Nina Grant
Nina Grant
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The relationship between life satisfaction and health behavior: a cross-cultural analysis of young adults
N Grant, J Wardle, A Steptoe
International journal of behavioral medicine 16, 259-268, 2009
Social isolation and stress-related cardiovascular, lipid, and cortisol responses
N Grant, M Hamer, A Steptoe
Annals of Behavioral Medicine 37 (1), 29-37, 2009
A comparison of affect ratings obtained with ecological momentary assessment and the day reconstruction method
S Dockray, N Grant, AA Stone, D Kahneman, J Wardle, A Steptoe
Social Indicators Research 99, 269-283, 2010
Social cognition interventions for people with schizophrenia: a systematic review focussing on methodological quality and intervention modality
N Grant, M Lawrence, A Preti, T Wykes, M Cella
Clinical Psychology Review 56, 55-64, 2017
Clinical characteristics of patients assessed within an Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) service: results from a naturalistic cohort study (Predicting Outcome …
N Hepgul, S King, M Amarasinghe, G Breen, N Grant, N Grey, M Hotopf, ...
BMC psychiatry 16, 1-10, 2016
Assessing the impact of First Episode Rapid Early Intervention for Eating Disorders on duration of untreated eating disorder: A multi‐centre quasi‐experimental study
M Flynn, A Austin, K Lang, K Allen, R Bassi, G Brady, A Brown, F Connan, ...
European Eating Disorders Review 29 (3), 458-471, 2021
First episode rapid early intervention for eating disorders: A two‐year follow‐up
A Fukutomi, A Austin, J McClelland, A Brown, D Glennon, V Mountford, ...
Early Intervention in Psychiatry 14 (1), 137-141, 2020
The first episode rapid early intervention for eating disorders‐upscaled study: clinical outcomes
A Austin, M Flynn, J Shearer, M Long, K Allen, VA Mountford, D Glennon, ...
Early Intervention in Psychiatry 16 (1), 97-105, 2022
Retrieval‐induced forgetting is inversely relatedto everyday cognitive failures
D Groome, N Grant
British Journal of Psychology 96 (3), 313-319, 2005
First episode rapid early intervention for eating disorders (FREED): From research to routine clinical practice
KL Allen, V Mountford, A Brown, K Richards, N Grant, A Austin, D Glennon, ...
Early Intervention in Psychiatry 14 (5), 625-630, 2020
Using internet-based self-help to bridge waiting time for face-to-face outpatient treatment for bulimia nervosa, binge eating disorder and related disorders: study protocol of …
B Vollert, I Beintner, P Musiat, G Gordon, D Görlich, B Nacke, ...
Internet Interventions 16, 26-34, 2019
Predicting outcome following psychological therapy in IAPT (PROMPT): a naturalistic project protocol
N Grant, M Hotopf, G Breen, A Cleare, N Grey, N Hepgul, S King, P Moran, ...
BMC psychiatry 14, 1-8, 2014
Human papillomavirus (HPV) information needs: a theoretical framework
LAV Marlow, J Wardle, J Waller, N Grant
Journal of Family Planning and Reproductive Health Care 35 (1), 29-33, 2009
“I’m truly free from my eating disorder”: Emerging adults’ experiences of FREED, an early intervention service model and care pathway for eating disorders
R Potterton, A Austin, M Flynn, K Allen, V Lawrence, V Mountford, ...
Journal of Eating Disorders 9, 1-14, 2021
Retrieval-induced forgetting and unwanted thought intrusions
D Groome, JD Thorne, N Grant, YJ Pipilis
European Journal of Cognitive Psychology 20 (4), 723-737, 2008
Perfectly formed? The effect of manipulating the waist-to-hip ratios of famous paintings and sculptures
V Swami, N Grant, A Furnham, IC McManus
Imagination, Cognition and Personality 27 (1), 47-62, 2007
Exploring the use of individualised patient‐reported outcome measures in eating disorders: Validation of the Psychological Outcome Profiles
A Austin, R Potterton, M Flynn, K Richards, K Allen, N Grant, D Glennon, ...
European Eating Disorders Review 29 (2), 281-291, 2021
The effectiveness of remote therapy in two London IAPT services
J Nguyen, N McNulty, N Grant, N Martland, D Dowling, S King, L Neely, ...
The Cognitive Behaviour Therapist 15, e23, 2022
Assessing implementation fidelity in the first episode rapid early intervention for eating disorders service model
KL Richards, M Flynn, A Austin, K Lang, KL Allen, R Bassi, G Brady, ...
BJPsych Open 7 (3), e98, 2021
Early weight gain trajectories in first episode anorexia: predictors of outcome for emerging adults in outpatient treatment
A Austin, M Flynn, KL Richards, H Sharpe, KL Allen, VA Mountford, ...
Journal of Eating Disorders 9, 1-8, 2021
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