Dhriti Bhattacharyya
Dhriti Bhattacharyya
Senior Scientist at ANSTO and Adjunct faculty at UNSW
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The role of crystallographic and geometrical relationships between α and β phases in an α/β titanium alloy
D Bhattacharyya, GB Viswanathan, R Denkenberger, D Furrer, HL Fraser
Acta materialia 51 (16), 4679-4691, 2003
Deformability of ultrahigh strength nanolayered composites
NA Mara, D Bhattacharyya, P Dickerson, RG Hoagland, A Misra
Applied Physics Letters 92 (23), 231901, 2008
Microstructural evolution in laser deposited compositionally graded α/β titanium-vanadium alloys
R Banerjee, PC Collins, D Bhattacharyya, S Banerjee, HL Fraser
Acta Materialia 51 (11), 3277-3292, 2003
Crystallographic and morphological relationships between β phase and the Widmanstätten and allotriomorphic α phase at special β grain boundaries in an α/β titanium alloy
D Bhattacharyya, GB Viswanathan, HL Fraser
Acta Materialia 55 (20), 6765-6778, 2007
Mechanism for shear banding in nanolayered composites
NA Mara, D Bhattacharyya, JP Hirth, P Dickerson, A Misra
Applied Physics Letters 97 (2), 2010
Compressive flow behavior of Al–TiN multilayers at nanometer scale layer thickness
D Bhattacharyya, NA Mara, P Dickerson, RG Hoagland, A Misra
Acta Materialia 59 (10), 3804-3816, 2011
Texture evolution via combined slip and deformation twinning in rolled silver–copper cast eutectic nanocomposite
IJ Beyerlein, NA Mara, D Bhattacharyya, DJ Alexander, CT Necker
International journal of plasticity 27 (1), 121-146, 2011
Tensile behavior of 40 nm Cu/Nb nanoscale multilayers
NA Mara, D Bhattacharyya, RG Hoagland, A Misra
Scripta Materialia 58 (10), 874-877, 2008
Precipitation of grain boundary α in a laser deposited compositionally graded Ti–8Al–xV alloy–an orientation microscopy study
R Banerjee, D Bhattacharyya, PC Collins, GB Viswanathan, HL Fraser
Acta materialia 52 (2), 377-385, 2004
The effect of excess atomic volume on He bubble formation at fcc–bcc interfaces
MJ Demkowicz, D Bhattacharyya, I Usov, YQ Wang, M Nastasi, A Misra
Applied Physics Letters 97 (16), 2010
Selection of α variants during microstructural evolution in α/β titanium alloys
E Lee, R Banerjee, S Kar, D Bhattacharyya, HL Fraser
Philosophical Magazine 87 (24), 3615-3627, 2007
Interface-facilitated deformation twinning in copper within submicron Ag–Cu multilayered composites
J Wang, IJ Beyerlein, NA Mara, D Bhattacharyya
Scripta Materialia 64 (12), 1083-1086, 2011
In situ micro tensile testing of He+ 2 ion irradiated and implanted single crystal nickel film
A Reichardt, M Ionescu, J Davis, L Edwards, RP Harrison, P Hosemann, ...
Acta Materialia 100, 147-154, 2015
Phase stability of an HT-9 duct irradiated in FFTF
O Anderoglu, J Van den Bosch, P Hosemann, E Stergar, BH Sencer, ...
Journal of Nuclear Materials 430 (1-3), 194-204, 2012
Transmission electron microscopy study of the deformation behavior of Cu/Nb and Cu/Ni nanoscale multilayers during nanoindentation
D Bhattacharyya, NA Mara, P Dickerson, RG Hoagland, A Misra
Journal of Materials Research 24 (3), 1291-1302, 2009
Relationship between damage and hardness profiles in ion irradiated SS316 using nanoindentation–Experiments and modelling
M Saleh, Z Zaidi, M Ionescu, C Hurt, K Short, J Daniels, P Munroe, ...
International Journal of Plasticity 86, 151-169, 2016
A study of the mechanism of α to β phase transformation by tracking texture evolution with temperature in Ti–6Al–4V using neutron diffraction
D Bhattacharyya, GB Viswanathan, SC Vogel, DJ Williams, V Venkatesh, ...
Scripta Materialia 54 (2), 231-236, 2006
A transmission electron microscopy study of the deformation behavior underneath nanoindents in nanoscale Al–TiN multilayered composites
D Bhattacharyya, NA Mara, P Dickerson, RG Hoagland, A Misra
Philosophical Magazine 90 (13), 1711-1724, 2010
Origin of dislocations within tensile and compressive twins in pure textured Zr
D Bhattacharyya, EK Cerreta, R McCabe, M Niewczas, GT Gray III, ...
Acta Materialia 57 (2), 305-315, 2009
Effect of double ion implantation and irradiation by Ar and He ions on nano-indentation hardness of metallic alloys
P Dayal, D Bhattacharyya, WM Mook, EG Fu, YQ Wang, DG Carr, ...
Journal of nuclear materials 438 (1-3), 108-115, 2013
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