Alexey Kuzmenko
Alexey Kuzmenko
Group leader, University of Geneva
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Universal optical conductance of graphite
AB Kuzmenko, E Van Heumen, F Carbone, D Van Der Marel
Physical review letters 100 (11), 117401, 2008
Kramers–Kronig constrained variational analysis of optical spectra
AB Kuzmenko
Review of scientific instruments 76 (8), 2005
Giant Faraday rotation in single-and multilayer graphene
I Crassee, J Levallois, AL Walter, M Ostler, A Bostwick, E Rotenberg, ...
Nature Physics 7 (1), 48-51, 2011
Mono- and Bilayer WS2 Light-Emitting Transistors
S Jo, N Ubrig, H Berger, AB Kuzmenko, AF Morpurgo
Nano letters 14 (4), 2019-2025, 2014
Superconductivity in : Clean or Dirty?
II Mazin, OK Andersen, O Jepsen, OV Dolgov, J Kortus, AA Golubov, ...
Physical review letters 89 (10), 107002, 2002
Determination of the gate-tunable band gap and tight-binding parameters in bilayer graphene using infrared spectroscopy
AB Kuzmenko, I Crassee, D Van Der Marel, P Blake, KS Novoselov
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 80 (16), 165406, 2009
Electron-Phonon Interaction and Charge Carrier Mass Enhancement in
JLM Van Mechelen, D Van der Marel, C Grimaldi, AB Kuzmenko, ...
Physical review letters 100 (22), 226403, 2008
Intrinsic terahertz plasmons and magnetoplasmons in large scale monolayer graphene
I Crassee, M Orlita, M Potemski, AL Walter, M Ostler, T Seyller, ...
Nano letters 12 (5), 2470-2474, 2012
Infrared spectroscopy of electronic bands in bilayer graphene
AB Kuzmenko, E Van Heumen, D Van Der Marel, P Lerch, P Blake, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 79 (11), 115441, 2009
Surface transport and band gap structure of exfoliated 2H-MoTe2 crystals
IG Lezama, A Ubaldini, M Longobardi, E Giannini, C Renner, ...
2D Materials 1 (2), 021002, 2014
Gate tunable infrared phonon anomalies in bilayer graphene
AB Kuzmenko, L Benfatto, E Cappelluti, I Crassee, D Van Der Marel, ...
Physical review letters 103 (11), 116804, 2009
Optical determination of the relation between the electron-boson coupling function and the critical temperature in high- cuprates
E Van Heumen, E Muhlethaler, AB Kuzmenko, H Eisaki, W Meevasana, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 79 (18), 184512, 2009
Near optimal graphene terahertz non-reciprocal isolator
M Tamagnone, C Moldovan, JM Poumirol, AB Kuzmenko, AM Ionescu, ...
Nature communications 7 (1), 11216, 2016
Electrically controlled terahertz magneto-optical phenomena in continuous and patterned graphene
JM Poumirol, PQ Liu, TM Slipchenko, AY Nikitin, L Martin-Moreno, J Faist, ...
Nature communications 8 (1), 14626, 2017
Surface state charge dynamics of a high-mobility three-dimensional topological insulator
JN Hancock, JLM van Mechelen, AB Kuzmenko, D Van Der Marel, ...
Physical review letters 107 (13), 136803, 2011
Strong plasmon reflection at nanometer-size gaps in monolayer graphene on SiC
J Chen, ML Nesterov, AY Nikitin, S Thongrattanasiri, P Alonso-González, ...
Nano Letters 13 (12), 6210-6215, 2013
Doping dependence of the redistribution of optical spectral weight in
F Carbone, AB Kuzmenko, HJA Molegraaf, E Van Heumen, V Lukovac, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 74 (6), 064510, 2006
Optical properties of BaFe2-x Cox As2
E van Heumen, Y Huang, S de Jong, AB Kuzmenko, MS Golden, ...
Europhysics Letters 90 (3), 37005, 2010
Infrared-and Raman-spectroscopy measurements of a transition in the crystal structure and a closing of the energy gap of BiTeI under pressure
MK Tran, J Levallois, P Lerch, J Teyssier, AB Kuzmenko, G Autès, ...
Physical review letters 112 (4), 047402, 2014
Anisotropic optical conductivity and two colors of
V Guritanu, AB Kuzmenko, D Van Der Marel, SM Kazakov, ND Zhigadlo, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 73 (10), 104509, 2006
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