aldo polettini
aldo polettini
University of Verona, University of Pavia, Synlab
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Methamphetamine-induced neurotoxicity is attenuated in transgenic mice with a null mutation for interleukin-6
B Ladenheim, IN Krasnova, X Deng, JM Oyler, A Polettini, TH Moran, ...
Molecular pharmacology 58 (6), 1247-1256, 2000
Ethyl glucuronide in hair: is it a reliable marker of chronic high levels of alcohol consumption?
L Politi, L Morini, F Leone, A Polettini
Addiction 101 (10), 1408-1412, 2006
Determination of ethyl glucuronide in hair samples by liquid chromatography/electrospray tandem mass spectrometry
L Morini, L Politi, A Groppi, C Stramesi, A Polettini
Journal of Mass Spectrometry 41 (1), 34-42, 2006
Ethyl glucuronide in hair. A sensitive and specific marker of chronic heavy drinking
L Morini, L Politi, A Polettini
Addiction 104 (6), 915-920, 2009
Effect of bleaching on ethyl glucuronide in hair: an in vitro experiment
L Morini, A Zucchella, A Polettini, L Politi, A Groppi
Forensic science international 198 (1-3), 23-27, 2010
Implementation and performance evaluation of a database of chemical formulas for the screening of pharmaco/toxicologically relevant compounds in biological samples using …
A Polettini, R Gottardo, JP Pascali, F Tagliaro
Analytical chemistry 80 (8), 3050-3057, 2008
Fully-automated systematic toxicological analysis of drugs, poisons, and metabolites in whole blood, urine, and plasma by gas chromatography–full scan mass spectrometry
A Polettini, A Groppi, C Vignali, M Montagna
Journal of Chromatography B: Biomedical Sciences and Applications 713 (1 …, 1998
Systematic toxicological analysis of drugs and poisons in biosamples by hyphenated chromatographic and spectroscopic techniques
A Polettini
Journal of Chromatography B: Biomedical Sciences and Applications 733 (1-2 …, 1999
Simultaneous determination of buprenorphine, norbuprenorphine, and buprenorphine–glucuronide in plasma by liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry
A Polettini, MA Huestis
Journal of Chromatography B: Biomedical Sciences and Applications 754 (2 …, 2001
Blood kinetics of ethyl glucuronide and ethyl sulphate in heavy drinkers during alcohol detoxification
G Høiseth, L Morini, A Polettini, A Christophersen, J Mørland
Forensic Science International 188 (1-3), 52-56, 2009
Direct determination of the ethanol metabolites ethyl glucuronide and ethyl sulfate in urine by liquid chromatography/electrospray tandem mass spectrometry
L Politi, L Morini, A Groppi, V Poloni, F Pozzi, A Polettini
Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry: An International Journal Devoted …, 2005
Bioanalysis of β2-agonists by hyphenated chromatographic and mass spectrometric techniques
A Polettini
Journal of Chromatography B: Biomedical Sciences and Applications 687 (1), 27-42, 1996
Markers of chronic alcohol use in hair: comparison of ethyl glucuronide and cocaethylene in cocaine users
L Politi, A Zucchella, L Morini, C Stramesi, A Polettini
Forensic science international 172 (1), 23-27, 2007
Simultaneous hair testing for opiates, cocaine, and metabolites by GC–MS: a survey of applicants for driving licenses with a history of drug use
M Montagna, C Stramesi, C Vignali, A Groppi, A Polettini
Forensic science international 107 (1-3), 157-167, 2000
Ethyl glucuronide in hair compared with traditional alcohol biomarkers—a pilot study of heavy drinkers referred to an alcohol detoxification unit
G Høiseth, L Morini, A Polettini, A Christophersen, J Mørland
Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research 33 (5), 812-816, 2009
A direct screening procedure for diuretics in human urine by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry with information dependent acquisition
L Politi, L Morini, A Polettini
Clinica Chimica Acta 386 (1-2), 46-52, 2007
Ethyl glucuronide and ethyl sulphate determination in serum by liquid chromatography–electrospray tandem mass spectrometry
L Morini, L Politi, A Zucchella, A Polettini
Clinica Chimica Acta 376 (1-2), 213-219, 2007
The Potential of Restricted Access Media Columns As Applied in Coupled-Column LC/LC− TSP/MS/MS for the High-Speed Determination of Target Compounds in Serum. Application to the …
EA Hogendoorn, P van Zoonen, A Polettini, G Marrubini Bouland, ...
Analytical chemistry 70 (7), 1362-1368, 1998
Applications of LC-MS in Toxicology
A Polettini
Pharmaceutical Press, 2006
Determination of opiates in hair. Effects of extraction methods on recovery and on stability of analytes
A Polettini, C Stramesi, C Vignali, M Montagna
Forensic science international 84 (1-3), 259-269, 1997
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