Asymmetry matters: Dynamic half-way points in bidirectional labeling for solving shortest path problems with resource constraints faster C Tilk, AK Rothenbächer, T Gschwind, S Irnich European Journal of Operational Research 261 (2), 530-539, 2017 | 89 | 2017 |
The last-mile vehicle routing problem with delivery options C Tilk, K Olkis, S Irnich Or Spectrum 43 (4), 877-904, 2021 | 58 | 2021 |
Bidirectional labeling in column-generation algorithms for pickup-and-delivery problems T Gschwind, S Irnich, AK Rothenbächer, C Tilk European Journal of Operational Research 266 (2), 521-530, 2018 | 51 | 2018 |
Branch-and-price-and-cut for the active-passive vehicle-routing problem C Tilk, N Bianchessi, M Drexl, S Irnich, F Meisel Transportation Science 52 (2), 300-319, 2018 | 41 | 2018 |
Dynamic programming for the minimum tour duration problem C Tilk, S Irnich Transportation Science 51 (2), 549-565, 2017 | 40 | 2017 |
Bidirectional labeling for solving vehicle routing and truck driver scheduling problems C Tilk, A Goel European Journal of Operational Research 283 (1), 108-124, 2020 | 36 | 2020 |
Hybridizing large neighborhood search and exact methods for generalized vehicle routing problems with time windows D Dumez, C Tilk, S Irnich, F Lehuédé, O Péton EURO Journal on Transportation and Logistics 10, 100040, 2021 | 28 | 2021 |
Nested branch-and-price-and-cut for vehicle routing problems with multiple resource interdependencies C Tilk, M Drexl, S Irnich European Journal of Operational Research 276 (2), 549-565, 2019 | 15 | 2019 |
A matheuristic for a 2-echelon vehicle routing problem with capacitated satellites and reverse flows D Dumez, C Tilk, S Irnich, F Lehuédé, K Olkis, O Péton European Journal of Operational Research 305 (1), 64-84, 2023 | 14 | 2023 |
Branch-cut-and-price for scheduling deliveries with time windows in a direct shipping network T Gschwind, S Irnich, C Tilk, S Emde Journal of Scheduling 23 (3), 363-377, 2020 | 13 | 2020 |
A branch-price-and-cut algorithm for the capacitated multiple vehicle traveling purchaser problem with unitary demand N Bianchessi, S Irnich, C Tilk Discrete Applied Mathematics 288, 152-170, 2021 | 12 | 2021 |
Combined column-and-row-generation for the optimal communication spanning tree problem C Tilk, S Irnich Computers & Operations Research 93, 113-122, 2018 | 12 | 2018 |
Branch-and-price-and-cut for the vehicle routing and truck driver scheduling problem C Tilk Gutenberg School of Management and Economics, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität …, 2016 | 8 | 2016 |
Using public transport in a 2-echelon last-mile delivery network J Schmidt, C Tilk, S Irnich European Journal of Operational Research, 2022 | 5 | 2022 |
Exact Solution of the Vehicle Routing Problem With Drones J Schmidt, C Tilk, S Irnich Gutenberg School of Management and Economics, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität …, 2023 | 3 | 2023 |
Asymmetry helps: Dynamic half-way points for solving shortest path problems with resource constraints faster C Tilk, AK Rothenbächer, T Gschwind, S Irnich Gutenberg School of Management and Economics, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität …, 2016 | 3 | 2016 |
Branch-and-price for the active-passive vehicle-routing problem C Tilk, N Bianchessi, M Drexl, S Irnich, F Meisel Gutenberg School of Management and Economics, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität …, 2015 | 3 | 2015 |
The two-echelon vehicle routing problem with backhauls and capacitated satellites D Dumez, C Tilk, I Stefan, F Lehuédé, K Olkis, O Péton ROADEF 2023: 24ème congrès annuel de la Société Française de Recherche …, 2023 | 1 | 2023 |
Renforcements de la recherche à voisinage large pour les problèmes de tournées de véhicules généralisés D Dumez, K Olkis, S Irnich, F Lehuédé, O Péton, C Tilk ROADEF 2020: 21ème Congrès Annuel de la Société Française de Recherche …, 2020 | 1 | 2020 |
Large Neighborhood Search with set partitioning and dynamic programming for the VRP with Delivery Options D Dumez, I Stefan, F Lehuédé, K Olkis, O Péton, C Tilk SynchroTrans 2019: Second International Workshop on Synchronization in Transport, 2019 | 1 | 2019 |