Embedded machine learning using a multi-thread algorithm on a Raspberry Pi platform to improve prosthetic hand performance T Triwiyanto, W Caesarendra, MH Purnomo, M Sułowicz, IDGH Wisana, ... Micromachines 13 (2), 191, 2022 | 21 | 2022 |
Effect of temperature on ph meter based on arduino uno with internal calibration HG Ariswati, D Titisari Journal of Electronics, Electromedical Engineering, and Medical Informatics …, 2020 | 17 | 2020 |
Incubator analyzer using bluetooth android display (Humidity & Air Flow) VN Azkiyak, S Syaifudin, D Titisari Indonesian Journal of Electronics, Electromedical Engineering, and Medical …, 2019 | 17 | 2019 |
The measuring of vital signs using Internet of Things technology (heart rate and respiration) DG Kristiani, T Triwiyanto, PC Nugraha, BG Irianto, D Titisari 2019 International Seminar on Application for Technology of Information and …, 2019 | 15 | 2019 |
Performance analysis of twelve lead ECG based on delivery distance using bluetooth communication AP Mukti, L Lusiana, D Titisari, S Palanisamy Journal of Electronics, Electromedical Engineering, and Medical Informatics …, 2023 | 14 | 2023 |
Waterbath Calibrator with Nine Channels Sensor M Rofi'i, S Syaifudin, D Titisari, B Utomo Indonesian Journal of electronics, electromedical engineering, and medical …, 2019 | 11 | 2019 |
Incubator Analyzer Menggunakan Aplikasi Android HNA Samputri, S Syaifudin, D Titisari Jurnal Teknokes 12 (1), 14-20, 2019 | 6 | 2019 |
Waterbath dilengkapi dengan Safety Control dan Indikator Level Air Berbasis Arduino Uno A Maulidia, HG Ariswati, D Titisari Tugas Akhir Jurusan Teknik Elektromedik Politeknik Kesehatan Surabaya, 2016 | 6 | 2016 |
Identification of lung cancer using a back propagation neural network BG Irianto, MR Mak'ruf, D Titisari TELKOMNIKA Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering 16 (1), 91-97, 2015 | 6 | 2015 |
State-of-the-Art Method Denoising Electrocardiogram Signal: A Review AM Maghfiroh, SD Musvika, LF Wakidi, D Titisari, SY Setiawan, ... Proceedings of the 2nd international conference on electronics, biomedical …, 2022 | 5 | 2022 |
A two channels wireless electrocardiograph system using bluetooth communication RD Zuhroini, D Titisari, T Hamzah, TK Kho Journal of Electronics, Electromedical Engineering, and Medical Informatics …, 2021 | 5 | 2021 |
A review: sensory system, data processing, actuator type on a hand exoskeleton design T Triwiyanto, S Luthfiyah, S Sumber, A Pudji, A Kholiq, B Utomo, ... Journal of Biomimetics, Biomaterials and Biomedical Engineering 50, 39-49, 2021 | 5 | 2021 |
State-of-the-art method to detect R-peak on electrocardiogram signal: a review AM Maghfiroh, SD Musvika, LF Wakidi, L Lamidi, S Sumber, MR Mak’ruf, ... Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Electronics, Biomedical …, 2021 | 5 | 2021 |
Low cost monitoring kesehatan berbasis IoT (Parameter detak jantung dan suhu tubuh) N Hidayanti, HHG Ariswati, D Titisari Teknokes 13 (2), 98-106, 2020 | 5 | 2020 |
A Centrifuge Calibrator Based on Personal Computer Equipped with Data Processor H Asadina, T Hamzah, D Titisari, B Utomo Indonesian Journal of Electronics, Electromedical Engineering, and Medical …, 2019 | 5 | 2019 |
Waterbath Design equipped With Temperature Distribution Monitor F Indiani, D Titisari, L Lamidi Journal of Electronics, Electromedical Engineering, and Medical Informatics …, 2019 | 5 | 2019 |
Sabuk respiration rate dengan sensor piezoelektrik A Ardiyanto, E Yulianto, D Titisari Indones J Electron Electromed Med Informatics, 1-10, 2018 | 5 | 2018 |
Water-Bath Calibration Device with Data Storage Using Six Thermocouple Sensor Y Kusumawardani, ED Setioningsih, D Titisari Journal of Electronics, Electromedical Engineering, and Medical Informatics …, 2020 | 4 | 2020 |
Prosthetic hand with 2-dimensional motion based EOG signal control MR Pratomo, BG Irianto, T Triwiyanto, B Utomo, ED Setioningsih, ... IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 850 (1), 012024, 2020 | 4 | 2020 |
Investigation of the Number of Features and Muscles for an Effective Hand Motion Classifier Using Electromyography Signal T Triwiyanto, B Utomo, D Titisari, MR Mak’Ruf, T Rahmawati Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1373 (1), 012051, 2019 | 4 | 2019 |