Markus Deli Girik Allo
Markus Deli Girik Allo
其他姓名Dr. Markus Deli Girik Allo, S.Pd., M.Pd.
Universitas Kristen Indonesia Toraja
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Is the online learning good in the midst of Covid-19 Pandemic?The case of EFL learners.
MDG Allo
Jurnal Sinestesia 10 (1), 1-10, 2020
Students' self-confidence in speaking skill
MDG Allo, A Priawan
Jurnal Studi Guru dan Pembelajaran 2 (1), 11-14, 2019
The cultural attitudes of a funeral ritual discourse in the indigenous Torajan, Indonesia
A Baan, MDG Allo, AA Patak
Heliyon 8 (2), 2022
Filosofi Tallu Lolona dalam himne Passomba Tedong (Etnografi kearifan lokal toraja)[the Philosophy of Tallu Lolona in the Hymns of Passomba Tedong (Ethnography of Torajan local …
ET Sudarsi, N Taula'bi', MD Girik Allo
SAWERIGADING 25 (2), 61-73, 2019
Pariwisata berbasis masyarakat (Community based tourism) di Kabupaten Tana Toraja
MDG Allo, T Kabanga', R Situru, Salu, R Dewi
Seminar Nasional Kepariwisataan Berbasis Riset dan Teknologi) 1 (1), 148-154, 2018
Intercultural Communication in EFL Classrooms
MDG Allo
Ethical Lingua: Journal of Language Teaching and Literature 5 (2), 159-170, 2018
A Critical discourse analysis on lecturers’ language power in EFL teaching (An ethnography study at a higher education)
MDG Allo, A Rahman, Sultan
Asian EFL Journal 27 (3.2), 177-201, 2020
Representation of character education values in the tradition of" sikarume" Toraja
ET Sudarsi, N Taula’bi, MDG Allo
KEMBARA: Jurnal Keilmuan Bahasa, Sastra, Dan Pengajarannya 8 (1), 25-36, 2022
Curriculum Fidelity in the Secondary Education in Indonesia
MDG Allo
International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation 24 (06), 14088-14094, 2020
Figurative languages by the lecturers in teaching english at english study program of FKIP UKI Toraja
MDG Allo
TEFL Overseas Journal 1 (1), 76-89, 2015
The students’ enthusiasm in learning english of the tenth grade students at SMK Kristen Tagari
MM Borong, MDG Allo
TEFL Overseas Journal 3 (1), 56-84, 2016
Why do lecturers use figurative language in classroom? The case of EFL lecturers
MDG Allo, EP Rum
Pendas Mahakam: Jurnal Pendidikan Dan Pembelajaran Sekolah Dasar 7 (2), 149-155, 2022
Pelatihan Penggunaan Reference Manager Mendeley bagi Mahasiswa Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris UKI Toraja
MD Girik Allo, EP Rum, I Ibrahim
DINAMISIA: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat 6 (4), 1033-1042, 2022
The learners’ needs on local cultural contents of reading professional context textbook at English program study
MDG Allo, N Taula’bi, ET Sudarsih
International Journal of Humanities and Innovation (IJHI) 2 (2), 48-52, 2019
Lantang Pangngan at Mate Malolle’Funeral Ritual in Toraja: An Ethnography Study
ET Sudarsi, N Taula’bi, MDG Allo
Ethical Lingua: Journal of Language Teaching and Literature 9 (1), 354-362, 2022
Analisis kebutuhan mahasiswa pada mata kuliah prose semester V program studi bahasa inggris, FKIP, UKI Toraja
MDG Allo, C Baka
Jurnal Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan 6 (3), 197-203, 2018
The students’ priority skill of english needs by the eleventh grade students at SMK Toraja wisata
MDG Allo
Al-Lisan 3 (1), 60-78, 2018
Towards paperless education: A preliminary research appliying e-Learning on engineering education
LD Rumpa, ST Lembang, SVN Rante, B Salu, MDG Allo
Jurnal Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan 6 (2), 1587-1591, 2017
English as a Medium of Instruction: A Survey on Lecturers’ Attitudes
MDG Allo, Kristanto, Rachel
Online Conference of Education Research International (OCERI 2023) series of …, 2023
The strategy used by the English Study Program MBKM Team to improve the soft skills of students participating in the MBKM program
N Taula’bi, ET Sudarsi, MDG Allo
Jurnal Onoma: Pendidikan, Bahasa, dan Sastra 9 (1), 645-652, 2023
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