014 | 60 | 2014 |
Bucket Foundation, a status LB Ibsen, M Liingaard, SA Nielsen Proceedings of the Copenhagen Offshore Wind, 26-28, 2005 | 60 | 2005 |
Embedment effects on vertical bearing capacity of offshore bucket foundations on cohesionless soil A Barari, LB Ibsen, A Taghavi Ghalesari, KA Larsen International Journal of Geomechanics 17 (4), 04016110, 2017 | 56 | 2017 |
A probabilistic analysis of the dynamic response of monopile foundations: Soil variability and its consequences M Damgaard, LV Andersen, LB Ibsen, HS Toft, JD Sørensen Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics 41, 46-59, 2015 | 54 | 2015 |
Modified expression for the failure criterion of bucket foundations subjected to combined loading KA Larsen, LB Ibsen, A Barari Canadian Geotechnical Journal 50 (12), 1250-1259, 2013 | 52 | 2013 |
Deformation mechanisms for offshore monopile foundations accounting for cyclic mobility effects A Barari, M Bagheri, M Rouainia, LB Ibsen Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 97, 439-453, 2017 | 51 | 2017 |