Tohar Dolev-Amit
Tohar Dolev-Amit
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Identifying the most suitable treatment for depression based on patients’ attachment: Study protocol for a randomized controlled trial of supportive-expressive vs. supportive …
S Zilcha-Mano, T Dolev, L Leibovich, JP Barber
BMC psychiatry 18 (1), 1-9, 2018
Is awareness of strengths intervention sufficient to cultivate wellbeing and other positive outcomes?
T Dolev-Amit, A Rubin, S Zilcha-Mano
Journal of Happiness Studies 22 (2), 645-666, 2021
Oxytocin as a biomarker of the formation of therapeutic alliance in psychotherapy and counseling psychology.
S Zilcha-Mano, S Shamay-Tsoory, T Dolev-Amit, O Zagoory-Sharon, ...
Journal of Counseling Psychology 67 (4), 523, 2020
Tourism and depressive symptoms
E Levi, T Dolev, N Collins-Kreiner, S Zilcha-Mano
Annals of Tourism Research 74 (C), 191-194, 2019
Oxytocin as a neurobiological marker of ruptures in the working alliance
S Zilcha-Mano, Y Porat, T Dolev, S Shamay-Tsoory
Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics 87 (2), 126-127, 2018
Patient demographics and psychological functioning as predictors of unilateral termination of psychodynamic therapy
A Rubin, T Dolev, S Zilcha-Mano
Psychotherapy Research 28 (5), 672-684, 2018
Repairing alliance ruptures using supportive techniques in telepsychotherapy during the COVID-19 pandemic
T Dolev-Amit, L Leibovich, S Zilcha-Mano
Counselling Psychology Quarterly 34 (3-4), 485-498, 2021
Nonverbal synchrony as a marker of alliance ruptures.
K Deres-Cohen, T Dolev-Amit, G Peysachov, FT Ramseyer, ...
Psychotherapy 58 (4), 499, 2021
Oxytocin synchrony between patients and therapists as a mechanism underlying effective psychotherapy for depression.
S Zilcha-Mano, P Goldstein, T Dolev-Amit, S Shamay-Tsoory
Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 89 (1), 49-57, 2021
A randomized controlled trial for identifying the most suitable treatment for depression based on patients’ attachment orientation.
S Zilcha-Mano, P Goldstein, T Dolev-Amit, T Ben David-Sela, JP Barber
Journal of consulting and clinical psychology 89 (12), 985, 2021
The development of the working alliance and its ability to predict outcome in emotion-focused therapy for social anxiety disorder
G Adler, B Shahar, T Dolev, S Zilcha-Mano
The Journal of nervous and mental disease 206 (6), 446-454, 2018
If you believe that breaking is possible, believe also that fixing is possible: a framework for ruptures and repairs in child psychotherapy
A Nof, T Dolev, L Leibovich, J Harel, S Zilcha-Mano
Research in Psychotherapy: Psychopathology, Process and Outcome 22 (1), 2019
Relationships of biomedical beliefs about depression to treatment-related expectancies in a treatment-seeking sample.
MS Lebowitz, T Dolev-Amit, S Zilcha-Mano
Psychotherapy 58 (3), 366, 2021
Changes in causal attributions and relationship representations: Are they specific or common mechanisms in the treatment of depression?
S Zilcha-Mano, H Chui, T Dolev, KS McCarthy, U Dinger, JP Barber
Journal of affective disorders 193, 73-80, 2016
Achieving successful resolution of alliance ruptures: for whom and when?
T Ben David-Sela, T Dolev-Amit, CF Eubanks, S Zilcha-Mano
Psychotherapy Research 31 (7), 870-881, 2021
The role of the therapeutic relationship in the association between interpersonal behaviors and outcome: Comparison of two competing models
T Dolev, S Zilcha-Mano
Psychotherapy Research 29 (5), 553-564, 2019
The process of change in ethnic minority males undergoing psychodynamic psychotherapy: a detailed comparison of two cases
T Dolev, S Zilcha-Mano, H Chui, MS Barrett, KS McCarthy, JP Barber
Psychoanalytic psychotherapy 32 (2), 157-180, 2018
Patients’ individual differences in implicit and explicit expectations from the therapist as a function of attachment orientation.
S Zilcha-Mano, T Dolev-Amit, H Fisher, T Ein-Dor, B Strauß
Journal of Counseling Psychology 68 (6), 682, 2021
Is the use of interpretations associated with treatment outcome? A systematic review and meta-analytic answer.
S Zilcha-Mano, JR Keefe, H Fisher, T Dolev-Amit, N Veler-Poleg, ...
Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice, 2023
The melody of ruptures: identifying ruptures through acoustic markers
T Dolev-Amit, A Nof, A Asaad, A Tchizick, S Zilcha-Mano
Counselling Psychology Quarterly 35 (4), 724-743, 2022
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