Anne Julia Rollet
Anne Julia Rollet
在 unicaen.fr 的电子邮件经过验证
Assessment of consequences of sediment deficit on a gravel river bed downstream of dams in restoration perspectives: application of a multicriteria, hierarchical and spatially …
AJ Rollet, H Piégay, S Dufour, G Bornette, H Persat
River Research and Applications 30 (8), 939-953, 2014
Historical geomorphic analysis (1932–2011) of a by-passed river reach in process-based restoration perspectives: The Old Rhine downstream of the Kembs diversion dam (France …
F Arnaud, H Piégay, L Schmitt, AJ Rollet, V Ferrier, D Béal
Geomorphology 236, 163-177, 2015
Maximizing the accuracy of image‐based surface sediment sampling techniques
DJ Graham, AJ Rollet, H Piégay, SP Rice
Water Resources Research 46 (2), 2010
Decadal changes in distribution and frequency of wood in a free meandering river, the Ain River, France
NS Lassettre, H Piégay, S Dufour, AJ Rollet
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms: The Journal of the British …, 2008
The anthropogenic nature of present-day low energy rivers in western France and implications for current restoration projects
L Lespez, V Viel, AJ Rollet, D Delahaye
Geomorphology 251, 64-76, 2015
Etude et gestion de la dynamique sédimentaire d'un tronçon fluvial à l'aval d'un barrage: le cas de la basse vallée de l'Ain
AJ Rollet
Université Jean Moulin-Lyon III, 2007
Monitoring gravel augmentation in a large regulated river and implications for process‐based restoration
F Arnaud, H Piégay, D Béal, P Collery, L Vaudor, AJ Rollet
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 42 (13), 2147-2166, 2017
Monitoring thirty years of small water reservoirs proliferation in the southern Brazilian Amazon with Landsat time series
D Arvor, FRG Daher, D Briand, S Dufour, AJ Rollet, M Simoes, ...
ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 145, 225-237, 2018
Engineering impacts on the Upper Rhine channel and floodplain over two centuries
F Arnaud, L Schmitt, K Johnstone, AJ Rollet, H Piégay
Geomorphology 330, 13-27, 2019
L’utilisation de transpondeurs passifs pour l’estimation du transport sédimentaire: premiers retours d’expérience
AJ Rollet, B Macvicar, H Piegay, A Roy
La Houille Blanche 94 (4), 110-116, 2008
Effects of depression and cognitive impairment on quality of life in older adults with schizophrenia spectrum disorder: results from a multicenter study
RP de Raykeer, N Hoertel, C Blanco, P Lavaud, A Kaladjian, ...
Journal of Affective Disorders 256, 164-175, 2019
Conversions of surface grain-size samples collected and recorded using different procedures
DJ Graham, AJ Rollet, SP Rice, H Piégay
Journal of Hydraulic Engineering 138 (10), 839-849, 2012
Suivi par RFID de la mobilité des galets: retour sur 10 ans d’expérience en grandes rivières
H Piégay, F Arnaud, M CASSEL, T Depret, A Alber, K Michel, AJ Rollet, ...
Bulletin de la Société géographique de Liège, 2016
Environmental dynamics of small rivers in Normandy (western France) since the Neolithic era. What les-sons for today in the context of the European Water Framework Directive?
L Lespez, V Viel, JM Cador, MA Germaine, C Germain-Vallée, AJ Rollet, ...
European continental hydrosystems under changing water policy, 71-90, 2013
Origine et usages de la notion de services écosystémiques: éclairages sur son apport à la gestion des hydrosystèmes
S Dufour, XA Sartre, M Castro, J Oszwald, AJ Rollet
VertigO-la revue électronique en sciences de l'environnement, 2016
Les transformations anthropiques d’un cours d’eau de faible énergie et leurs conséquences, approche géomorphologique et géoarchéologique dans la moyenne vallée de la Seulles …
A Beauchamp, L Lespez, AJ Rollet, C Germain-Vallée, D Delahaye
Géomorphologie: relief, processus, environnement 23 (2), 2017
Psychiatric and physical outcomes of long-term use of lithium in older adults with bipolar disorder and major depressive disorder: A cross-sectional multicenter study
E Morlet, JF Costemale-Lacoste, E Poulet, K Mcmahon, N Hoertel, ...
Journal of Affective Disorders 259, 210-217, 2019
Estimation de l'aléa hydrométéorologique par une méthode par simulation: la méthode SHYREG: présentation–performances–bases de données
P Arnaud, Y Aubert, D Organde, P Cantet, C Fouchier, N Folton
La Houille Blanche 100 (2), 20-26, 2014
On the Political Roles of Freshwater Science in Studying Dam and Weir Removal Policies: A Critical Physical Geography Approach.
S Dufour, AJ Rollet, M Chapuis, M Provansal, R Capanni
Water Alternatives 10 (3), 2017
Sediment dynamics, channel morphology and ecological restoration downstream a dam: the case of the Ain River
AJ Rollet, H Piégay, G Bornette, H Persat
4th ECCR International Conference on River Restoration, 497-504, 2008
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