Mulualem Asfaw Ejegu
Mulualem Asfaw Ejegu
Assistant Professor in GIS and Remote, Debre Tabor University, Faculty of Social Science and
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Erosion risk assessment: A contribution for conservation priority area identification in the sub-basin of Lake Tana, north-western Ethiopia
DA Bekele, GW Gella, MA Ejigu
International Soil and Water Conservation Research 10 (1), 46-61, 2022
Potential rainwater harvesting suitable land selection and management by using GIS with MCDA in Ebenat District, Northwestern Ethiopia
MA Ejegu, ES Yegizaw
Journal of Degraded and Mining Lands Management 8 (1), 2537, 2020
Geospatial and AHP approach rainwater harvesting site identification in drought-prone areas, South Gonder Zone, Northwest Ethiopia
ES Yegizaw, MA Ejegu, AT Tolossa, AH Teka, TG Andualem, ...
Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing 50 (7), 1321-1331, 2022
Modeling soil erosion susceptibility and LULC dynamics for land degradation management using geoinformation technology in Debre Tabor district, Northwestern highlands of Ethiopia.
MA Ejegu, ES Yegizaw
Determinants of farmers' choice of land management strategies to climate change in drought prone areas of Amhara region: the case of Lay Gayint woreda, Northwest Ethiopia.
WM Wale, MA Tegegne, MT Zeleke, MA Ejegu, ES Yegizaw
Agricultural land suitability analysis for potato crop by using GIS technique in Amhara Region, Ethiopia
M Asfaw, D Asfaw
J Resour Dev Manag 33, 30-40, 2017
Land management, dynamics and vegetation vulnerability analysis in the Guna-Tana watershed as a predictor of land degradation, using remote sensing data.
MA Ejegu, KG Reta, ES Yegizaw, DM Mekonnen, TM Dirar, GK Wassie, ...
Journal of Degraded & Mining Lands Management 9 (4), 2022
Modeling Landscape Dynamics, Erosion Risk, and Annual Sediment Yield in Guna-tana Watershed: A Contribution for Microwatershed Level Conservation Priority Area Identification
MA Daniel Asfaw, Getachew Workineh Gella
Groundwater Resources Development and Planning in the Semi-Arid Region …, 2021
Geospatial technology with the integration of MCDA to identify potential irrigation site for agricultural land management in Wanka watershed, Northwestern Ethiopia
ES Yegizaw, MA Ejegu
Journal of Degraded and Mining Lands Management 9 (1), 3027, 2021
Modelling Land Surface Temperature from Satellite Data and Trigger by Land Use Land Cover Dynamics using Remote Sensing and GIS Technology, in Debra Tabor District, Ethiopia
M Asfaw
energy 7 (6), 2017
International Soil and Water Conservation Research
DA Bekele, GW Gella, MA Ejigu
Potato Crop Suitability Site Selection for Food Security Using GIS with Mcda, in Amhara Region, Ethiopia
MA Ejegu
Vegetation Vulnerability Analysis Triggered by Land Use/Land Cover Dynamics in the Guna-Tana Watershed as a Predictor of Ecosystem Health, Using Remotely Sensed Data
M Asfaw, KG Reta, ES Yegizaw, GK Wassie, BZ Biru, MA Tegegne, ...
Land Cover Dynamics in the Guna-Tana Watershed as a Predictor of Ecosystem …, 0
Department of Geography and Environmental Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, Debre Tabor University, PO Box 272, Debre Tabor, Ethiopia
MAD Asfaw
GIS Technique in Amhara Region, Ethiopia
M Asfaw, D Asfaw
文章 1–15