Garen Avanesian
Garen Avanesian
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How many children and young people have internet access at home? estimating digital connectivity during the COVID-19 pandemic
United Nations Children’s Fund, 2020
How many students could continue learning during COVID-19-caused school closures? Introducing a new reachability indicator for measuring equity of remote learning
G Avanesian, S Mizunoya, D Amaro
International Journal of Educational Development 84, 102421, 2021
How personality traits are related to the attitudes toward forced remote learning during COVID-19: Predictive analysis using generalized additive modeling
LA Dikaya, G Avanesian, IS Dikiy, VA Kirik, VA Egorova
Frontiers in Education 6, 629213, 2021
Bullying in the Russian secondary school: Predictive analysis of victimization
G Avanesian, L Dikaya, A Bermous, S Kochkin, V Kirik, V Egorova, ...
Frontiers in psychology 12, 644653, 2021
COVID-19 and school closures: one year of education disruption
G Avanesian, S Mishra, S Mizunoya
United Nations Children’s Fund, 2021
Education Disrupted: The Second Year of the COVID-19 Pandemic and School Closures
S Mizunoya, G Avanesian, S Mishra, Y Wang, H Yao
United Nations Children’s Fund, New York, 2021
Economic Inequality in the Access to Remote Learning Assets Amongst Youth in BRICS Countries: What Can We Learn from Pre-COVID-19 Data?
G Avanesian, M Borovskaya, S Mishra, M Masych, T Fedosova, ...
HSE Economic Journal 25 (3), 359-378, 2021
Can we improve learning outcomes of schoolchildren from the poorest families by investing into their non-cognitive skills? Causal analysis using propensity score matching
G Avanesian, M Borovskaya, V Ryzhova, V Kirik, V Egorova, A Bermous
Вопросы образования, 13-53, 2022
UNICEF remote learning readiness index: A composite indicator to assess resilience of education sector against crises and emergencies
G Avanesian, S Mizunoya, E Delamonica
Statistical Journal of the IAOS 38 (3), 839-852, 2022
Dissecting the Digital Divide: A Household Fixed Effects Approach to Estimating Gender Gaps in Digital Skills of Youth in Low-and Middle-Income Economies
G Avanesian, HT Zaw, P Kelly, S Mizunoya
Heliyon, 2024
How Far Are NEET Youth Falling Behind in Their Non-Cognitive Skills? An Econometric Analysis of Disparities
G Avanesian, M Borovskaya, M Masych, L Dikaya, V Ryzhova, V Egorova
Economies 12 (1), 25, 2024
Socio-economic factors behind inequality in the access to education amongst people with disabilities: An econometric analysis
G Avanesian, M Borovskaya, M Astoyants, L Tarasenko
Terra Economicus 20, 87-98, 2003
Education policies during the COVID-19 pandemic: scope, efficiency and gaps
S Mizunoya, G Avanesian, S Mishra, Y Wang
Handbook of Education Policy, 31-50, 2023
Gender Gaps in the Digital Skills of Youth: Evidence from Low-and Middle-Income Countries
G Avanesian, HT Zaw, P Kelly, S Mizunoya
Available at SSRN 4296379, 2022
ARE CHILDREN REALLY LEARNING? Exploring foundational skills in the midst of a learning crisis
SM Margaret Kelly, Sakshi Mishra, Garen Avanesian, Yixin Wang, Diogo Amaro
United Nations Children’s Fund, 2022
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